Grey, Wesley - Obituaries |

Grey, Wesley

GREY, Wesley


Born on December 7th, 1948, Wesley left this world in the comfort of his home, where he was found on September 30th, 2012. Wesley was predeceased by his father Howard Grey, his mother Audrey Allison, and an infant sister. He leaves to mourn, his son Christopher Grey (Catherine Langlois), his grandchildren, his sisters Shirley and Beverley Grey, his brother-in-law Fredrick Surcon, the mother of his son, Nancy Davidson, as well as his niece, nephew, cousins, aunts, uncles and many friends. A graveside funeral will be held on Friday, October 12th, 2012 at 11 am, where family and friends shall gather to lay Wesley to rest beside his parents, at Bury Cemetery. In memory of Wesley, donations to the charity of your choice would be appreciated.

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