Lancaster, Hugh (Hughie) - Obituaries |

Lancaster, Hugh (Hughie)

LANCASTER, Hugh (Hughie)

1933 - 2019

Passed away peacefully at the Centre Hébergement Richmond on Friday August 9, 2019 at the age of 86.

He leaves to mourn his wife of 65 years Jeannine Côté and his children George (Lise), Richard (Yves) and Normand.
He was the grandfather of Tanya and the great-grandfather to Nathan, Maxime and Chloe.
He also leaves to mourn his sisters Norma (late Paul) and Mona (Gerry).

Visitation will take place at the St. Anne Anglican Church 171, rue Principale Sud, Richmond Quebec on Saturday September 28, 2019 from 11 am to 1 pm followed by the funeral service at 1 pm.
Interment will take place at the North Ely Cemetery.

In lieu of flowers donations to St. Anne Anglican Church Richmond or the Centre Hébergement Richmond would be appreciated by the family.

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17 messages received

La famille Lancaster

Un simple mot pour vous offrir mes plus sincères sympathies en ces moments difficiles! Le départ d’un papa, d’un compagnon de vie est une douleur incomparable que seul le temps et les doux souvenirs peuvent atténuer! Prenez bien soin de vous!

Bises, Roselyne

Roselyne , August 20, 2019


Nos plus sincères condoléances à toi et toute ta famille. Nous sommes de tout cœur avec toi.
Joël et Wayne.

Joël Lagimonière et Wayne Fortin , August 20, 2019

Normand Lancaster

Mes plus syncères sympathies Normand ainsi qu'a ta famille, Xxx

Michel Gardner, August 21, 2019

la famille

Toutes nos sympathies à toute la famille et amis

Gilles Dancause, August 21, 2019

Norman Lancaster

Mon très cher Norman, toutes mes sympathies à toi et tes proches dans ces moments difficiles. Sans le connaitre, ton père m'est toujours apparu à travers toi comme un grand homme que tu aimais énormément. Toutes mes pensées vont vers vous.

Gino Lechasseur, August 21, 2019


Le départ d'un être cher laisse toujours un vide. Que les bons souvenirs que tu gardes de ton père t'aident à surmonter cette épreuve.

Reçois toutes mes sympathies

Michelle Brice, August 21, 2019

Family of late Hughie Lancaster

My sincere sympathy to u all.

Vern Doyle

Vern Doyle, August 21, 2019


Our sympathies in the loss of a great man, and a greater friend. We have many memories of Hughie. One of the greatest is our marriage with he as my best man. He will be always be in our hearts and our prayers. As will you. We will surely be there for him, as well as you, on September 28th. and always. xoxo

Mike and Lisa Shelden , August 21, 2019

hughie lancaster

Sincere sympathy to all the family. From Ernestine Whipple of Coaticook
and Arnold MacKeage of Lennoxville.

Tina Whipple , August 21, 2019

hughie lancaster

sincere sympathy to all the family from Ernestine Whipple and Arnold MacKeage.
We knew him as a devoted Odd Fellow and also at the Legion.

Tina Whipple , August 22, 2019


All my sympathies Jeannine and to all of your family. I will always remember uncle Hughie’s laughter and kind spirit! He was such a pleasure to be around with and so much fun! May you be surrounded by love during this difficult period. I will be there Sept. 28. Love, Sylvie

Sylvie Ann Garneau, August 22, 2019

La famille Lancaster

Nous vous offrons nos sincères sympathies à la famille Lancaster particulièrement à Jeannine ainsi qu’aux enfants et la famille . Nous sommes de tout cœur avec vous surtout dans ces moments difficiles pour la perte d’un être cher .

Pierrette Samson , August 23, 2019

Georges et Lise

Mes sympaties à Georges et Lise

Lise Bergeron et Yvon Leclerc, August 24, 2019

Georges Lancaster et toute la famille ,,

Mes sympathies à toute la famille ,,

Louiselle Perreault , August 27, 2019

The family

My thoughts and prayers are with you at such a difficult time. The loss of such a great man leaves a void that only time & memories can heal. Hughie was one of the most loving, caring people who radiated life and always had a twinkle in his eye. Rest in peace cousin. Bobbi

Barbara Davidson, August 29, 2019


Toutes nos sympathies à toute la famille.

Benoît Poulin, September 27, 2019

La famille Lancaster

Nos plus sincères condoléances a toute votre famille.
De Monique et Simon Plantes

Simon Plante , September 28, 2019

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