Carroll, Kathleen - Obituaries |

Carroll, Kathleen

CARROLL, Kathleen

1964 - 2024

                                         In loving memory of 

                               Randy Millar and Kathleen Carroll

                              August 13, 1963 - February 2, 1964


Randy and Kathleen, aged 61 and 60 respectively, passed away in a tragic accident during the evening of November 23, 2024.

They leave behind their three children Jeremy Millar (Marie Frédérique Villemaire), Jamie Millar, and Jane Millar (Francis Mayrand); along with their adored grandchildren Skye Millar and Felix Mayrand.

Randy Millar was the son of the late Lloyd Millar and Patricia (Patsy) Hughes. He is mourned by his siblings Stephen Millar (Mary Eleanor Yack), Alan Millar (Linda Cowden) and Cathy Millar. Predeceased by Sharon Millar (Richard McMorine).

Kathleen was the daughter of the late John Carroll and Margaret Clarke. She is mourned by her siblings David Carroll (Nancy Ault), Donna Carroll (Michel Guérin) and Bruce Carroll (Guylaine Deschenes). Predeceased by Patrick Carroll (Jill LeRoux).

Kathleen and Randy were also a proud aunt and uncle to many nieces and nephews. They were a true friend to have, amazing neighbours and were known for their welcoming and warm house whose door was always open.

Visitation will take place at the Cass Funeral home, 295 Principale S., Richmond, QC, J0B 2H0, on Thursday, December 5 from 2 p.m to 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Friday, December 6 from 10 a.m  to 12 p.m. A ceremony will be held on Friday, December 6 at 1 p.m. at Ferme Lussier Belgians, 442, route 243 Nord, Canton de Cleveland, Canton-de-l'Est, Québec J0B 2H0, followed by a reception.

The family welcomes you to wear your finest jeans and bring your fondest memories to celebrate Kathleen and Randy’s life.

Everyone who wishes to is invited to bring a letter or picture addressed to Randy and Kathleen to be placed in their saddle bags for their final ride.

In lieu of flowers, donations to Foundation Héma-Québec would be appreciated.


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10 messages received


Je te souhaite mes sympathies ma belle Jane, je pense à toi !

Danielle Grenier, November 28, 2024

The Millar & Carol families

sending my deepest sympathies to all family members RIP

Diane Vigneault , November 28, 2024

Cousin Jeremy, Jamie and Jane

My heart breaks for Kathleen and Randy, dear aunt and uncle. They were the best you could ask for. My fondest memory is coming to visit every summer an riding horses at their house. My thoughts prayers and love are with you all. I'm so sorry I can't be there, but am in spirit. All my love, Pam

May my support
warm your heart
Pamela Soldat, November 28, 2024

The family

Our family sends our deepest condolences you all. Randy and Kathleen were wonderful caring people that ever respected and loved. I am sure the whole community will be grieving with you. Such a tragic loss.

Ivy and Patrick Hayes, November 28, 2024

The Millar Family

I had the most wonderful memories of your parents, especially when they lived across from my grandmother. They loved their community and most importantly, their family. They were wonderful people to have in our lives.
Sending you all love at this difficult time.

Tara Findlay, November 28, 2024

Familles et amis

Mes sincères condoléances.

May my support
warm your heart
Sylvie Boucher , November 28, 2024

The Family

My deepest condolences to the families. May God grant you courage in this time.

Helen Mallette , November 29, 2024

Randy and Kathleen

You guys were a big part of my life. I know you weren’t family, but you were… I’ve spent so much time with you when I was younger and I am so blessed that I had that chance ! You were full of happiness and joy and we will all remember that!

I wish you a great ride, and I send you all my love!

May my support
warm your heart
Sarah-Raphaelle Frechette, December 5, 2024

The Millar family

My deepest sympathies to all of the family, Jeremy, Jamie , Jane and my sweet Skye . Randy and Kathleen were amazing people. Lots of amazing memories shared with them. My thoughts and love are with you during this difficult time ️

May my support
warm your heart
Daisy, December 5, 2024

The Millar & Carroll families

Our deepest sympathy,
may love and comfort wrap you in their warm embrace during this difficult time.

May my support
warm your heart
Colette & James LeRoux, December 7, 2024

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