McCutcheon, Lionel - Obituaries |

McCutcheon, Lionel


1922 - 2019

Passed away peacefully on Saturday, May 25, 2019 at the CHUS Hôtel-Dieu at the age of 96. He was predeaceased by his parents Jimmy McCutcheon and Alphonsine Labrecque.

He was the father of France (Léonard), Pauline and Grace (Robert).

He was the grandfather of Johanne (Michel), Chantal, Mylène (Jean), Stephan Jr, Kristel , Mason, Lyla, Jason, Justin, Clayton and was the great grandfather of 7 great-grandchildren and 4 great-great- grandchildren.

He also leaves to mourn his brothers Henri (late Pierrette), André (Marie Jeanne), and was predeceased by Rose-Alba (late Frank), Albert (late Gabrielle), Delcia (Trefflé), Lucien (Gabrielle), Paul (late Rose), and Gérard (late Georgette).

Visitation will take place at the Cass Funeral Home, 50 Craig St. Cookshire, QC on Sunday June 2, 2019 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and on Monday June 3, 2019 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. followed by the service 11 a.m. in the funeral home.

Interment will take place at the Island Brook Cemetery.

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aux enfants... et a tout ceux qui sont touchés par ce départ...

toute nos sympathies... on pense a vous tres fort... nos pensées et nos coeurs sont avec vous... courage pour traverser cette é la santé de papa tres délicate.. nous n'avons pas aviser papa du déces de son frere...

Henri McCutcheon et tout ses enfants.., May 30, 2019

Famille McCutcheon

Un petit mot pour dire que je pense à vous en ces moments plus difficiles. Ma prière vous accompagne.

Marc Bégin, June 5, 2019

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