Parenteau, Jeannette - Obituaries |

Parenteau, Jeannette

PARENTEAU, Jeannette


1921 – 2018

It is with sadness that we announce the passing Miss Jeannette Parenteau at the CSSS Memphremagog on February 18, 2018, at the age of 97 and formally from Stanstead. She was a daughter to the late Elzéas Parenteau and the late Clara Laroche.

She leaves to mourn her sisters-in-law: Simone Blais (late Lucien Parenteau) and Pierrette Delisle (late Irenée Parenteau).  She was a sister to the late Odila (late Léo Goudreau) and the late Théotime (late Cécile Fortier). She also leaves many cousins, nephews, nieces, other relatives and dear friends.

The family wishes to thank Dr Gauthier and the entire staff of the 4th floor of the CHSLD Memphremagog for the excellent provided to Miss Parenteau.

A graveside service will be held later at the Mont Sainte-Marie cemetery.

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