George, Knight - Obituaries |

George, Knight

GEORGE, Knight

1938 - 2018

Passed away at the CHUS Hotel-Dieu, Sherbrooke, on Saturday November 24, 2018. Knight George son of the late Lyford Goerge and the late Vera Harling. Survived by his children Allen, Vanessa and Kevin and his grandchildren Kylie and Kieran.

Visitation will take place at Saint-Clément Catholic Church Basement, 73 rue Principale, Bishopton on Sunday December 2, 2018 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. followed by a Graveside Service at the lakeside Cemetery, Bishopton at 2:00 p.m.

In lieu of flowers, donation to the Pope Memorial Elementary School, 523 Stokes St., Bury, QC, J0B 1J0.

The family would like to thank the East-Angus Ambulance Team and the staff of the CHUS Hôtel-Dieu for their care.

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4 messages received

Allan George

I m sorry for your loss and wish my sympathy to you and your family. I had a discussion with Knight at St-Hyacinthe and all i can say about him, he was very intelligent, wise man and for all of us a Legend!!! Love Johanne and Yoland...

Johanne Fleury, December 1, 2018

La famille de Knight George

Nous souhaitons vous offrir nos sincères condoléances. Notre famille garde de nombreux souvenirs de Knight George avec ses chevaux de race Belge. Nos meilleures pensées vous accompagnes,

Lucille et Julien Houle
Guylaine Houle et Joël Bergeron

Guylaine Houle, December 2, 2018

Georges Knight

Nous vous présentons nos plus sincères condoléances.
Knight était un bon ami. Nous gardons de précieux souvenirs.
Monique et Clermont Veilleux
La Guadeloupe, Beauce

Clermont Veilleux, December 2, 2018

Allen and family

Condolences. You know what Knight (Pa) meant to me. Wish I could have been there to tell you in person. Thinking of all of you.

Craig / Holly- his nickname for me

Craig Evans, December 3, 2018

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