Patrick, Percy - Obituaries |

Patrick, Percy


1932 - 2019

Passed away at the CHUS Hotel Dieu Sherbrooke on Sunday June 9, 2019 at the age of 86.

Predeceased by his wife Aurella Desrochers and his son Bob (Johanne Bergeron).

Survived by his children Lynda (late Bob Blampin), James (Mary Beth Johnston), Patsy, Ricky (Lori Hill), Michael and his sisters Florence (late Emmett Dunlavey), Iona and Anita (Michael Viens).

He also leaves to mourn his grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren and many other family members and friends.

Visitation will take place at the Cass Funeral Home, 295 Principale South, Richmond Quebec on Saturday June 15, 2019 from 2:00pm to 5:00pm.

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11 messages received

Roger Durocher et son épouse Gaby

Nos sincères condoléances, nos pensées de réconfort vous accompagnent.

Rita Lafontaine, Marcel Boutin, June 11, 2019

La familles

Mes condoléances A tout la familles cetais une très bonne personne

Irène Desrochers , June 11, 2019

to all the family

my deepest symphathies to all the family such a great man we will remember you always bye Percy.

serge jeanson, June 12, 2019

Famille Patrick

Sympathies à tous ses proches XXX

Nicole Beaudet Houde, June 12, 2019

La famille

Mes sincères condoléances à la famille.

Dennis Mallette , June 12, 2019

Family of Percy Patrick

My sympathy goes out to you, his family.

Jean Storry, June 12, 2019

Toute la famille Patrick

Nos plus sincères condoléances à vous tous .
Monique et Simon Plante .

Simon Plante , June 12, 2019

La famille Patrick

Mes sincères condoléances a vous tous

Francine M Fillion, June 13, 2019

lynda et toute la famille

Il n'y a pas de mots pour exprimer à quel point nous sommes affligés par la dure perte que vous vivez. Nous espérons simplement que notre sympathie vous apportera un certain apaisement.

roger tessier, June 14, 2019

All the family

So sorry to hear about Percy passing. My sympathy to all the family. Keeping you all in my thoughts at this difficult time.

Lisa fowler , June 14, 2019

Patsy et famille

mes sincères sympaties à toi et ta famille et bon courage c'est pas facile de perdre les personnes que l'on aime

Denise Theberge, June 15, 2019

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