Lind Lowry, Uwe - Obituaries |

Lind Lowry, Uwe


1956 - 2018

(CPL Royal Canadian Dragoons Tank Division,Retired)

It is with deep sorrow we announce the sudden passing of Uwe on March 27, 2018. Uwe is survived by his son Matthias (Lynette), grandson Benjamin and Gabriel. Also survived by mother of his son Hans, Suzanne Gendron, special children Geneviève and Jacinthe. Cherished granddaughter Naima “Mon Amour” and her mother Kassandra.

Dear son of Dr. Curtis and Hannelore Lowry, brothers Dieter (Marie), Rainer (Lise), Volker and sister Brigette, nieces and nephews; Ulysses, Rose, Ella (Tyler), Dagmar, Jonathan, Ryan, Isabella, Jasmine and Maya. Uwe was predeceased by his youngest son Hans.

A graveside service will be held on Friday, May 11, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. at the East-Clifton Cemetery. Rev Tami Spires officiating.

Donations to the East-Clifton Cemetery c/o Donna McConnell, 70 Low Forest Rd, Sawyerville, QC J0B 3A0 would be greatly appreciated.  

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