Wilson, Margaret - Obituaries |

Wilson, Margaret

WILSON, Margaret

1929 - 2022

It is with profound sorrow that we announce the passing of Margaret Wilson (née Maclean) on January 23rd, 2022, in Ayer’s Cliff, Québec. She left the way she would have wanted, quietly, without fuss, and most importantly, at home. Home was everything to Maggie, and she made a loving one with Andy and their three children. When the Wilsons left Glasgow for Canada, Maggie brought with her the true spirit of Scotland: her unwavering perseverance, her boundless generosity, and her staunch dedication to family and friends. Her home in Montréal was the genial hearth where any and all were welcome. Wherever Maggie went, there was no shortage of laughter, kindness, and affection. She will be dearly missed by her children, Christine (Gary Stephens) and David (Janice); daughter-in-law, Elvina; seven grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; and innumerable relatives and friends. She was predeceased by her husband, Andrew, and her youngest son, James.

The family would like to extend their gratitude to Dr. Affram, nurse Geneviève and the wonderful home care team at Memphremagog CLSC.

A graveside service will be held at a later date.

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6 messages received

David and Janice

so sorry to hear of your mom's passing , We are thinking of you at this time of sorrow

Delbert and Christina, February 1, 2022

Christine, Gary, David and Janice

Our sincerest sympathies. She was truly one of the kindest and most considerate person we have ever met. A true gem. A second mother to Tony. May she Rest In Peace.

Joan and Tony Crawford , February 1, 2022

Dave and Christine, Elvina, David and Giancarlo

Please accept our sympathies and condolences during this time of sorrow for the family.

Glenn and Lucie Forcier, February 2, 2022


I know the passing of your mom will leave a hole in you heart and life. What a beautiful photo and obit. She obviously had a life well lived. Dave and Gene Tarry Peachland BC

Gene Tarry, February 2, 2022

Christine and Gary

Christine, Gary! So sorry for your loss! No words can describe the sorrow and pain, when you lose your mother! But we have to be strong and live our life’s with warm memories and hopes! Our mothers will be always in our hearts forever!
With much love,
Blyuma and David.

Blyuma&David Butler, February 3, 2022

Christine and Gary David and Janice and Elvina and all the family

Margaret was such a lovely person so welcoming and nice . Great memories of visits to Montreal and visiting your mum and dad . Such a huge loss to you all . Love Mary

Mary Gallagher, February 8, 2022

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