Trippear, Mark W.J. - Obituaries |

Trippear, Mark W.J.


1977 - 2018

Accidently passed away on Wednesday, April 18, 2018 at the age of 40. Cherished son of Linda Mitchell (Donald Cormier) and William Trippear and loving companion of Séverine Hétu. Mark leaves to mourn his step-daughter Mérédith Burke, his daughter Angélique Trippear, his son Lucas Trippear and his unborn son Joshua Trippear. He also leaves to mourn his sister Lisa Trippear (Jean-Marc Day) and his godchild Logan Tyler Day along with many other relatives and dear friends.

Family will receive condolences at the St.Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 1169, Rte 243, Melbourne, Qc on Saturday, May 5th, 2018 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. followed by the funeral service at 3:00 p.m. Interment in the St.Andrew’s Cemetery.

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5 messages received

Linda and Lisa

So sad to hear about Mark. I have been thinking about you both in this sad time. My sympathy and thoughts to you both.

Keith Whittall, April 27, 2018

La familles et amis

Je souhaiterais vous offrir, à vous ainsi qu'à votre famille, et amis , mes plus sincères condoléances. Une personne que vous aimez est partie mais ne sera jamais oubliée tant que vous détenez sa mémoire dans votre cœur.

Christine sirois/ Pretty and Dark, April 28, 2018

Linda Mitchell

My deepest sympathies to you and the family on the death of your son.
My thoughts are with you at this sad time.

Adrienne Racz-Ellis, April 30, 2018


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6 ans depuis... Je pense toujours a toi, a tes enfants...
Je t'envoie plein d'amour ️
Je t'aime
Tante Danie xxxxx

Danielle Anne Hétu, May 10, 2024

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