Bernard, Raymond - Obituaries |

Bernard, Raymond

BERNARD, Raymond


Passed away peacefully on January 29th 2007, at La Maison Aube-Lumière in Sherbrooke, Mr. Raymond Bernard at the age of 92. Loving husband of Colombe Cadieux, and dear father of Jean-Pierre (Hélène Ouellette)(Linda Oakley), the late Paul-André, René-Marie (France Laflamme), Christine (Daniel Plourde) Chantal (Pierre Grégoire), Giovanni (Élise Bienvenu), Daniel (Céline Gagné), Myriam, Marie-Thérèse (Marcel Couture), and Marie-Claire (Jean Langevin). Dear grandfather of John (Carolyn Sayyeau), Cynthia Lee, André-Yves, Véronic, Geneviève, Élizabeth, Catherine, Jean-Sébastien (Myriam Dostie), Jacinthe, David, Julien-Olivier, Simon-Alexis, Nicolas, Martine, Marie-Renée, and Charlotte. Raymond also leaves to mourn, his great grandson Alexander John, his brothers and sisters; the late Gervaise (feu Michel Dubois), Simone (the late Albert Patry), the late Charles-Émile (the late Gabrielle Hurtubise), Laurette (the late Aurélien Rivard), Laurier (Jeanne Thibeault), feu Roland (Augustine Lapierre) and Aldéi ‘Tibi’ (Jeanne Grenier), along with his brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, the late Aurèle (the late Gracia Bertrand), the late Lionel (the late Louise Campeau), the late Sister Marie-Rosia s.p., the late Jeanne, Alida, the late Sister Lorette s.p., the late Wilfrid, Wilfrida (the late Aimé Arcand), Germaine (the late Polydor Séguin), Gérard (the late Marie-Paule Martel), Gabrielle (Julien Lemire), Odilon (Gemma Lévesque), and the late Yvette (Armand MacMillan) and many nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. Please note; The family will be receiving condolences at the Ste-Bibiane Catholic Church in Richmond, beginig at 9:00am on the day of the funeral. The funeral service will be held in Ste-Bibiane’s Catholic Church on Thursday April 5th 2007 at 11:00AM, followed by the interment in the St-Michel Cemetery, Sherbrooke. The family would like to thank the staff and volunteers of La Maison Aube-Lumière for the wonderful care they provided to Raymond throughout his stay. Donations made to La Maison Aube-Lumière, 220 Kennedy Nord, Sherbrooke, QC J1E 2E7, will be greatly appreciated by the family.

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