Brazel, Larry George - Obituaries |

Brazel, Larry George

BRAZEL, Larry George

1955 - 2018

It is with great sadness that the family announces the passing of Larry George Brazel on August 7, 2018 at the CHUS Fleurimont Sherbrooke.

Larry leaves to mourn his wife Christine (Cutler), his children Ian Pratt (Gina), Colleen Brazel and Michael Brazel. He was the predeceased by his parents Duncan and Doreen Brazel.

Visitation will take place at the Cass Funeral Home, 3006 Colllege St. Sherbrooke (Lennoxville), on Friday, August 17, 2018 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and on Saturday, August 18th from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. followed by the funeral service at 3:00 p.m. Interment will take place at a later date.

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14 messages received

Christine & family

Our thoughts and sincere condolences are with you. There are no words to think what you are going through. Larry was a dedicated father, good friend to many and it was always a pleasure to chat with Larry when I would see him a the course.

Danielle & Michael Bresee , August 15, 2018


Larry and I have known each other since high school, then we ended up working for Bell Canada together for 16 years. We also shared a love of sports softball and golf but mostly golf. Larry has always been the type of guy that if you needed help he would come out and give you a hand without being asked. He was devoted to his wife Christine and his children and spent a lot of time with them practising sports. This is a little bit of an inside story but I will never forget watching a 6’7” Larry Brazel standing on an 18 inch mound staring down to a 5’9” David Bradley. That will always be a favourite image in my minds eye when I remember Larry. We have all lost a good friend. Love you Larry!

Steven Patrick , August 15, 2018

Christine and family

Larry and I met back in the 80's, shortly after I arrived to the Townships from the Lower North Shore. We got to know each other in the broomball and softball world of Huntingville. When I think and remember Larry, I always fall back on the time we were on opposing teams in the finals at the Huntingville annual broomball tournament and I was winged opposite of this very tall man and all I could think is I have to be quicker or I stand no chance getting around him. Needless to say a little scary but a whole lot of fun. Larry was always a gentleman, a man that cared about his family , his friends, and a man that was involved in his community. All of us that have had the privilege to have this man in our lives in one way or another were truly blessed. You will be missed my friend but your memory will forever be in my mind.

Lisette Gallibois, August 16, 2018

Brazel Larry

Sincerres Sympathies a toute la famille.

Paul Durocher, August 16, 2018

The Family

Larry and I went to school together. He was a great guy. It is sad to see him leave this life so early.

Dave Gordon

Dave Gordon, August 16, 2018

Larry Brazel Family

May this message bring you the testimony of a profound and sincere sympathy.

Edwin Deacon, August 17, 2018

Edwin Deacon

What a surprise I got when I received the message from the Ramages. I remembered our many years together growing up. I missed our Friendship after my moving to Ontario to get married and start my Family.
We became friends in 1962 and were close Friends for the next 25 years we were friends. I remember playing basketball at the garage, Ball Hockey in your driveway or at the school. We took shoots at each other in your basement. Your Family always included me and we had loads of fun playing cards and Crokinole. You also taught me to play golf and started me shooting targets at the Rifle Club. We played softball all summer long for years. There was running across lawns behind my house and past Osborn Dixes pathway to the school. When you started to drive you always had room in your Mother's Cortina. We had our Driveway Shoveling team and we spent many times after shoveling at the Dog House eating the Hamburg Steak. From our playing soccer on the rink with goalies with a baseball bat to fun rides cross country we always had good times.
We were always good to each other and I'll really miss you. Rest in Peace Larry and God Bless your Family in this time of sorrow.

Edwin Deacon, August 17, 2018

Famille de Larry

Ne pouvant être présente, c'est avec beaucoup de tristesse que je vous offre mes plus sincère sympathies.
J'ai connu Larry à mon arrivée chez Bell en 1998 et depuis nous travaillions ensemble. Il a toujours été d'une grande générosité, compréhension, support , d'une gentillesse délicate avec un grand sens de l'humour. Sa présence me manquera beaucoup. Bon courage à toute la famille à travers cette épreuve douloureuse.

Anne-Catherine Duclos

Anne-Catherine Duclos, August 17, 2018


Christine, please know how sorry I am to have heard of Larry's passing. You are surrounded by people who love and care for you and although it will be extremely difficult, I know you will be the rock the kids need.
I will be going to the wake, and will try to see you. When the time is right for you, please know that you can reach out to me for anything.
Fran ( Francisca - Dylan's mom)

Francisca , August 17, 2018

Toute la famille

C'est avec grand regret que j'ai appris le décès de Larry Brazel avec qui, j'ai eu le plaisir de travailler à Bell Canada.

Malheureusement, je ne pourrai aller au salon et aux funérailles, mais je tenais à vous offrir mes "sincères condoléances" à vous son épouse ainsi qu'à ses enfants!

Bon courage!

Hélène Julien, August 17, 2018

Christine, Ian (Gina), Colleen, Michael

We were all so shocked and saddened to hear of Larry’s passing. He was a kind, thoughtful man who was very devoted to Christine, Ian, Colleen and Michael. You were his world. We will all miss his funny laugh, his honest smile. You have our deepest sympathies.

John & Jill Laberee and family

Jill Laberee, August 17, 2018

Christine Cutler

I am so sorry for your loss
I cannot be present
I worked with him till I retired in 1998 and for an other 6 years
My deepest sympathy

Joanne Clément from Bell Canada

Joanne Clément, August 17, 2018

La famille

Mes plus sincères condoléances à vous tous.
Je ne peux malheureusement être présent pour la cérémonie mais mon cœur est avec vous.
Francine Blanchard

Francine blanchard, August 18, 2018

Larry's Family

It was with great sadness that I heard the news of his death.

I met Larry by work about fifteen years ago. During my first meeting with him, certainly his imposing stature but it is especially his calm and practical sense that have hooked me. With him, there are never problems, just solutions. He phoned me regularly to get feedback on a new technician, engineer or promoter.

He had the gift to call you when it was not going well, he started the conversation by saying: "Hello Buddy, how you doing ? " He took the time to take news, just like that and always ended by saying: " take care my friend ! "

In spite of the various ordeals that he was able to cross, he always kept his spirits up and always had a good word. A gentleman ! A real !

Please accept my sincere sympathy and good luck in this very difficult moment.

I will miss you Big Guy! Rest in peace my friend and protect yours.

Michel Gobeil
Hydro Québec

Michel Gobeil, August 18, 2018

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