MacLeod Munkittrick, Margaret (Peggy) Anne - Obituaries |

MacLeod Munkittrick, Margaret (Peggy) Anne

MACLEOD MUNKITTRICK, Margaret (Peggy) Anne

1919 - 2021

Margaret (Peggy) Anne MacLeod Munkittrick peacefully passed away at Grace Village, Sherbrooke, Quebec on December 10, 2021 at the age of 102.

Peggy was born in Sherbrooke on January 31, 1919 to the late Edward Kenneth MacLeod and Lillian Anne MacLeod (nee Morrison). She was the wife of the late Harold Lewis Munkittrick, mother to the late Dale Edward Munkittrick and sister to the late Lester Campbell MacLeod. 

She is survived by her daughters in law Annabelle Dryden and Leah Munkittrick, her grandchildren Debbie Beck (Patrick), Dan Munkittrick (Kathy) and great grandchildren Evan, Brigitta, Bryson Beck and Sarah McGinnis (Andrew), Matthew (Abby), Ben Munkittrick (Bethany), great great grandson Jedidiah, nieces Anne Mills (Dennis, deceased December 2014) Beverly Blair (David), nephew Michael Munkittrick (Judy) and many great grandnephews and nieces. Peggy was a faithful and contributing member of Grace Chapel, Sherbrooke, Quebec. Peggy is well known for tirelessly giving of her time, talents and energy to many organizations throughout her long and vibrant life. For many years she worked as a volunteer for the Sherbrooke Welfare distributing clothing and food to families in need even offering her home as a refuge for periods of time to these families. Auntie Peggy and Uncle Harold were part of the founding members of the Christian Youth Camp, Frontier Lodge at Lake Wallace where she either did the cooking for over 100 participants or was responsible for hiring the cook and ordering all the food supplies for over 30 years. Peggy and Harold were responsible for the start up of Maplemount Children's Home in Cookshire, Quebec. After taking care of her elderly aunt in her own home Peggy received an inheritance that included a request that the money be used to build a home for the elderly in the community. In honour of this request Peggy became a Founding Member of Grace Christian Home from the planning stages to the opening in 1957 to what is now Grace Village of the Massawippi Retirement Communities.

All who knew Peggy will remember the warm and welcoming manner with which she received friends, relatives and those in need at her door in Lennoxville and at Lake Wallace.

Private arrangements are entrusted with the Cass Funeral Home, Sherbrooke, Quebec. Internment will take place at a later date at the Lingwick Protestant Cemetery, Gould, Compton County.

As expressions of sympathy, donations to Grace Village or the charity of your choice will be gratefully acknowledged. Send condolences, place a donation or share a special thought of Peggy online at

Funeral to be held Saturday, January 8, 2022, 2pm at Grace Village.      

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Peggy's family

There are no words to express how much Peggy (and Harold) meant to us. We so enjoyed working with them at Frontier Lodge, and it was a joy to visit Peggy at Grace Village.

The tributes to Peggy in The Sherbrooke Record, and in this Obituary, are a testimony of her exemplary life.

We send our sincere condolences to all Peggy's family.

Ron and Cynthia Drew

Ron and Cynthia Drew, December 15, 2021

Munkittrick family and friends

My deepest sympathy to the Munkittrick and friends

Yvonne and Robert Redden, December 22, 2021

MACLEOD MUNKITTRICK, Margaret (Peggy) Anne

our deepest condolences and prayers to Peggy's family and loved ones. Aunt Peggy will be dealy missed. Rest in Peace dear friend xo

Love Carol Ferraz and Family of British Columbia

Carol Ferraz, January 3, 2022

Annabelle, Danny, Debbie and family memebers

Peggy was one in a million and I am so lucky to have had here in my life for all of my life up to now. As one of only a few my mom's 1st cousins and the only one in geographic proximity (The other 2 being in Alta. all their lives), she was a tangible representative of our Scottish heritage. Like our pioneer ancestors, she had such an energy and determination! Untrodden paths did not daunt her. What a dynamic and warm pair they were, she and Harold. So many special cottage adventures and connections are held close to my heart as is the case, I am sure, with my two brothers and even my own two (now adult) children who knew her in her later years at the lake on her own. What a powerhouse of love, welcome and great good cheer. Even on my last visit with her at the Grace Christian home, she said goodbye by planting a zuber (otherwise known as a raspberry, I believe) on the cheek of my friend! I will ever hear her laugh and beautiful smile and be warmed by these memories! Despite their age, we are never really ready to say goodbye to those so special to us. My condolences to all of you and a warm hug of support (send, unfortunately, only virtually). Peggy and my own parents ever serve as my example for operating in my life with an ''all family and friends welcome at my house at any time'' policy; so please let me find you on my doorstep for a stay with me someday anytime in the future. Much love to you all.

Holly, January 6, 2022

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