Bogie, Byrna - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Bogie, Byrna

BOGIE, Byrna

1929 - 2023

Daughter of the late Mildred Cross and Colin Bogie of Ulverton, Quebec passed away peacefully at age 93 at CHSLD St. Lambert sur le golf, St. Lambert Quebec.

Predeceased by husband Ralph Woodward CD in 2012 and son K. Ross Woodard in 2019.

Leaving to mourn daughter Dena husband Frank, grandchildren Krista, Jason and great grandson Benjamin.

Much appreciation and many thank you’s to a diligent administration to Dr.  Masson and staff on 5th floor especially Mario, Silvano, Nadjean, Margaret, Amin, Jacynthe, Norma and Valentina. Your professionalism will never be forgotten.

Private graveside service in spring at Elmwood Cemetery, Sherbrooke, QC    

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Family of Byrna

I had the priveledge of knowing and caring for Byrna in her time she was at the Wales Home. Always a good laugh and great talk.
My most heartfelt condolences to the family.

Catherine Dougherty , le 8 juin 2023

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