Bonnallie Cowan, Constance June - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Bonnallie Cowan, Constance June


1933 - 2020

Cowan, Constance June (Bonnallie), at the CHUS Fleurimont, on April 21, 2020. Connie Cowan, of the Wales Home, formerly of Huntingville, in her 87th year. Dearly beloved wife of the late John B. Cowan. Predeceased by her parents William and Doretta (Noble) Bonnallie, and her siblings Eunice Brown, Thelma Widdifield, Roma Bonnallie, Norrey Bonnallie, Glenn Bonnallie, and Carl Bonnallie, also by her sisters-in-law Bette Huffman and Hazel Smith. Sister of Martin (JoAnn) Bonnallie of Sherbrooke, Quebec. Dear mother of Wendy (John) Vaudry of Pembroke Ontario, and Roy (Sandra) Cowan of Duffield, Alberta. Loving grandmother of Paul Vaudry of Nanaimo, Phil Vaudry and Mary (Al) Veldman, both of Hamilton, Ontario, John Cowan of Winnipeg, Joe Cowan and Jordan Cowan, of Duffield, Alberta. Cherished great-grandmother of John and Naomi Veldman. Warmly remembered by her many nieces and nephews.

A private funeral service will be held in July. Interment in Huntingville Cemetery. Memorial donations to St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Sherbrooke, 256 Queen St. Sherbrooke, QC J1M 1K6 would be appreciated as expressions of sympathy.

1 message reçu

To the Cowan family

Our deepest sympathies to all of the Cowan family , a great lady has left us .

Kelly + linda, le 29 avril 2020

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