Maher Mooney, Vivian - Obituaries |

Maher Mooney, Vivian



Passed away peacefully on September 16, 2011 at New Castle, Ont., in her 97th year. Vivian Elizabeth Maher wife of the late Harold Mooney and daughter of the late Alice McCormick and the late Charles Maher. Loving mother of Marion Morgan and grandmother of Deborah, Thomas, Gail and Gordon. Great grandmother of Nicholas, Serene, Madeline and George. Aunt to Margaret Maher, Brian and Sheila Paige. A graveside service will be held at Bown Cemetery, Bury, QC on Saturday October 15 at 2 pm. In lieu of flowers, donation to the Bown Cemetery c/o Frances Goodwin, 625 Brooks St., Bury, QC, J0B 1J0 would be appreciated.

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