Webster Roy, Jeannette - Obituaries |

Webster Roy, Jeannette

WEBSTER ROY, Jeannette


Passed away at the C.S.S.S. Memphremagog, on Friday October 8, 2010 at the age of 90 years. Beloved wife of the late Gaston and cherished mother of: Guy (Rita Beliveau), Rita (André Gaulin), and the late Céline (François Gaulin), Dear grandmother of : Mario (Marie), Annie (Martin), Chantal (François), Solange (Eric), Karl, and Daniel (Karine). Jeannette will also be sadly missed by her great=great grandchildren aong with her sister Pearl and brother-in-law Frank Cimprich, sisters-in- law Gisèle and Rosella, many nephews, nieces, other relatives and friends. Resting at the Cass F uneral Home, 545 Dufferin, Stanstead 819-876-5213/www.casshomes.ca on Saturday, October 16, 2010, where friends may visit from 12:00 to 2:45 p.m. followed by the service in Sacred Heart churchat 3:00 p.m.a Interment will take place in Mont Ste. Marie cemetery. The family wishes to thank the personnel at the C.S.S.S. Memphremagog and Pine Manor for the wonderful care given to Jeannette.

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