Labrecque McCourt, Jeanne-D'Arc - Obituaries |

Labrecque McCourt, Jeanne-D'Arc


1933 - 2023

In Sherbrooke, on February 4 2023, Mrs. Jeanne-D'Arc Labrecque passed away at the age of 89, wife of the late Clifford McCourt, from Windsor. She was the daughter of the late Rémi Labrecque and the late Irène Maheu.

The family will receive condolences at Windsor Funeral Home, 310 St-Georges Street, on Sunday, February 12 as of 10 a.m. A ceremony will be held in the parlor at 2 p.m. Interment at Windsor Protestant Cemetery will take place at a later date.

She leaves to mourn, her children: Danny (Raymonde Toussaint), Muriel (Roy Perkins), Sheila (Charlie Oakley), Karen (Peter Boersen), Roy (April Boschee), Diane (Nick Johnson), Nelson (Jennifer Knowles) and Teena (Jeason Corbeil); her 20 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren; her brothers and sisters: Rolland (Claire Carrier), Denise (late Gérard Langlois), late Julienne (late Alexandre Blanchette), late Pauline (late Émilien Richard), Monique (late Gérard Blanchette), Gisèle (late François Blanchette), Colette (Rosaire Larochelle) and Réjean (Diane Latulippe). She also leaves her brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law of the McCourt family as well as several nephews, nieces, many other relatives and friends.

Sincere thanks to the caring staff of the 5th C of the Hôtel-Dieu for their dedication and kindness.

As expressions of sympathy, donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation or the Kidney Foundation of Canada would be appreciated.

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20 messages received

To Roy, Diane,Nelson and Family

My Sincere Sympathy To all the Family

May my support
warm your heart
Réjean Bell, February 6, 2023

All the family

Nos plus sincères condoléances à vous tous pour la perte de notre tante Jeanne D'Arc, nos pensées vous accompagnent.

Votre oncle Roland Labrecque, votre tante Claire Carrier, vos cousins : Nicole, Marc et Suzanne Labrecque

Nicole Labrecque , February 6, 2023

All the family

Nos plus sincères condoléances à vous tous pour la perte de notre tante Jeanne D'Arc, nos pensées vous accompagnent.

Votre oncle Roland Labrecque, votre tante Claire Carrier, vos cousins : Nicole, Marc et Suzanne Labrecque

Nicole Labrecque , February 6, 2023

Karen and Peter

All my sympathies to you and family

Lorraine et Guy

Guy Boyer, February 6, 2023


Sincere condolences on the loss of your dear Mom! You, Roy and your entire family are in ou thoughts during this difficult time….sending much love and many prayers to all of you

Thom & Karen Racine, February 6, 2023

To the McCourt and Labreque families,

To the McCourt and Labreque families, I am truly sorry for your loss, I speak for those who are left of the Farquhars. My sincere condolences I knew her when I was a child.

Louise Farquhar

Louise Farquhar, February 6, 2023

Réjean et Diane et Famille

Mes plus sincères condoléances pour le décès de ta mère ( Réjean) . Bon courage, c’est pas facile perdre un Être si cher à nos yeux.

Ginet Pépin , February 6, 2023

Michael &Jennifer, aussi toute la famille

Avec la plus profonde sympathie.

Carmen Clément Parent, February 6, 2023

pour toute la famille

Bien que les fleurs se fanent, meurent et disparaissent, leurs précieux parfums demeurent toujours. Tout comme ces fleurs éclatantes, ceux que nous aimons ne meurent jamais ; ils demeurent avec nous à jamais, empreints dans nos souvenirs précieux.

Marcel et France L. Maurice Saint-Claude, February 7, 2023

Toute la famille

Mes plus sincères sympathies à vous tous...

Louise Larochelle Lahaie , February 7, 2023

Roy and Diane

Sorry for ur loss

May my support
warm your heart
Lisa Migneault, February 7, 2023

Danny, Teena et famille

Nos sincères sympathies pour votre mère

Johanne Carrier et Marcel Bisson , February 7, 2023

La famille et amis (es)

Sincères sympathies à vous tous...
Nos pensées vous accompagnent

Alain Lussier et Marianne Richard , February 8, 2023

Dany Raymonde MC court

Mes sympathies à la famille

Claudia , February 9, 2023

Danny et raymonde

Toutes mes sympathies à toi et ta famille xxx

May my support
warm your heart
Johanne desrochers , February 9, 2023

Diane est la çà famille.

Sorry for the loss of you’re MOM !

Nicole est Serge, February 12, 2023

a toute la famille

Mes sympathies a la famille

rita langlois, February 12, 2023

to all the McCourt family

Sorry for your loss of your Mom, our deepest sympathies to all of you.

Aline & Michael Patrick , February 14, 2023

The family

My condolences. Mom's are very special souls. May you have all the Blessings and love that they give. Blessings Rev Reg.

Rev Reg , February 14, 2023

The McCourt family et al..

Sincere condolences for the loss of your mother. God bless her soul.

Hudson Vallieres & Patricia Wintle, March 18, 2023

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