Bryson Littler, Margaret - Obituaries |

Bryson Littler, Margaret


1945 - 2024

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the sudden and unexpected passing of Mrs. Margaret Bryson at the age of 78 on May 19, 2024. Loving wife of 45 years to Mr. Richard Littler. She was the daughter of the late Arnold William Bryson and the late Ruth Elizabeth Crutchfield.


She will be missed by her daughter Ruth (Joshua Diffley) and her three much-adored grandchildren:  Jace, Skylar and Mackenzie.

Also by her siblings:  Mildred (Ronald Martin), the late John, the late Bill (Lynn McFarlane), Jim, the late Thomas (Sue), Donald (Tina Winter), Harold. Her brothers-in-law: the late Roger (Jacqueline Rondeau) and the late James (the late Donna Craig). She also leaves behind many nieces and nephews and dear friends.


The visitation will take place at the Cass funeral Home, 3006 College St., Sherbrooke (Lennoxville) on Thursday May 30 from 7 to 9 pm and Friday May 31, as of 9 am. The funeral service will be held at 11:15 am at the Green Ridge Baptist Church followed by the burial at the St-Michel Cemetery.


The family extends their sincere thanks to the staff and management at the Grace Village for their kindness and support.


In lieu of flowers, donation to the Grace Village Foundation would be appreciated.

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33 messages received


Richard, It is with great sadness and condolences to learn of the recent passing of Margaret. She was always good to me on our family vacations to Quebec. I will pray for you and your family.
Marion Vanwart Croft

Marion Vanwart Croft, May 22, 2024

Margaret et Richard

Condoléance à toi et toute la famille de la part des Retraités de la Sts
et aussi personnellement Andréo et Diane

Andréo Desmarais, May 23, 2024

Richard Littler

We would like to extend our sincerest sympathy to all of Margaret’s family. We have known Margaret for many years as we are friends and neighbours of her sister Millie and husband Ron. I always admired her talent for quilting. She leaves behind a legacy in her beautiful quilts.

Wayne and Julie Kemp, May 23, 2024

Richard Littler et Ruth

Toutes mes sympathies à vous deux et à tous les membres de votre famille. Margaret a fait beaucoup dans l'univers de la courtepointe et je garde un souvenir d'une femme engagée et généreuse. Bon courage!

May my support
warm your heart
LUCIE LAURIN, May 23, 2024

Richard Littler and family

I wish to express my deepest sympathy in the sudden passing of Margaret. We know that her suffering from her recent accident is over and that she is at peace in heaven with our Lord. My prayers will continue for you and your family members.

Wayne Mellish, May 23, 2024


Il y a lors de notre passage dans cette vie des personnes qui nous marquent par leur générosité , leur philosophie et leur sourire bienveillant . Margaret a été une de ces personnes exceptionnelles.
Elle aura toujours une place dans mon cœur.
Courage ,elle aura toujours la main sur l’épaule de ceux qui l’ont aimés .

Lise Moffett, May 23, 2024

Richard et sa famille

Que ce message vous apporte le témoignage d'une sympathie profonde et sincère.

Sylvain Lapointe, May 23, 2024

Richard, Ruth and family

My deepest sympathies in these difficult times. I will keep a very fond souvenir of Margaret.
May she rest in peace

Danielle Vallieres, May 23, 2024

Richard and family

I am very sorry for your loss.
My deepest sympathies.

Maureen, May 23, 2024

Richard & à la Famille

Sympathie à toi Richard ainsi qu’à toute la famille Elle est en présence de son Sauveur Que le Seigneur vous accompagne et vous soutienne dans les jours à venir

Denis & Charlotte Fredette, May 23, 2024

Margaret litter

Condoléance à toute la famille berthe et claire baillargeon

May my support
warm your heart
Berthe la nglois, May 23, 2024

Margaret littler

Condoléances à toute la famille berthe et claire Baillargeon.

Berthe langlois, May 23, 2024


Margaret was a wonderful gentle soul that will be greatly missed, not only for her knowledge in quilting but for her kindness to everyone she met. I send you and the family my deepest sympathies and prayers . Much love, Meghan Plamondon

May my support
warm your heart
Meghan Plamondon, May 24, 2024

RiRichard Littler and family

Sincères Condoléances.Margaret a toujours été un appui pour nous dans notre travail missionnaire, c'était une personne généreuse avec un grand coeur qui se repose maintenant avec Jésus. Que Dieu vous bénisse et vous console durant les jours à venir.

Lise Francis, May 24, 2024

Richard & Ruth

I have no words to ease the loss of Auntie Margaret but know that she will always live in a special place in my heart. Love, condolences and support for you during this difficult time.

Jennifer Martin, May 24, 2024

Richard and family

Yvon and I offer our sincere condolences to you and your family. Margaret’s enthusiasm , friendship ,knowledge, willingness to help me and others learn, her gentle and kind demeanour, her creativity for all related to quilting sparked my interest and eventually, after retirement, membership in the Lennoxville Club both of you so faithfully participated in. Margaret will be missed by all us quilters but no one can imagine how immensely you and the family will miss her every moment of your daily lives.
Joan Kirby Bergeron and Yvon Bergeron

May my support
warm your heart
Joan Kirby Bergeron, May 24, 2024

Littler Family

I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Margaret was a very kind and lovely lady I met in 2007. She was a remarkable woman, whose compassion definitely made her someone to remember. She will be missed.
My condolences to Richard & Ruth, and to all whose lives have been impacted by her sudden departure.
Blessings from above, BA

May my support
warm your heart
Brenda Ann, May 24, 2024

Richard & Ruth

Mes sincères condoléances, je garde dans mon coeur, pleins de beaux souvenirs d'elle, et de nombreux fous rire. Elle fut plus qu'une compagne d'exposition unique.

Bon voyage Margaret.

Linda Caron, May 26, 2024


No words can express how much I am sadden by Margaret's death and how sorry I am for your loss. Margaret was such a good person. And a great quilter and teacher.
My thoughts are with you. Take care.

May my support
warm your heart
Louise Picard, May 26, 2024

Richard Littler

Cher Richard, nos sincères condoléances. Que Dieu te garde dans ce temps d'épreuve. Heureux dès à présent les morts qui meurent dans le Seigneur! Oui, dit l’Esprit, afin qu’ils se reposent de leurs travaux, car leurs oeuvres les suivent. Ap.14.13

Gerry Wegener, May 27, 2024

Richard Littler et famille

Toute nos sympathie à toi Richard et aussi à toute votre famille, nos pensées vous accompagne.

Bertrand et Lucie Bureau, May 27, 2024

Richard Littler et famille

Mes sincères condoléances, pleins de beaux souvenirs d'elle. Mes pensées sont avec vous.

May my support
warm your heart
Carmen Hallee, May 27, 2024

To husband and family

My sincere sympathies to you all. My thought are with you. She will be sorely missed.

Bonny Wilkin, May 27, 2024

Richard Littler et Ruth

Mes sympathies pour le décès de votre précieuse épouse et maman !
Daniel et Diane Bureau

May my support
warm your heart
Diane Roy, May 27, 2024


Richard and family,
I am very sad to hear of Margaret’s passing. She welcomed me warmly into the quilt guild, and I have many fond memories of her. May God grant you strength and peace sufficient for each day ahead.

Janice Potvin, May 27, 2024

Richard et ta fille Ruth et famille.

Toutes mes sympathies à vous!!
Je me souviens de vous, comme un couple uni, aimant le beau sourire de Margaret, sa foi, sa douceur et toi Richard le fameux chauffeur d'autobus..
Toutes mes plus sincères condoléances en ce jour et dans la suite, sachant que ta chère épouse est entrée ds le divin repos.

Hélène Duranleau (feu Pierre Beaudoin) , May 28, 2024

Margaret Bryson Littler

Ce fut une chance immense d'avoir connu Margaret. Ces connaissances en courtepointe et autre nous ont beaucoup aidé. Reçois Richard et ta famille mes plus sincères condoléances.
Thérèse Fauteux

Thérèse Fauteux, May 28, 2024

Richard, Ruth and family

We are so sorry for your loss. Marguerite was such a beautiful, gracious person who is now in the loving presence of her Lord. May God's grace and consolation be with you in the days ahead.
Francely and Linda Francius and family.

Francely and Linda Francius, May 28, 2024

Richard et la famille

Nos sincères sympathies, nous gardons un beau souvenir de Margaret, une femme d'une grande gentillesse.
Que Dieu vous console

Pierre et Marie-Andrée Huot

pierre huot, May 29, 2024

Richard, Ruth et sa famille

Ne pouvant être présents pour vous transmettre nos plus sincères condoléances suite au décès de ta bien-aimée épouse Richard, de ta chère maman Ruth et la grand-maman de tes enfants, nous sommes de tout coeur et en pensées avec vous tous.
La perte d'un être cher laisse un vide que les bons souvenirs et la présence de ceux qu'on aime et qui nous aiment viennent atténuer.
Que notre grand Dieu, Dieu de toutes consolations, vous entoure de ses grands bras d'amour dans cette période de deuil.
Nous gardons un excellent souvenir de Margaret, femme fidèle, dévouée, réservée, résiliante, aimant son Dieu et sa famille.
Fraternellement en Lui,
Francine Ferragne et Pierre-Denis Simard

Francine Ferragne, May 30, 2024

Richard Littler and family

Lina and I and Suzie warned to offer you our most sincere condolences for aunt Margaret's passing. She will be greatly missed. We also know that all her quilting partners especially my Mom will miss her. She is and was a very special person. She had a way to touch everyone in a very special way.

May my support
warm your heart
Marc David Littler, Lina Dufault, Suzy Littler , May 31, 2024

Richard Littler, Ruth and family

We were saddened of the news that Margaret passed away suddenly. We want to offer our most sincere sympathy to you Richard, Ruth and family. Our prayers is that you find comfort in our Lord Jesus Christ who is with us in our moment of needs and may His Peace fill your hearts.

Jean-Pierre & Lucie

Jean-Pierre Bertrand, June 3, 2024

Richard Litler et famille

Toutes nos sympathies! Nous gardons de bons souvenirs de Margaret

Linda et André Lachapelle , June 10, 2024

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