Bogie Woodard, Byrna Selina - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Bogie Woodard, Byrna Selina


1929 - 2023

Daughter of the late Mildred Cross and Colin Bogie of Ulverton, Quebec passed away peacefully at age 93 at CHSLD St. Lambert sur le golf, St. Lambert Quebec.

Predeceased by husband Ralph Woodward CD in 2012 and son K. Ross Woodard in 2019.

Leaving to mourn daughter Dena husband Frank, grandchildren Krista, Jason and great grandson Benjamin.

Much appreciation and many thank you’s to a diligent administration to Dr. Masson and staff on 5th floor especially Mario, Silvano, Nadjean, Margaret, Amin, Jacynthe, Norma and Valentina. Your professionalism will never be forgotten.

Private graveside service in spring at Elmwood Cemetery, Sherbrooke, QC  

2 messages reçus

Dena and family

My deepest sympathies in the loss of your mom, such a nice lady. I had the pleasure of working with your dad at the Sherbrooke Hospital years ago, he has left any that knew him with many memories and loads of good laughs. I had the opportunity of meeting your mom about 12 years ago at the Wales Home, she was at the same table in the dining room with my aunt. When I would join my aunt for lunch, your mom was thrilled that I had worked with your dad and could recount many stories about him!! Both of your parents were so very proud of their family, always beaming with love and pride. I am very sorry for your loss.

Nancy Smith, le 6 mars 2023

Dena Woodard-Chase &Family

I'm so sorry this wasn't written sooner. Byrna always tried to do her best. She was a mother, a grandmother and a great grandmother. She would gleam when she talked about her family, especially her great grandson. My heart goes out to you all, and Queen street, Sherbrooke will never be the same.

Kerry, Sid, Nathaniel, Matt, Kaitlyn.

Kerry, le 13 mars 2023

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