Besmargian, Maleck - Obituaries |

Besmargian, Maleck


1930 - 2022

Peacefully at Hotel-Dieu Hospital on Saturday, March 5th. Predeceased by his wife Eleanor Rick. He leaves behind his daughters Joanne (Michael Taylor) and Julie (Dean Leeder), his grandchildren Rebecca, Bridget (Kristofer Smith) and Evan Taylor, Sabrina and William Leeder as well as his great-granddaughter Cleo Smith. He also leaves his sister Dr. Marie Besmargian. He was predeceased by his brothers and sister Jake Wazir (the late Julienne), Samuel, Victor, Victorine, André, Henri (Jocelyne), and Roger. He will also be missed by many nieces, nephews, and friends.

A private graveside service will take place in the spring.

Maleck enjoyed cooking, gardening, fishing, and sports

In lieu of flowers, donations to The Pet Connection Lennoxville would be appreciated (e‑transfer or Paypal to or 1730 rue Wellington S, Sherbrooke, QC J1M 1K9).

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11 messages received

Besmargian family

Our sympathies to the family

Glenn & Cindy Barlow, March 8, 2022

Dr Marie Besmargian

Bonjour chère Dr Marie , je vous offre mes plus sincères condoléances pour le décès de votre frère bien-aimé Maleck . Vous avez été un Merveilleux Pédiatre pour mes 4 enfants , vous avez été et êtes encore très chère dans mon cœur ❤️, prenez bien soin de vous ainsi que des votres .

May my support
warm your heart
Ginet Pépin , March 9, 2022

Jocelyne et à la famille

Mes sincères sympathies à toute la famille.

Lise Beauchesne, March 9, 2022

Rebecca Taylor

I wish to express my sincere sympathy to you Rebecca , on the death of your grandfather. I am very sorry for all the members of your family .

Ann OlneyBelden, March 9, 2022

Dr Marie Besmargian et la famille

Chère Marie,Je suis de tout cœur avec toi et je partage ta peine.Que ta foi t’aide à traverser ces moments difficiles.To Joanne,Julie and their families,my deepest sympathies.
Mes plus sincères condoléances,
Florence AinMelk

Florence AinMelk, March 10, 2022

Besmargian Family

Very sorry to hear of Maleck’s passing. Please accept my condolences.

Brenda Philbrick-Horan, March 10, 2022

Au Dre Marie Besmargian

Je vous offre mes plus sincères sympathies. Je ne vous ai jamais oubliée. Vous avez toujours une place dans notre coeur. Je partage votre peine d'avoir perdu votre frère. Bon courage.

Gaetan, Rachel, François et Patricia Harton, March 11, 2022

Joanne, Julie & families

Maleck’s steadfast presence on Grove St. in Danville will be missed. It was always a place that we could stop in, visit, enjoy a beer or fresh veggies, “cigar” grape leaf wraps, and that warm, delish dark molasses bread from a tin. Mmm. It isn’t the same since Eleanor’s departure, and will seem like something is missing, even if I’m not there very often. He gave me his orthopaedic footwear books and manuals which was always a topic of mutual interest for us. My condolences to Joanne, Julie and families.

Jill Rick, March 12, 2022

Besmargian family

Wishing you our deepest condolences . Thinking of you.

Catherine Dougherty and Tommy Lachapelle , March 13, 2022

Julie, Joanne and families

Thinking of you with deepest sympathy at this difficult time.

Joyce (Blouin) Roche, March 19, 2022

La famille de monsieur Besmargian

Je vous offre mes sincères condoléances. J'ai eu la chance de connaître un homme totalement honnête et d'une gentillesse exceptionnelle. Il était d'une galanterie et d'une grande ouverture de coeur. Je suis vraiment heureuse d'avoir eu la chance de le rencontrer. Pendant plusieurs années, il est venu pour des traitements pour ses yeux et c'est toujours avec joie que nous avons eu de courte, mais de belles conversations. Merci monsieur Besmargian, j'ai appris beaucoup de vous.

Nicole, March 25, 2022

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