Watson, Willa - Obituaries |

Watson, Willa


1942 - 2018

To know Willa, was to love her. G e n e r o u s , kind, caring, a friend to all who knew her, Willa’s struggle ended on Dec. 4, 2018, at the Wales Home. Daughter of the late James Watson and late Isabella Burns, ‘chosen sister’ of the late Pauline Chartier. Mourning her passing are cherished members of the Gregory family, several cousins in the Watson and McCourt families, former co-workers from Domtar and countless friends. A celebration of her life will take place at the Windsor Cemetery on June 1, 2019 at 2 p.m. Willa enjoyed receiving visitors so please plan to join us following the service, for a light meal and social time in the reception room at Bar Val Joli, just down the street from the cemetery. To honour Willa’s colourful personality, you are encouraged to wear bright colours and a big smile. We know she will be smiling down on us.

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