Cuddihy, Vincent - Obituaries |

Cuddihy, Vincent

CUDDIHY, Vincent

1946 - 2023

Passed away on June 10, 2023, at the age of 77, at the Hotel-Dieu Hospital, Sherbrooke, QC.


Vincent was born on August 7, 1946, in Montreal, Quebec, son of the late Dr. Basil Robert Cuddihy and the late Patricia Catherine Lavelle Cuddihy.


He is survived by his wife Elizabeth Sprenger Cuddihy; his sister Patricia Cuddihy, RHSJ, Montreal, QC; his brother Basil Robert Cuddihy, Calgary, AB; nephews Andrew Cuddihy, Winnipeg, MN, Kevin Cuddihy, Victoria, BC, and David Cuddihy, Edmonton, AB.


Vincent was educated at Loyola College (B.A. Economics) and the University of Toronto (M.A. Economics). He was a professor at Champlain Community College (Economics).


He was a Warden at St. Patrick’s Church in Sherbrooke; Treasurer and Board Member of the Lennoxville Public Library; and member of the local Whisky Tasting Society.


Most importantly, Vincent was a loving human being who was a loyal and faithful friend. He was  kind and generous to all and was  brilliant and witty as well a raconteur par excellence.


Visitation at St. Patrick’s Church, Sherbrooke, Quebec,  Friday, June 16  at 1:00 p.m., followed by the Funeral Mass at 2:00 p.m.  Reception to follow in the Parish Hall.


Memorial donations can be made to the Montreal Oral School for the Deaf or St. Patrick’s Church, Sherbrooke.


May he rest in peace!


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30 messages received

The family

Always enjoyed his dry sense of humour when with him at Dixville Corporation Board meetings
I believe he also taught both my children at Champlain
May he rest in.peace

Brian Kyle, June 14, 2023

The family

Vince was such a caring human. When I was living in Montreal, whoever he drive in to see friends of see Liz before she moved to Lennoxville he offer to deliver me groceries from my parents. We would always spend time chatting and it was such good conversation. He will be missed. My condolences to Liz and the family.

May my support
warm your heart
Chris Bowman , June 14, 2023

To the family

My sympathies to Vince’s family. It was pleasant running into Vince in Lennoxville and chatting. He was always happy, smiling and had such great wit.

Mia, June 14, 2023

Vincent's family

I sat for short year with Vincent on the Uplands administration board around 2007 and 2008. He was a very sweet and kind man with a deep sense of commitment. I remember his passion for Uplands and its significance to the Lennoxville community. To his family, friends and board colleagues, may his memory never be forgotten.

Louis Georges Deschênes, June 15, 2023

The Cuddihy Family

My sincerest condolences.
A great person, inspiration and professor. Vince was my professor at Champlain for 2 years before moving on to Bishops.

Alan MacLean, June 15, 2023

The Cuddihy family & friends

My sympathies to Liz & Vince's family. May fond memories help you during this difficult time. Vince was a caring person who always found a way to make me smile. We worked at Champlain from its very beginning. Rest in peace Vince.

Normand Petterson, June 15, 2023

Vince Cuddihy

It was a pleasure to know Vince and to have taught with him at Champlain College for 15 years. Vince was a die-hard Cougar & Gaiter fan and could be seen at practically all athletic events surrounding any of the teams at both school. His enjoyment from these events and his easy ability to converse about anything truly made him a very likeable man. It was an honour to know him and he will certainly be missed by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance! Rest in peace my friend.

Rob Laderoute, June 15, 2023

Vincent Cuddihy

I will miss you my friend. Deepest sympathy to your family.

Caroline Thibodeau, June 15, 2023


My condolences to all of Vincent's family! I took my first economics from Vincent 50 years ago and special friend ever since. He will be missed and may he rest in peace!

Robert G. Richardson

Robert Richardson, June 15, 2023

Vincent Cuddihy's Family

It has been many years since I've seen or spoken to Vince but I remember him well. My deepest sympathies to his family.

Hugues Fortin, June 15, 2023


Vince was a highly knowledgeable but never pedantic person, who cared deeply about his colleagues and students, and who gave his time unselfishly to others. He had a great sense of humour, and was a joy to be around. I shall remember him fondly and miss him very much.

Jim Napier , June 15, 2023

To Elizabeth, Patricia, Basil and family

It is with sadness that I learn today about Vince's passing. We connected at Champlain in the late 70's and our shared roots from 154 Carlyle Ave in TMR (my parents bought from Dr and Mrs Cuddihy, Vince's parents) meant we would stay in touch for the next 50 years. Vince would send me postcards from his trips, and we would try our best to connect whenever I made it to Lennoxville. Thanks to Vince I did a minor in Economics at the U of Alberta, and it is no surprise that my eventual specialisation in negotiation falls into the faculty of economics at most universities. We used to laugh that we were roommates because we grew up in the same bedroom but at separate times. While I was at BU Vince would invite me for very sophisticated wine pairings at his house. Dessert wine with pears was a new experience and EXCEPTIONALLY good as was the walk back to campus after dinner. I am sorry to realise that following an exceptionally long lockdown due to covid, and now that I am preparing to finally visit Quebec and the Townships once again, I won't be able to check in on Vince when I am there. Thank you, Professor, Friend, Neighbour, Roommate. You made a difference. RIP.
Sincerely, Peter Nixon

Peter Nixon, June 16, 2023

Liz and family

I was deeply saddened to hear about Vince. He was a lovely man and will be deeply missed. My sympathies to his wife and family.

Muriel Fitzsimmons, June 16, 2023

Élizabeth Springer Cuddihy, Sr Patricia Cuddihy, Basil Cuddihy, son épouse et ses enfants.

C'est avec beaucoup de tristesse que mes enfants, Hélène, Richard et Patrick, et moi-même avons appris le décès de Vincent. Nous aurions beaucoup aimé être présents aujourd'hui à l'église Saint-Patrick pour honorer avec vous tous la mémoire de Vincent. Ce n'est malheureusement pas possible.

Puissent les bons souvenirs que nous laisse Vincent ainsi que la chaleur des liens familiaux adoucir un peu la douleur et la tristesse de ce deuil.

Hélène est particulièrement reconnaissante à Vincent pour son accueil lors de ses études à Sherbrooke.

Des messes seront célébrées pour Vincent à l'église Saint-Germain d'Outremont.

Avec nos plus sincères condoléances

Louise Larose-Cuddihy

Louise Larose-Cuddihy, June 16, 2023

Vince’s wife and family

I was sad to hear that Vince died. I didn’t know him except to say hello. He seemed like a nice person with a good sense of humour. Recently we were in a class together and he was jovial and in good spirits. So this was a shock. My condolences to his wife especially and his family

Gill Seale, June 16, 2023

Vince’s wife and family

I was sad to hear that Vince died. I didn’t know him except to say hello. He seemed like a nice person with a good sense of humour. Recently we were in a class together and he was jovial and in good spirits. So this was a shock. My condolences to his wife especially and his family

Gill Seale, June 16, 2023

Vince’s wife and family

I was sad to hear that Vince died. I didn’t know him except to say hello. He seemed like a nice person with a good sense of humour. Recently we were in a class together and he was jovial and in good spirits. So this was a shock. My condolences to his wife especially and his family

Gill Seale, June 16, 2023

Vince’s wife and family

I had Vince while at Champlain College and we were roomies on a 1980 trip to Greece with Dr Peter Rahn. I will always have fond memories of Vince and conversations and discussions at the Golden Lion over a wee pint

My deepest sympathy to all. May he rest in peace

Douglas Gall, June 16, 2023


Dear Elizabeth, I knew Vince from the time I was 17. I enjoyed both his acerbic wit and kind heart. I remember so well meeting with you and Vince at the Fraser-Hickson library when you came in to pick up some books for Lennoxville folks. I hadn’t seen Vince for awhile but nothing had changed, as things never do between good friends. You made him happy. My deepest condolences to you and the rest of his family. He was a Lennoxville mainstay and will be deeply missed!

Helen Fortin, June 17, 2023


Dear Elizabeth, I knew Vince from the time I was 17. I enjoyed both his acerbic wit and kind heart. I remember so well meeting with you and Vince at the Fraser-Hickson library when you came in to pick up some books for Lennoxville folks. I hadn’t seen Vince for awhile but nothing had changed, as things never do between good friends. You made him happy. My deepest condolences to you and the rest of his family. He was a Lennoxville mainstay and will be deeply missed!

Helen Fortin, June 17, 2023


Dear Elizabeth, I knew Vince from the time I was 17. I enjoyed both his acerbic wit and kind heart. I remember so well meeting with you and Vince at the Fraser-Hickson library when you came in to pick up some books for Lennoxville folks. I hadn’t seen Vince for awhile but nothing had changed, as things never do between good friends. You made him happy. My deepest condolences to you and the rest of his family. He was a Lennoxville mainstay and will be deeply missed!

Helen Fortin, June 17, 2023

Elizabeth & family

I was shocked and saddened to read in Friday's Gazette that Vince had passed away. Please accept my condolences to you and your family. I had not seen Vince much in the past few years, but ever since I first met him in Lennoxville in the 1970's I have regarded him as a good friend. We had many good times. One that springs to mind was our trip in 1974 to the Gaspe, the Maritimes, and Newfoundland. He will be missed by me as well as by everyone who knew him. Rest in peace, Vince.

John Fuller, June 17, 2023

Vince Cuddihy’s Family

Please accept my heartfelt condolences on Vince’s passing. We were friends since the mid seventies and kept in contact through the years. Lots of jokes, stories and discussions through the years! Always enjoyed meeting up with him.

Marc Sheeran, June 17, 2023

Vince Cuddihy’s Family

Please accept my heartfelt condolences on Vince’s passing. We were friends since the mid seventies and kept in contact through the years. Lots of jokes, stories and discussions through the years! Always enjoyed meeting up with him.

Marc Sheeran, June 17, 2023

Elizabeth Cuddihy

We had infrequent opportunities to enjoy Vincent's company at social occasions in Lennoxville and once with both of you in St. Pete Beach, Florida. We always enjoyed his charitable personality and his capacity to animate any subject with knowledge and humour.

While inadequate, we send our personal sympathies to convey our support at this time of inordinate loss.

Denise & Ian Matheson, June 18, 2023

Elizabeth Sprenger Cuddihy, Robbie and Family, and Patsy

Dear Elizabeth,

We met briefly at a function held at Loyola College around 2017.

Vincent was a down-to-earth cousin. Whenever I met him, he always had words of wisdom to pass on to me. He surpassed all expectations and became successful in his field.

I am sorry I could not make the Celebration of Life at St Patrick's, but my daughter and I said some prayers at home to help usher his soul to join his Mother, Father, and God.

Please let me know if there is a place where his ashes will be placed, so I can go and visit at a later date.

My sympathies to you - Brenda Joyce, Maria Royal and Rosa Royal
215 Stillview Ave. Apt 112
Pointe-Claire, QC, H9R 2Y4

Brenda Joyce, June 18, 2023

Elizabeth Sprenger Cuddihy

I am so sorry for your loss.
I had the pleasure to work with both of you as a volunteer.
Again, my sincere condolences
Be strong!

Francois Morel , June 19, 2023

Liz and Vince’s family

Vince was an amazingly knowledgable, warm, and engagingly funny guy. He knew everything about anything and, like a magician, could pull out all sorts of tasty trivia morsels from his sleeves. He should’ve been on Jeopardy! I will miss bumping into him in Lennoxville, and I feel very deeply for Liz’s and his family’s loss. He has left such an imprint on the community, and his absence will be felt throughout.

Elvina, June 19, 2023


Vince was a really lovely person. I always enjoyed chatting with him. He was a true bright spot at Whisky Society gatherings. I will miss him. My deep condolences to Liz, who is also very lovely. Sending warmth.

Zoe Constantinides, June 23, 2023


Vince était mon voisin depuis 24 ans. Il a été mon prof. Il était respectueux et d’une gentillesse sans borne. Je suis choquée pas son départ rapide. Je vous offre mon soutien et mon aide si vous en sentez le besoin. De tout ️ avec vous. Caroline, Elliott, Mathilde,Édouard et le « maudit chien » cannelle. Xxxxxxxx merci pour tout Vince!!! Je te verrai toujours couper ton pommier ️

May my support
warm your heart
Caroline Pfeuti, June 28, 2023

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