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News from our network - June 29, 2012

A Growing Share of Canada’s Funerals

Cooperative funeral homes have proven a highly successful model in Canada, and especially Quebec. The cooperative movement is growing, with 9,600 deaths treated by funeral cooperatives in 2011 in Canada, up more than 5 percent from 2010.

News from our network - June 25, 2012

Peru - A co-operative model in Barrancabermeja

COOPSERFUN, a co-operative for burial services in Barrancabermeja, was founded in 1994. It was the first step towards an important co-operative integration project which got its start thanks to the commitment made by the representatives of 13 co-operative institutions.

Worldwide News - June 25, 2012

Sweden - How Fonus made funerals affordable

"Men in black plundering estates" was how newspapers depicted the Swedish funeral industry in 1944. So outrageous was the price of burying your dead that the debate reached as far as the Swedish parliament.

- April 30, 2012

- April 30, 2012
