Wells Warnholtz, Charlotte Edith - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Wells Warnholtz, Charlotte Edith

WELLS WARNHOLTZ, Charlotte Edith

1922 - 2020

Charlotte passed away peacefully during the early morning hours of March 7th, 2020, in her 98th year, at Grace Village in Sherbrooke, Quebec. Charlotte was born in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, the eldest of five children of Stanley Wells and Esther Olmstead.  She is predeceased by her brother Stanley, her first husband, Wesley Theobald and her loving husband of 52 years, Gordon Warnholtz. She will be dearly missed by her three children: son David (Lyn), and grandchildren Joshua, Kristen (Kumulia), and Lukas (Rachel); son Donald (Nancy) and grandchildren Jason (Leanne), Mark (Eleanor Anne), and Jared  (Ruth) and her daughter Sharon (Doug) and grandchildren Skylar, Megan and Courtney (Joshua). She also leaves behind great-grandchildren Elijah, Micah, Miles, Nolan, Jace, Asher, Skylar, Eden and Mackenzie. Lovingly remembered by her three siblings David Wells (Anita), Charles Wells (Vivian) and Mary (Wendell Hardy) as well as her dear sister-in-law, Jean Warnholtz and all of their respective families.

Charlotte will always be known for her sincere faith in God and the generous hospitality she shared abundantly with family, friends and strangers alike.

**IMPORTANT** Change of venue for Memorial service for Charlotte Warnholtz.

"Due to increasing concerns about the COVID-19 virus all around the world and the vulnerability of seniors living at Grace Village, we are taking precautions. We will be moving the service from Grace Village to the Hope Community Church, 102 Queen Street Sherbrooke (Lennoxville). We also wish to remind everyone that the service will be available by live-stream as well. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. There is no change to the schedule, only the location.

Informal visitation 10:00-11:00 am

Service 11:00-12:00 noon followed by reception.

Live stream link: http://www.gracevillage.ca/Charlotte

Thank you

A celebration of Charlotte’s life will be held at the Hope Community Church, 102 Queen Street Sherbrooke (Lennoxville), on Friday, March 13th. There will be informal visitation from 10:00-11:00 followed by the service and reception.

We wish to express our thanks to the employees and volunteers of Grace Village for the wonderful care, attention and kindness Mom received while living in the Memory Care Wing.

In lieu of flowers, donations to the Grace Village Memory Care Fund c/o Grace Village would be appreciated.

6 messages reçus

Sharon , Doug and Family

So sorry to hear about your Mother, Mother in law And Grandmother. Our deepest sympathy to all. Our thoughts are with you! May she rest in peace.

Lorrayne and Larry Markwell - Stanstead, le 9 mars 2020

Sharon and family

My deepest sympathy . She had the most beautiful smile ever.

Paula rediker, le 10 mars 2020

Charlotte Edith Wells Wanholtz

May I extend my sincere sympathy to Charlotte's family from the family of her late Aunt Gertrude. May she RIP

June Copeland (Gertrude's daughter), le 11 mars 2020

Sharon, David,Donald, Doug and family

A legend of faith has fallen here on earth but she is alive with Master.
Let your hearts be glad as mine is as I hear her in my spirit praising the Master... when we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be, when we all see Jesus, we will sing and shout with victory!

Roselidah Aluha, le 12 mars 2020

Dave and Lyn

My sympathies to you and your entire family- your mother leaves a tremendous legacy, and she is now is Jesus’ peace.

Lissa, le 12 mars 2020

Sharon, Doug and the family of Charlotte,

Dear Family of Charlotte,
My name is Judith. I am a Caregiver at Grace. I am thankful to have known and cared for Charlotte during her time at Grace Village. As we all are ever learning, Charlotte taught us and myself personally many things; compassion, patience, the importance of TLC, reminding me of all the verses I learned when younger, got me back to singing hymns which I love, she always said thank you when I had helped her during an evening and more.
TY Charlotte! I will miss you!
I know where she is and I know she is happy, even overjoyed to be with her many loved ones who were awaiting when she stepped through the Door. I extend my sympathy to you all and pray that as the days pass, you find strength and peace; knowing that Charlotte is "safe in the Arms of Jesus, safe on His Gentle Breast, there no fears alarm me, there shall my soul find rest." -- Fanny Crosby
My prayers and thoughts are with you!

Judith Yonan, le 17 mars 2020

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