Paterson Nixon, Carol - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Paterson Nixon, Carol


1951 - 2022

C’est avec tristesse que nous vous annonçons que Mme Carol Paterson Nixon, s’est éteinte paisiblement entourée de sa famille, le mercredi 9 mars 2022, à La Maison Aube-Lumière.

Veuve de Charles Nixon, elle était la fille bien-aimée de feu William Paterson et de feu Winnifred Perkins.

Mère bien-aimée de Carie (Shawn Frost) et Vicki (Jason Morse). Grand-mère chérie de Hannah, Paige, Sarah, River, Allison et Charlie. Chère soeur de Robert (Debbie), Shirley (Danny), Don (Carole) et belle-soeur de Don (Anne) et Brenda (Johnny). Compagne privilégiée de Joseph Chênevert et de sa famille. Carol laisse dans le deuil plusieurs nièces et neveux bien-aimés ainsi que plusieurs autres parents et amis.

La famille recevra les condoléances à la Résidence funéraire Cass, 295 rue Principale Sud, Richmond, le jeudi 17 mars 2022 de 13 à 15h et de 19 à 21h. Les funérailles seront célébrées, le vendredi 18 mars à 13h30, à l’église Unie de Richmond Melbourne et vous êtes priés de vous y rendre directement dès 12h30. La célébrante sera Rev.Charlotte Griffith. L’inhumation au cimetière Maple Grove aura lieu à une date ultérieure.

La famille remercie chaleureusement tout le personnel extraordinaire de la Maison Aube-Lumière pour leur compassion et leur dévouement.

En mémoire de Carol, des dons à La Maison Aube-Lumière seraient grandement appréciés.

La désinfection des mains et le masque sont obligatoires en tout temps.

44 messages reçus

Robert, Shirley, Don, and all the Paterson and Nixon families

My sincerest condolences to you all at this most difficult time. If my memory serves me right, I believe it was Carol who taught me how to square dance all those years ago. She had a kind and giving heart, another one that is gone too soon. I wish you peace and comfort as you grieve. Cherish all the good memories, my thoughts are with you.
With love,

Barbara Verhoef, le 11 mars 2022

Vicki and family

Sending you all lots of love. This is a difficult time for you all but in your hearts you know she is no longer suffering, is at peace and is reunited with your father. Take care of each other.

Jacqueline Premdas and family, le 11 mars 2022

Thé Paterson-Nixon Family

We offer our most sincere condolences on the loss of Carol. So many memories of our youth and all the Patersons have done for us over the generations of friendship. RIP CAROL.

Malcolm & Gloria Wheeler, le 11 mars 2022

La famille et Joseph Chenevert

nos plus sincères sympathies lors de la perte de Carol

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Jackie Bruneau et Denis St-Onge, le 11 mars 2022

The Family

My sincere condolences

Lynda Patrick , le 11 mars 2022

Vicki,Jason and family

Our deepest sympathy to you and your loved ones at this most difficult time. Memories are such an intricate part of healing and finding strength. xxx

kathryn and jean pierre, le 11 mars 2022

Vicky, Don et Carole

Nos sincères sympathies à toute votre famille. Nos meilleures pensées sont avec vous.
Mireille et Michel

Mireille Chamberland, le 11 mars 2022

Nixon Family

So sorry to hear about Mrs Nixons passing . My deepest sympathies to you all.

Tim Later, le 11 mars 2022

Carie, Vicki, Robert, Shirley , Don

This is such sad news. Carol was a great, friendly warm hearted woman. I only have fond memories of her and the entire Paterson family. The Paterson house was like a second home to me. My thoughts are with you all in this difficult time.

Walter Verhoef, le 11 mars 2022

Toute la famille

Nos plus sincères sympathies à toute la famille

Philip Langlois et Maryse St-Pierre , le 11 mars 2022

Paterson-Nixon Families

Our heartfelt sympathy to you all on the loss of your dear Carol. She always had a smile and was a kind soul. May she rest in peace and be free of her struggle. Daphne Dykeman and Yves Lupien

Daphne Dykeman, le 11 mars 2022

Friends & family

My deepest condolences.
Carol is one of the nicest people I have ever met in my life. I’ll always remember her smile.
Love to all her friends and family.

Megan McDevitt, le 11 mars 2022

Vicki, Jason et famille

Nos plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille. Nous pensons à vous en ces moments difficiles. Xxx

Hélène Bougie, Michel Philibert, le 11 mars 2022

Robert, Donny and Shirley Paterson

I am so sad to hear of Carol's passing. It was only yesterday we were kids on the 11th range. I wish I were nearer and could be with you all at this time. My thoughts are also with her daughters and their families.
Louise Farquhar
St Catharines on.

Louise Farquhar, le 11 mars 2022

Varie and Vicki

Je vous transmets toutes mes condoléances, je suis bouleversée même si je savais très bien sa situation. Je pense à vous tous, malheureusement nous ne serons pas au pays pour aller vous transmettre nos hommages…mais je pense a Carol au plus profond de mon cœur.

Johanne et Bertrand Menard, le 11 mars 2022

The Family of Carole

I am so very sorry to learn about Carol passing. We went to school together. Fond memories of sleepovers. My sincere condolences to the family. Warm regards.

Sheryl Cinnamon

Sheryl Cinnamon, le 11 mars 2022


So sorry to hear of your mom’s passing
Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family

Ann Marcoux /Robert Nutbrown, le 11 mars 2022

Nixon Family

Mes sincères condoléances à toutes la famille.

Jean et Cecile Beland, le 11 mars 2022

To all Carols Fanily

We send our deepest sympathies >

Kelly and Linda Ross, le 12 mars 2022

The family

May this message bring you the testimony of a profound and sincere sympathy.

Sandra Borden, le 12 mars 2022

Carrie and Vicki

Please accept our condolences on the passing of your mom. We will always remember her as a friendly and smiling person. She is now at peace with your dad.

Shirley and John Mulholland, le 12 mars 2022

Carol’s family

So very sorry to hear of Carol’s passing. I went to school with her so many years ago but still remember her with much fondness.

Linda Sundborg , le 12 mars 2022


My deepest sympathies to all the family,
Carol was a wonderful person,a real nice lady with a beautiful personality.
May she Rest In Peace.

Réjeanne Raymond, le 12 mars 2022

Don, Carole et la famille

Toutes nos sympathies vous accompagnent en cette période de deuil.

Monique Lussier, Gilles Cloutier, le 12 mars 2022

To the Patterson-Nixon families

My sincere sympathy on your great loss.

Jean Storry, le 12 mars 2022

Carie, Vicki and your families!

Our sincere sympathies, hold all your wonderful memories close to your heart ❤️!
Sending hugs and love at this most difficult time!

Valerie, Patrick and Emma,Mike and Ava ❤️

Valerie Fowler , le 12 mars 2022

Robert, Shirley and Don and families

Our sympathies on your loss! Sending hugs and love ❤️

Valerie and Patrick

Valerie , le 12 mars 2022

À la famille de Carol et a ses nombreux amis (es)

Mes sincères condoléances
Moi et mon conjoint garderons de très beaux souvenirs passés avec elle

Hélène Chênevert Noble, le 13 mars 2022

Wayne Mellish

My condolences and prayers are with the Patterson and Nixon families at this time of Carol's passing. I have fond memories of Carol as one of my favorite students in Grade 8 at Saint Francis. She had a twinkle in her eye for Chuck even then. I recall teasing her on different times and she would always blush and have a big smile on her face. Even as she became an adult and we were friends, she always referred referred to me as Mr. Mellish never Wayne. May she rest in peace.

Mellish, le 13 mars 2022

La famille et amis (es)

Nos pensées vous accompagnent durant ces moments difficiles...

Alain Lussier et Marianne Richard , le 13 mars 2022

Nixon - Paterson Family

Carie and Vicki and family / Paterson Family

The love of a mother can never be replaced. You carry her in your heart always.
Carol will be truly missed. Our deepest sympathy to the families.

Wilton & Wanda Moreland, le 13 mars 2022

Carrie and Vicky and family

Sending you my deepest condolences for the loss of your Mom.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Angela Healy, le 14 mars 2022


Mes sincères condoléances à toute la famille.
Mes pensées sont avec vous.


Brenda & Johnny & family

Dear Bren,
Very sad to see Carol's passing, I remember her well.
My Mom was so fond of all the Perkin relatives & always enjoyed her visits.
May fond memories of happy times ease your sorrow.

Dail Jacob, le 14 mars 2022

Carie and Vickie and families

My deepest sympathies to you all. It is very difficult to lose a loved one.

Peggy Healy, le 15 mars 2022

Shawn & Carie & Family

So sorry to hear the loss of your mom
My prayers are with all of you during this time of mourning
Nancy Vintinner Lemieux

Nancy Vintinner Lemieux , le 15 mars 2022

Nixon-Paterson Families

We’re so sorry for your loss. Carol always had a smile and a kind word. Rest In Peace Carol
Donna Armstrong and Mario Jolin

Donna Armstrong , le 16 mars 2022

Carrie and Vicki

Sending you lots of love during this difficult time.

Blair & Ginny, le 16 mars 2022

Carie & Vicki and families

Thinking you you both at this difficult time. Your mom was such a wonderful person. She was so fortunate to have you both by her side during her these last several months. Hugs to you all ♥

Kristie Wright, le 17 mars 2022

aux enfants de Carole et à toute la famille

Nous Jean et Annette Roy souhaitons nos symphatie à vous tous

Jean et Annette Roy, le 17 mars 2022

famille Paterson et Nixon

mes plus sinceres condoléances

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Yvon Leclerc, le 17 mars 2022

la famille Paterson Nixon

Toutes nos sympathies à la famille, part en paix Carol

Claire et Yves Millette, le 17 mars 2022

the Family of Carol Patterson Nixon

With sadness in our hearts we offer you our sincere condolences at the passing of Carol. Please be assured that we will remember her in our prayers. And we will cherish her spontaneous laugh or smile whenever we think of her. May she rest in eternal peace.

Simon and Margot Langeveld

Simon Langeveld, le 19 mars 2022

Shirley Patterson

Extending our sympathy to you, Shirley, and family on the loss of your sister Carol. May all the memories made with Carol through the years bring you comfort now through this most difficult time and throughout life’s journey.

Mavis (Batchelor) and Yvon Arseneault, le 3 mai 2022

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