Kobelt, Charles Alexander - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Kobelt, Charles Alexander

KOBELT, Charles Alexander

1925 - 2021

Our dear dad, Charles (Chuck / Charlie) Kobelt passed away on January 29, 2021 attended by his family at the Grace Village. Due to the pandemic, a celebration of his life was postponed and will be held at Cass Funeral Home in Lennoxville on November 11, 2021. Visitation is from 9:30 am to 11 am directly followed by a service at Cass. The private interment ceremony will be attended by Charles’ children and grandchildren.

The Kobelt family thanks the staff at the Grace Village. To honour the excellent care and compassion provided to our dad, a donation to the Grace Village Foundation would be greatly appreciated in lieu of flowers. http://www.gracevillage.ca/donations

21 messages reçus

Famille Lacroix

To All his family and friends I did not know him sounds like after the war he had a renewed energy for living life to the fullest with family my deepest condelences to you all and may the children be taught about those war veterans...MayGod bless you all

Roberta Dumas from Stanstead

Roberte Dumas......Stanstead, le 4 février 2021

Famille Lacroix

To All his family and friends I did not know him sounds like after the war he had a renewed energy for living life to the fullest with family my deepest condelences to you all and may the children be taught about those war veterans...MayGod bless you all

Roberta Dumas from Stanstead

Roberte Dumas......Stanstead, le 4 février 2021

Famille Lacroix

To All his family and friends I did not know him sounds like after the war he had a renewed energy for living life to the fullest with family my deepest condelences to you all and may the children be taught about those war veterans...MayGod bless you all

Roberta Dumas from Stanstead

Roberte Dumas......Stanstead, le 4 février 2021

Keith et Claudette

Je suis désolé d'apprendre la perte de ton père qui devait sûrement être un homme d'exception. Portez vous bien malgré tout et bonne saison de golf 2021.

Pierre Brosseau, le 4 février 2021

Charles Alexander Kobelt

I trust all of the fabulous memories that you have all had with him will always keep a smile on your face! God rest his soul!
Rob & Oriana Laderoute

Rob Laderoute, le 4 février 2021

Charles and Kelley

My sincere sympathies. Mr Kobelt was a gentleman and his memory will live forever in my heart.

Karl Villeneuve, le 4 février 2021

Keith Kobelt

My deepest sympathy to you Keith and all your family for the loss of your father!

Guy Faucher, le 4 février 2021

Keith and Claudette Kobelt

Keith and Claudette,
I offer you my most sincere sympathies. It is always with great sorrow that one must accept the passing of a cherished one, no matter the age or circumstances.
May he rest in peace.

Richard Hallé, le 4 février 2021

Charles, Kelley, Lilly, Frankie, Keith, Claudette & Family

Our deepest condolences to the Kobelt Family. Poppa will be remembered in so many different and wonderful ways in the community. Our thoughts are with you.

Marty, Jess, Madi & Ellie, le 4 février 2021

Keith et Claudette

Nos sympathies à toute la famille.
Louise et Pierre Lessard

Pierre Lessard, le 4 février 2021

The Kobelt family

Our deepest sympathies. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Marlene Harvey and family, le 4 février 2021

Keith, Claudette & all the family.We are sorry to hear

We are sorry to hear of your Dads passing,Was a great person that enjoyed life, Remember him from back on Hins street in Greenfield Park Have pictures of him & my Dad coaching a foot ball team.May you RIP Charles.

Betty & Red Drummond, le 4 février 2021

Mr Korbelt

My condolences to the family
Fellow barbershop friend.

Jerry Mayer., le 4 février 2021

Keith et Claudette

Bonjour à vous deux, nous sommes de tout cœur avec vous dans cette épreuve. Nous vous offrons nos plus sincères sympathies.

Famille Delisle Archambault.

Denis Archambault, le 4 février 2021

The Kobelt Family

Condolences to the family of this old family friend and fine gentleman. I have many fond memories of Chuck and Alice who were friends of my parents and I would sit wide-eyed at parties enjoying his humour and his wonderful singing voice. On the bright side, I guess he will finally know if you can get to heaven on roller skates! Grieve well and enjoy the memories!

Gus Richardsn, le 5 février 2021

The Family and loved ones

My sympathies on the passing of a true gentleman that I got to meet and know while he and my Dad (Ray Martin) were at the Connaught home. His positive attitude helped everyone. I have thought of him in the years since I've seen him and am glad that I got to know him even as little as I did. He and Maureen Bean sure cheered Dad up many times.

Debra Martin, le 5 février 2021

To the Kobelt family

Charles was know for his service to Lennoxville by his kindness and grace he gave to everyone he met.
I had a part-time job taping the various teams at Bishop's and Chaplain.
No doubt his voice was captured many during those games.
I will add his name to this year's All Soul's Day service.

Rev. Blair Ross, le 5 février 2021

Charles and Kelly

My deepest condolences he was a great man I will never forget his look on his face when I took him for a ride in my Oldsmobile Cutlass supreme and he pushed the horn in front of your place then we went and got the flowers for the home was my pleasure to be able to take care of your dad

Lorraine Kydd, le 5 février 2021

To Kelly and Charles

My deepest sympathy to both of you for your loss. The passing of a close family member, especially your father, is always more difficult time to go through. All my best to both of you and the family.

Clément de Laat, le 6 février 2021

Keith and Family

Sending our sympathies..

Joan and Joey, and the rest of the Eveleigh's, le 7 février 2021



LYNDA B BORDELEAU, le 9 février 2021

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