Lang, Stanley - Obituaries |

Lang, Stanley

LANG, Stanley

1931 - 2021

We are saddened to announce the passing of Mr. Stanley Lang, at CHUS-Fleurimont, on December 31, 2021, at the age of 90. Dear husband of the late Fernande Maclure, formerly from Stanstead.

Given the current circumstances related to the pandemic, the family will gather in complete privacy at the Cass Funeral Home, 545 Rue Dufferin, Stanstead, QC, J0B 3E0. Interment as well as a funeral service will be held in the Spring.

Mr. Lang leaves to mourn his children Bert (Manon), Linda (Michel), Guy (Beverly) and Joane (Sam).

He was the father of the late Éric (Diane). Beloved grandfather of Matthew (Katie), Michael (Isabelle), Ashley (Martin), Sylvain, Mark, Nathen, the late Jonathan, Cassandra, Natasha, Nicholas, Annik, Jacob, Abby, Alex, Christian and Jaxson; the great-grandfather of Olivia, Westley, Sara, Rachel, Fynn, Océannie, Bruno, Owen, Keegan, Jeanna, Cloé and Amélie as well as the brother-in-law of Marguerite (late Fernand Goudreau), of the late Fernand (Annette Maclure) and the late Paul-Émile (Marthe Maclure). He will also be missed by many dear friends.

The family would like to thank the staff from the intensive care unit (3rd floor) of CHUS Fleurimont for the excellent care given to Mr. Lang.

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42 messages received

Bert et la famille

bon courage et on pense a vous tous

onil caron, January 5, 2022

Bert et la famille

bon courage et on pense a vous tous

onil caron, January 5, 2022


Sympathies to you Bert and family..

Wayne and Sharon, January 5, 2022

Guy Lang and family

Our deepest most heartfelt condolences to all of you. Stan was a sweet man, my kids thought the world of him , he will be missed dearly

Melissa Middleton and family , January 5, 2022

The Lang Family

Nos sincères sympathie à toute la famille

Claire Dubois, January 6, 2022

Tous les enfants.

Nos plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille.
Nos pensées sont avec vous tous. Bon courage
Tante Marguerite et les enfants.

May my support
warm your heart
Diane Goudreau , January 6, 2022

Toute la famille

Sincères condoléances à tous de la famille de Stanley

Claire Girard Audet, January 6, 2022

to the family

It is with sadness that we learned of the Stan's passing. He was a colleague and friend of Richard and a friend for me as well. Richard and myself extend our deepest sympathies to the family. May you all be comforted knowing that many are grieving his passing and are keeping you in thought and prayers, as we are.
Richard and Diane (Gilbert) Smith
Stanstead Qc

Richard and Diane (Gilbert) Smith, January 6, 2022

Lang family

All my sympathies to each and every one of you. Take

Maida Benoit, January 6, 2022

Lang family

My deepest sympathies to the family..

Tammy,Andréw,Lakesha and jed , January 6, 2022

Lang Family

Such a sweet man he was, you all have my deepest sympathies. Know he will forever be remembered not just by his family but also those that have crossed his path over the years.

Laura Wood, January 6, 2022

Bert and the Lang family

I'm very sorry for your family lost , my prayers are with you .

Richard Lachance, January 6, 2022

La famille Lang

On aimerait exprimer nos plus sincères condoléances à vous tous. Repose en paix Stan.

La famille Larocque

Cécile Larocque Roy, January 6, 2022

Lang family

My sincerest sympathy... Stan was a good man..I will miss him and his stories...hugs xxx

Corinne, January 6, 2022

La famille Lang

Nos sincères condoléances a la famille

Rene et Helene Lussier, January 6, 2022

The Family!

So sorry for your loss. Our deepest sympathy to the family.

Larry and Lorrayne Markwell, January 6, 2022

Bert, Guy, Joanne and families and friends

Our sympathies and prayers go out to you in the loss of your Dad, I remember him well as a young person growing up in Rock Island. RIP Mr Lang

Jocelyne Pepin Young, January 6, 2022

To all the Lang family

Walter and I are deeply saddened by the death of Stan. He was a gentle man, soft spoken and very congenial. Always smiling. Dad enjoyed his company at the horse races many times. RIP Stan.
Sandra and Walter.

Sandra Harrison (Wallace) and Walter Pare, January 6, 2022

Stan's family

I had the pleasure of working with and getting to know Stan many years ago. He was always very kind to me and incredibly patient during a period of time of my life when I had much to learn but really didn't know it....... He always went out of his way to stay in touch with me when I was back in town. We need more men like Stan who was always ready to give and less people who are only wanting to take......

Rest in Peace old Friend......

Kevin Reynolds, January 6, 2022

À la famille de Stanley Lang

Nos sincères condoléances à toute la famille. Nos pensées et prières vous accompagne.

Marcelle & Denis Bouchard, January 6, 2022


So sorry for your loss your dad was a really nice man.

Carol Davidson , January 6, 2022

The Lang family

Our deepest sympathy to the Lang family . Thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

Douglas and elaine Buzzell, January 6, 2022

Guy Lang and Family

My deepest sympathies go out to you and your whole family! I am sorry for your loss!

Mandy Middleton, January 6, 2022

Lang Family

I worked with Stan for many years at Stanstead College. He was a great worker and friend to me and continue to be a good friend until his death. I will miss the outings we had going to the restaurant and having food and conversations together.
I want to give my sympathies to the family. RIP Stan.

Michael Seguin , January 6, 2022

Lang family

My sympathies to the family ❤️
Stan was such a great man. He had a special place in my heart

Brigitte Channell, January 6, 2022

Lang family

I wish to extend my deepest sympathies to the entire Lang family. Stan was a long time neighbour. He was a kind man.

Darlene Gobeil, January 6, 2022


Mes sincères sympathies Bertrand. Bon courage mon ami.

Kathy Gobeil Fisher, January 6, 2022

The Lang Family

Our deepest sympathies to all the family on your loss.

Andy and Sandra Gallichon, January 6, 2022

the lang family

our deepest sympathies to the whole family

Marc and Pat Parent, January 6, 2022

To Stan’s entire family

Please accept our deepest condolences

Bill & Danielle Parrish, January 7, 2022

The family of Stanley Lang.

Sinceres Sympathies to all the family.

Paul and Linda Durocher, January 7, 2022

Lang family

So sorry for your loss. Stan was one heck of a guy. He was always great to my family. He will be missed tremendously.

The Gauthier’s , January 7, 2022


A life long friend our family feels a great loss



Nos sincères sympathies à vous tous,nos pensées vous accompagne et bon courage.Cousine Lise,Bernard,Anne,Marie-Lyse et Philippe

Lise Rodrigue , January 7, 2022

Aux familles Lang et Maclure

Nos plus sincères condoléances à toutes les familles de Stanley. Il était une personne attachante, il nous manquera beaucoup. Ses souffrances sont maintenant terminées, qu'il repose en paix avec sa douce Fernande ! Bon courage à vous tous !

May my support
warm your heart
Thérèse Gaulin, January 7, 2022

La famille

Mes sincères sympathies a toute la famille.

Louise prince, January 7, 2022

The Lang Family

We are saddened to learn of the passing of Stan. Our deepest sympathies to all of the Lang family. You are in our thoughts during this difficult time. Xx

Nick Dewey & Natasha Beliveau, January 7, 2022

The family

My deepest sympathies to the entire family as well as those that had the pleasure of knowing this remarkable man . I will always have very fond memories of him - as far back as our bingo days to more recent encounters where he always had a smile and kind words for people. He will be missed by many .

Lise Carbonneau , January 7, 2022

a toute la Famille

toute nos sympathies toujours triste de perdre un être chère

Jocelyn rosa, January 7, 2022

Au enfants de Stan

Nos plus sincère sympathie.Que Dieu vous aide à passer à travers cette épreuve.on pense à vous tous.Bon courage. Tante Annette ainsi que Gaétane et Lucie et leur conjoint Gilles et André.

Gaetane MACLURE , January 8, 2022

Bertrand, Linda , Guy , Johanne et conjoints et conjointes.

Nos plus sincères et profondes sympathies.
Nos pensées vous accompagnent et bon courage.
Terry Smith & Gisèle Bergeron

May my support
warm your heart
gisele bergeron, January 8, 2022

Famille de Mr Stanley Lang

Nous sommes désolé d’apprendre le décès de M Lang. Nous aimerions vous offrir nos sincères condoléances à votre famille. M Lang était un client régulier à notre restaurant et nous a marqué avec sa joie lors de nos échanges. Reposez en paix Mr Lang.

May my support
warm your heart
L’équipe Demauz, March 13, 2022

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