Standish, Bradley William - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Standish, Bradley William

STANDISH, Bradley William

1967 - 2021

March 3, 1967- January 28, 2021


C’est avec une grande tristesse que la famille de Brad Standish annonce son décès au CHUS Hôtel-Dieu le 28 janvier 2021 avec sa famille à ses côtés.

En raison du COVID, une célébration de la vie aura lieu à une date ultérieure.

Brad était le fils de feu William Standish et de Sandra Hibbard Standish.

Outre sa mère, il laisse dans le deuil sa fille bien-aimée Paige (Gabriel) et ses petites-filles Payton et Paisley.

Il laisse également ses trois sœurs : Angela (Kevin), Kathryn (Patrick) et Tiffany (Steve). Ses neveux, nièces, de nombreux cousins bien-aimés et ses amis.

La famille tient à remercier le Dr. Banfill, le service d’oncologie du CHUS et le personnel des soins palliatifs du CHUS Hôtel-Dieu pour les soins extraordinaires qu’il a reçus pendant son séjour.

Nous tenons également à remercier toute la famille et les amis qui ont aidé pendant cette période difficile.

En guise de sympathies, des dons à la Fondation québécoise du cancer, 3001, 12e avenue Nord, Sherbrooke (Québec) J1H 5N4 ou au Pet Connection, 1730 rue Wellington sud, Sherbrooke, J1M 1K9 seraient appréciés de la famille.

55 messages reçus

Angela Standish and family

We are so sorry for your loss and we extend our deepest condoleances to you and Kevin and the entire family. May God comfort you during these difficult moments.
Richard and Diane (Gilbert) Smith
Stanstead Qc

Richard and Diane (Gilbert) Smith, le 29 janvier 2021

Standish Family

To my truest friend, I will miss you so very much! To the family I would like to extend my deepest sympathies! Words cannot describe the friendship I have with Brad! I hope you all can comfort each other in these difficult times.

Lenn Frappied, le 29 janvier 2021

The Standish Family....

Norman and i both send our sincere sympathies to all of Brad's loved ones. Gone too young with a life yet to live! Rest in peace Brad!

Norman and Barbara Wintle, le 29 janvier 2021

Angela Standish and Family

Heather and I are sending you and your entire family our sincerest condolences. May your brother Rest in peace.

Eddie Pomykala , le 29 janvier 2021

The Standish family

To all of the Standish family.
We would like to extend our sincerest sympathy on the passing of Bradley.
He will be missed by all, may he rest in peace.

Percy, Leasha and Jason Smith

Percy Smith, le 29 janvier 2021


Dear Angela and your sisters,
Pierre and I are sending healing prayers your way, and have Brad and his family in our thoughts.
Deepest sympathy.

Catherine Paquet, le 29 janvier 2021

Standish family.

Dear Angela, Kathryn and Tiffany. I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your brother Bradley. It is so hard to lose a brother. I lost mine 15 years ago, and the pain is still there, but it is tempered by all the wonderful memories of our growing up together and beyond. I hope that your hurt will be softened by those memories you have of him. My condolences to all of the family.

Sincerely, Vivienne Allen

Vivienne Allen, le 29 janvier 2021

Sandra and family

I was very saddened to learn of Brad's passing. I have so many fond memories at the Standish home, growing up. I am deeply sorry for your loss. Please know that I am thinking of you and your family during this difficult time. Please accept my warmest condolences.

Kathleen Cass, le 29 janvier 2021

Brad’s family

My deepest sympathy to all of the family. Brad was a very hard worker who took great pride in his animals and farm.My thoughts are with you during this difficult time.

Jim Porter, le 29 janvier 2021

Angela, Tiffany and Kathryn

Alec and I would like to extend our deepest condolences. May you somehow find peace and comfort in this time of sorrow.

Alec and Marian van Zuiden, le 29 janvier 2021

Angela et famille

Mes sympathies Angela. Je pense à vous xx

Mariette Beaulac, le 29 janvier 2021

Standish family

Sharon and I are so very sad in hearing the passing of Brad and our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Wayne Stratton, le 29 janvier 2021


Sandra and Family Wynn and I OFFER OUR DEEPEST S
MARY Lou Gustin and Wynn Dustin

MARY LOU GUSTIN, le 30 janvier 2021

Paige and Family

Paige and the entire Standish family, sending you our deepest sympathies.

Kathy & Brian Curtis, le 30 janvier 2021

My sincerest condolences for all of Brad's Loved ones

I am sending my love and prayers for support and healing. I wish I could come celebrate Brad in person with you all during these difficult times ❤

Michelle Bauer-Mosher , le 30 janvier 2021

Sandra, Angela, Kathryn, Tiffany and family

We were so sorry to learn of the passing of Brad. We all share fun memories of him from when we were young. He is remembered for his kindness and fun spirit
Our sincere condolences to his entire family, may he Rest In Peace

The Cosgrove family, le 30 janvier 2021

Paige et sa famille

Mes condoléances.
Je pense à vous

Helene , le 30 janvier 2021

The Standish Family

We are so sorry for your loss. Our hearts go out to Brad's family. He was way to young May he rest in peace

Tim & Anne McKelvey, le 30 janvier 2021

Paige and the whole Standish family

We would like to send you all our deepest sympathies on the passing of your father, brother, son. Our prayers are with all of you during these hard times;

Brigitte Lemay and Real Houle, le 30 janvier 2021

Kathryn and family

Extending my deepest sympathies to you and your family. May you find peace and comfort in these difficult times. xx

Lorianne, le 30 janvier 2021

Sandra & Family,

Our deepest Sympathies to all the family, may he rest in peace.

Walter McComb, le 30 janvier 2021

Brad's family

our sincere sympathies to the whole family

Delbert and Christina Smith, le 30 janvier 2021


Our hearts go out to you and your family with this terrible loss. To lose a child is the ultimate heartbreak.

Sincerely, Debby & Lindsay Black

Debby Black, le 30 janvier 2021

Standish Family

We were so sad to hear about Bradley. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. So sorry for your loss.

Andrea and Mark Grantham, le 30 janvier 2021

Standish Family

So very shocked and saddened to hear about Brad’s passing. Please know we are thinking of all of you at this sad time. Treasure your many memories....

Sue-Lane, John and Josh Perry, le 30 janvier 2021

Paige and family

All my sympathy to you Paige...Your dad loved you beyond words. He is gone on his adventure with Papa Bill and will be looking down on you and the girls and being the angel you need to get you through these difficult times. He will never be far away. To Sandra, Angela, Kathy and Tiffany....may you find peace in knowing that Brad is also at peace now... Love you all.
Sue Keeble xoxo

Sue Keeble, le 30 janvier 2021

Bradley's Family

It is with great sadness I hear of Bradley's passing. I was happy to be part of his annual Christmas lobster family and friends gathering. Touched that your picture was taken on my boat. My prayers for your family Bradley.

Peter Richardson, le 30 janvier 2021

Famille Standish

Mes sympathies à toute la famille

Claude Hamel, le 30 janvier 2021

Sandra and family

Gordon and I are very sorry to hear of the passing of Bradley. Our thoughts are with you. Sending love to all of you.

Gordon and Gale Standish, le 30 janvier 2021

Standish Family

My condolences go out to the Standish family. Bradley always treated me well and was proud to share his knowledge around the farm. May the family stick together through these difficult times.

Brad Douglas , le 30 janvier 2021

Standish family

Our deepest condolences to all of you during these difficult times.

Paul and Linda Roger

Linda Beaudoin, le 30 janvier 2021

Standish Family

Our deepest sympathies to you all , if we can do anything to help don’t hesitate

Andre Veilleux and Debbie Lachapelle, le 30 janvier 2021

Family and friends

I am a friend of Brad's cousin Wendy, and had the privilege of meeting Brad once. I am very sorry for your loss.

Kim Elliott-Foster , le 30 janvier 2021

Family and friends

I am a friend of Brad's cousin Wendy, and had the privilege of meeting Brad once. I am very sorry for your loss.

Kim Elliott-Foster , le 30 janvier 2021

Standish family

Our deepest sympathies to the family! RIP Brad.

Céline et Mario Larose, le 30 janvier 2021

Sandra,Angela,Kathlyn,Tiffany,Paige and family...

Words cannot express the sadness that I feel for you all, try to remember all the great times you all have had as a family...the love you have as a family will help each and everyone of you,heal over time. Thinking of all of you with a heavy heart....

Margaret, le 31 janvier 2021

Sandra Standish and family

My sincerest condolences that you have lost a son, a brother and a father. Thinking of you in this saddest of times.

Sue-Lane Garrett, le 31 janvier 2021

Standish family

All of our dearest condolences, we will be keeping your family in our thoughts. From your neighbours (Réjean Lefebvre, Manon, Serge and Isabelle xoxo...)

Manon Lefebvre, le 31 janvier 2021

Standish family

All of our dearest condolences, we will be keeping your family in our thoughts. From your neighbours (Réjean Lefebvre, Manon, Serge and Isabelle xoxo...)

Manon Lefebvre, le 31 janvier 2021

The Standish Family

Sending my deepest sympathy to your family. Brad was a sweet guy. Thinking of you all. Hugs
Sandra Hodge

Sandra Hodge, le 31 janvier 2021

Famille Standish

Mes sympathies à toute la famille

Jean viens , le 1 février 2021

The Standish family

Angela , Kathryn ,Tiffany and family
We are thinking of all of you at this difficult time .
With our deepest sympathy.
James and Vania Edwards

Vania Edwards, le 1 février 2021

La famille de Bradley Standish

J'offre mes plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille de Bradley et je partage votre peine et vous souhaite le courage d'accepter ce qui ne peut être changé. En sa mémoire, il est affilié aux messes à perpétuité avec le Centre Missionnaire de Ste Thérèse, Montréal. Que son âme repose en paix.

Micheline Kingsberry, le 1 février 2021

The Standish Family

Please accept our Heartfelt Sympathies for the loss of your loved one.

Melvin, Phyllis Dustin & Family, le 1 février 2021

The Standish Family

Nos sincères sympathies à toute la famille

Robert Fauteux et Ghislaine Viens, le 1 février 2021

The Standish family

Sending our sincere condolences to all the family.

Stuart and Jocelyne Dustin, le 1 février 2021

Madame Standish, Angela, Kathy et Tiffany

Soyez assurées que je suis avec vous de tout coeur et que je demande au Seigneur Jésus d'être votre force et qu'il accueille Brad dans sa tendresse.
Une messe sera célébrée spécialement pour lui à Québec.
Avec affection,
Françoise Hébert, osu

Françoise Hébert, osu, le 1 février 2021

Standish Family

I wish all of the family my most sincere was always pleasant working with Brad when i came to the farm for vet visits..very sad with you that he is no longer with us...I wish you courage and strength during these sad and difficult days of mourning.

Walter Canzani, le 1 février 2021

The Standish Family

We are sorry to hear the loss of Bradley. Please know Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you

Malcolm and Tammy, le 2 février 2021

Standish family

To all of the Standish family.
We are so sorry for your lost.
Brad will be missed.
We would like to extend our deepest sympathies.

- Sylvain, Stéphane, Yvette, Marie-claude Lagueux and family

Lagueux family, le 2 février 2021

The family

My sympathy to all of you in your loss. I did not know Bradley but my heart goes out to all
of you.

Muriel Martin, le 3 février 2021

to the Standish family

Our sincerest condolences to Brads family

Dave and Mich Hatch, le 4 février 2021

Kathryn Standish and the Standish family

My deepest sympathies to you and your family Kathryn. You are all in our thoughts.

Corinne, Jeff, and Rowan

Corinne Haigh, le 4 février 2021

Sandra and family

My deepests sympathies to you Sandra and your familyI was shock to heard about the death of Bradley,My though are with you

Marie Rose Martin Camil Madore, le 15 février 2021

The Standish Family

So sorry to hear....We saw Brad for many years for our Christmas Tree and a visit...Thoughts and Prayers to the whole family...Sincerely Scott & Cathy

J Scott Waugh, le 16 février 2021

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