Aulis, Sylvia Bernice - Obituaries |

Aulis, Sylvia Bernice

AULIS, Sylvia Bernice

1936 - 2023

Sylvia passed away peacefully Dec.13, 2023 in her 88th year at CHUS-Fleurimont, with her sons Steven and Mark by her side. She leaves behind her brother William Aulis and her sister Pauline Reid; her loving children Nancy Aulis (Marton), Steven Aulis (Mariette Rivard), Joanne Aulis, Wayne Aulis (Lisa Coe Aulis), Mark Aulis and Mary Morrissey Aulis; many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

We will miss her generous nature, her loving heart, her smile that could light up a room and giggle that could brighten your day!

There will be a visitation on January 6, 2024 at Cass funeral home in Lennoxville between 3:00 and 5:00 pm with a chance to share memories and stories at 5:00 pm in english ou en français. At a later date there will be a funeral service in Canterbury, followed by burial at the Bury Protestant Cemetery.

Special thanks to Dr. Helen Payer and Dr. Frazer; all the home care personnel, all the staff at CHUS-Fleurimont for your kindness, gentleness, understanding and great care. Thank you also to the Proxim Pharmacies of Cookshire and East Angus for the help with her medication. Finally, we appreciate so much all the cards, food and support immediately after Sylvia’s death.

Instead of flowers, donations to the Bury Historical and Heritage society would be appreciated by the family (c/o Edward Peterson 819-872-3400), or the Canadian Cancer Society.

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12 messages received

Nancy Steven Joanne Wayne Mark and MaryJane ...the family

Aunt Sylvia
I will miss you so much You were a wonderful kind hearted wise woman you would always say .."why worry about things that aren't in our control " and "If God wants it this way then who am I to say anything different " you were always there with Mom were the best sisters ever ..and I strive to have a relationship with my sister like you go ad with Mom ..I love you so much and know you are with us smiling your beautiful smile .. Thinking of all of your children and know that your true wish would be that they stay as close to each other as you and Mom were ..and to remember that family is the most Important thing sympathy goes out to you all my cousins and Aunt Pauline and Uncle Bill

Annie Coates, December 30, 2023

The family

My initial message was from my whole family My husband Louis my children Jonathan Catherine Jason and our grandchildren Aurelie Brianna May Alexis and Victor xx

Annie and Louis, December 30, 2023

Nancy, Steven joanne Wayne mark

So sorry fir your loss. Aunt Sylvia was such A kind person.

May my support
warm your heart
Cindy pitre and family, December 31, 2023

Lisa & Wayne, Mary, Caitlin and Corey and all the family

I am so deeply sorry for your loss. I remember your Mom fondly and enjoyed spending time in her home when I visited with Mary in 2004. Sylvia was so kind and welcoming and made me feel so at home. Please know you are all in my thoughts and prayers. Sincere sympathies, Carol Hopkins

Carol Hopkins, December 31, 2023

Aulis Family

A Donation to the cancer Society has been made in memoriam for beloved Sylvia by her sister Pauline and her family. Our prayers go out to you in this difficult time.

Darlene Reid , January 1, 2024

William et famille.

Sincères condoléances pour le décès de ta soeur. Nos pensées sont avec toi.

Florence et Rosaire Roy, January 1, 2024

The Aulis Family

We're so sorry to hear about Sylvia. She was a great neighbor, nothing but fond memories. She will be missed.

Marilyne and Mike Bélanger , January 1, 2024

The Aulis Family

I Am Sorry To Here About The Sad News My Deepest Sympathie

Allan Debbie Jeff Macdonald, January 1, 2024

The family

Our sincere condolences to all the family. Sylvia was a kind and gentle person and held in high regard by my sister and our family.we had drifted apart in the years but still remained close in our hearts.

Michael and Valerie Locke, January 2, 2024

Mariette et Steven

Mes condoléances à vous ainsi qu'à toute la famille ainsi qu'aux parents et amis. Je garde un beau souvenir de Sylvia. Je te souhaites Sylvia le plus beau des voyages. Protège les tiens.
Marlène Pérusse ainsi que Cecile Roy.

Marlène Pérusse , January 4, 2024

Nancy, Steven, Joanne, Wayne, Mark and Mary Jane.

I am sorry for your loss. Auntie was a good and kind person. She loved to laugh. She is with God and the others who went before her.
From all of my family to you.


May my support
warm your heart
Bill Coates , January 4, 2024


My thoughts are with you all. Alec

Alec Mac Leod , January 4, 2024

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