Skeats, Terry - Obituaries |

Skeats, Terry


1946 - 2023

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our dear stepfather, Terry Conway Skeats, in his 76th year. Terry passed away peacefully on August 28th 2023 in his home in North Hatley.

Terry is predeceased by his wife, Phyllis Emery Skeats, with whom he shared 40 years of marriage. He leaves to mourn his stepchildren Sharon (Bernard), Russell (Thérèse) and Joanne (William); beloved grandchildren Sandra (Roland), Robyn (Kevin), Matthew (Marina), Anna, Lara (Raouf), D'Arcy (Caroline), Nathaniel (Joanie), Emily (Adam), James (Megan), Aimée, Paul and Camille (Loic); and great-grandchildren Hayley, Lauren, Meaghan, Mya, Amelia, Zachary, Noah and Celia.

Terry was born in 1946 to Frank Skeats and Violet Morris of Croydon, England, and immigrated to Canada when he was two years old. Terry was an only child. He spent his early years in southern Ontario. He obtained his Master’s from the University of Waterloo (1978) and then graduated from McGill University with his Master of Library Science (1982). From 1977-1988 Terry taught courses in the Philosophy Department at Bishop’s University and Champlain College and from 1981- 2004 Terry worked as a professional librarian at Bishop’s University Library in Lennoxville, Quebec. His involvement in the Eastern Townships community included the Old North Church Cemetery Association, the Lake Massawippi Area Historical Society and Patrimoine Huntingville/Heritage Huntingville.

Terry loved art and music and was an amateur photographer. He was known for his sharp humor and vast store of knowledge on seemingly any topic. He joined his wife in opening a B & B in North Hatley and together they documented the history of many pioneer families who settled the corner of the Eastern Townships they loved. He found much joy among his step grandchildren, and the family he leaves behind will miss the kind man they affectionately knew as “Ter”.

A celebration of life will be held on October 6th from 2 to 4pm at the Unitarian Universalist church in North Hatley. In lieu of flowers donations to the Hatley Cemetery Association c/o Brendan Cote 1112 Main St., Hatley, Quebec, JOB 4B0 would be appreciated.

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4 messages received

The Family

My deepest sympathies on your loss. Terry was a great guy and I have many great memories of our visits.

May my support
warm your heart
Pat Leonard, September 6, 2023

The Family

Sincere condolences to all the family. The Townships has lost another kind gentleman who cared about preserving our history.
RIP Terry

David & Helga Price, September 6, 2023

The family

Our sympathies to you in your loss of Terry, he was dynamic and involved in the community. Barbara and Karl Hunting

Barbara Hunting , September 7, 2023

To the family and friends of Terry

We are saddened to hear that Terry has passed away. He had a very soft manner, and cared deeply about Bishop’s University and all of those around him. He was one of the first Directors of the Association of Bishop’s University Retirees, and served for several years as its first Treasurer. He will be missed.
Sincerest condolences on behalf of the Association,
Curt Rose
Sandra Gallup
Ken McLean
Carol Bennett

The Association of Bishop’s University Retirees, September 13, 2023

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