Morgan Jackson, Linda Karen - Obituaries |

Morgan Jackson, Linda Karen


1955 - 2022

Linda Karen Morgan Jackson

June 18, 1955 – December 25, 2022

Absent from the body, present with the LORD

On Christmas morning, surrounded by her family (both physically and virtually), Linda Morgan-Jackson went Home to be with her LORD suddenly but peacefully at the CHUS Fleurimont in Sherbrooke Quebec. She was born in Montreal, Quebec to William “Bill” Morgan and Jean Bell, where she lived until she was 5 years old. She lived the rest of her days in and around the Eastern Townships, Quebec, calling Moncton, New Brunswick home for many summers in her adolescent years.   

Linda was preceeded by her parents and her stepmom Hugette Poirier. Her legacy will live on through her husband- Allan “Jake” Jackson, her children and grandchildren- Terri-Lyn (Collin), Mikayla and James; Leora (Dylan); Dawn (Michael) Millie, Jacob and Felix; Anna-Lea (Ginny); Aaron (Kathryn) Kezia, Ryan and Max; Andrew (Darci) Baby Morgan-Jackson, her sister- Cathy, nieces and nephews, and many more who called Linda mom, sister and friend. 

Linda was passionate about Jesus and loving people, which was evident through her work at Butters, where she met Jake, her many years spent serving at Frontier Lodge and years hosting and leading home Bible Studies for ladies. Her kettle was always available for a cup of tea and chat and her home was always open with an extra seat at the table. 

She will be remembered for her faith, quiet demeanor, her quick wit, and dry sense of humour. She had a way of always looking on the bright side which she instilled in many who knew her, much to their dismay many times. She was a prayer warrior and advocate for hundreds, always seeing the good in people. Linda embodied Proverbs 31: 10-31 to all who knew her. 

The family would like to express their gratitude to the staff at the CHUS Fleurimont for their exceptional, compassionate care in her last days and hours. 

Family and friends will gather on Monday, April 10, 2023 at Hope Community Church in Lennoxville (102 Queen St), for visitation from 1:00-2:00 pm, followed immediately by a celebration of life at 2:00 pm. Spring always represented new life and hope to Linda, a chance for new beginnings.

 In lieu of flowers, donations to the James Wilson Leadership Trust (Frontier Lodge) would be greatly appreciated by the family.

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24 messages received

Jake and family

So sorry about your loss, especially at Christmas. You will remember that Christmas always, hopefully with a heart full of good memories and a sadness fast changing into the joy only our loving Lord can give at such times. Please accept my sincere condolences.

Evelyn Lalonde, December 28, 2022

Jake and family

my deepest sympathies

Elaine Lebourveau, December 28, 2022

Uncle Allan

I’m deeply saddened to hear of Aunt Linda passing. I have beautiful memories of her. Sending love to you, and your family.

Pamela Nangreaves , December 28, 2022

The Jackson Family

We wish to express our heartfelt condolences. Linda was such a force in our lives. We remember the days at Frontier Lodge. She was an encourager and a nurturer, with a big open heart.
Our prayers are with you all.
Peter and Brenda Bamatter

Brenda Bamatter, December 29, 2022

Dawn and her family

What a beautiful recognition in relation to this worthy woman (Ps31). The value of a mother is one thing but, recognizing it and being able to appreciate it is another.
She will rest in peace near her Heavenly Father now and forever!
Courage and blessings accompany you!

Edith Marquis, December 29, 2022

The whole Jackson family

The obituary sums it up…a Proverbs 31 example. Many condolences to all. It is so nice to know that we, Lord willing, will meet again some day. Praying for all of you through your grieving. Patti and Brad

Patti Willms, December 29, 2022

Jake and Family

We extend our deepest sympathy to Lindas family and her many friends. Fond memories from Ayers Cliff Elementary and birthday parties at Linda home will always have a special place in my heart. '' Rest in peace Linda".

Larry and Lorrayne (Roger) Markwell, December 29, 2022

Jake, Cathy and family

I am so sorry for your loss. I know Linda is with her heavanly Father and that is a blessing to you all. I wish we lived closer but I am so glad we had the short visit in Main in October of 2019. The thing I remember the most about Linda is she always tried to see the brighter side of things even as kids she had a smile to remember. I always enjoyed our visits during the summer when we were small and also when Dave and I took the kids to visit you in Ayerscliff. Linda always made us feel welcome as we passed through on vacation. I also remember Frontier Lodge as we had a couple of afternoon visits there with you. It was a beautiful spot and I know the Lord changed many lives there. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and may you receive a peace that only Jesus can bring.

Dave and Wendy Keirstead

Wendy R Keirstead, December 29, 2022


Dear Leora, we are very sorry for your loss and we send our deepest condolences ! Dana, Nick and Lucas Vanderkwaak

Dana Vanderkwaak, December 29, 2022

The family

Sorry for your lost my deepest sympathy

Lee Dezan, December 29, 2022

Jake and Family

So sorry for you're loss, our deepest sympathy. Leaving many memories of linda welcoming us into her home and we remember the time camping. She was always a kind, loving and caring person with a big heart.
Thinking of you all from the Phaneuf family.
Our prayers are with you all.

Jamie phaneuf , December 29, 2022

The Family

My deepest sympathy to all of you in your loss. Linda was a wonderful person whom I have had the pleasure of knowing since she was a little girl. May she rest in peace.

Muriel Martin, December 29, 2022

Jake and Family

I am so sorry to hear of Linda's passing. Both you and Linda were such an inspiration to me during my years at Frontier Lodge. This news is bitter Sweet. The Bitter being the void Linda will leave by her absence and the sweet is because we can rejoice that she will be present with the Lord. I am so thankful and Blessed that she touched my life in so many ways, even though it was for such a short time.

With Love and in Christ
Karen Kattas (STYX)

Karen Kattas, December 30, 2022


My sympathies, Jake. It seems difficult to believe... so fast! She was sitting behind me at meeting two Sundays before Christmas Day! I didn't know her well but I appreciated my little exchanges with her at ACGC. Life at best is very brief. All the messages of sympathy indicate how much she was loved. May the Lord comfort you and all the family.

Marj Robbins, December 30, 2022

Jake & family

What sad news to hear of Linda's passing. She has passed on into eternity! We shall have a wonderfully happy reunion with her some day. What a witness for Christ she was - a true woman of God. We've all been gloriously blessed by her presence in our lives. May God comfort you all in this sad time, but she would encourage us all to be happy that she is with the Lord. Thank you dear Jackson family for your love over the years at Frontier Lodge, my deepest sympathies, Woody Paulette

Woody Paulette, December 30, 2022

Jake and the family

We are praying for all of you that you will have peace in the sadness at the loss of such a wonderful person.

Ray & Kay Lespérance, December 30, 2022


I was a regular at frontier lodge, as a camper since 1986 and a councillor into the mid-1990s, and Linda was a constant presence there. She was the ‘mom’ who was always around. I remember her quiet presence clearly. My condolences for your loss. The community you sustained at frontier was a gift.

Catherine Sinclair , December 30, 2022

Jake, Cathy & Family

We extend our sympathy to you all at this sad time. We were so glad to get a short visit with you in June.
God bless you in the days ahead, We will see you in April, Lord willing.

Ann & Bob Stone, December 30, 2022

Jake and the whole family

David and I want to send our sincerest condolences to the whole family. Words cannot express our appreciation for the Jackson family. When we arrived at HCC in 1998 your whole family was such a blessing in our transition time. Linda was such a joy to co-labour with. I was immediately drawn into the sphere of her warmth, encouragement and wonderful humour. I learned so much from her! I am deeply saddened that I will not see that smile or hear that laugh again on this earth, but I treasure the thought of how she is celebrating with Jesus at this moment! We pray you will take comfort in the love of friends and family and in the comfort of our Lord at this time.

David and Nancy Dytynyshyn, December 31, 2022

jake and family

so sorry for your loss. Linda was a great woman, my Gram Grace loved her.

Sue Keeble, January 1, 2023

Linda's family

Our deepest sympathy to you all. We were so saddened to hear of Linda's passing on Christmas Day.

You are in our thoughts, and in our prayers.

We will be making a donation to the James Wilson Fund at Frontier Lodge. We know that would please Linda.

God Bless, Ron and Cynthia Drew

Ron and Cynthia Drew, January 2, 2023

Jake and all of the family

My deepest sympathies, she had such a beautiful smile.

Christine Cutler, January 3, 2023

The Jackson Family

Our sincere condolences for your great loss. We remember her ready smile and warmth, and quick wit. Your family created a feeling of belonging and fun at Frontier Lodge that we hold with fond memories. Your open arms to so many extended Jesus’ love to those around you, and Linda was clearly a wonderful part of that. Death always comes as a shock no matter the circumstances, and I think it’s because it was not supposed to be this way... but we have the hope of eternity with Him. God bless you all as you miss her, and may He give you peace.

Lorraine (Andrews) and Andrew Cadeau, Melissa (Nick) and Heather (Fred, Ezra) Major , January 4, 2023

Linda's family

What a shock to the system to learn that Linda no longer lives at Ayer's Cliff. What a consolation to know that she is present with the Lord - no more suffering.
When I picked up my English Bible to start the New Year of daily readings (last year I read in French), I found between its pages a beautiful bookmark that Linda had given me in 1993 when we worked together at Frontier Lodge. It has reminded me to pray for you all daily these past months. We had such wonderful times at Frontier Lodge, as did our boys and now our grandsons.
We are grateful that Jake has had all his children home these past days - and that they got here before the ice storm made travel to the airport difficult.
We pray that the Lord will continue to meet the needs of each one of you, as He promised to do . Deepest sympathies,
Linda Francius for all the family

Linda Francius, April 10, 2023

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