Gilmour, Daria Jean - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Gilmour, Daria Jean

GILMOUR, Daria Jean

1968 - 2023

Daria Jean Gilmour

(1968 – 2023) 

Daria Jean Gilmour, daughter of the late John S. Gilmour and the late Emily Anne Nasmith. Loving youngest sister of John Philip, Andrea and Julia. She passed away peacefully on March 15, 2023.

Daria was special in every way and lived her life to the fullest. She had a strong faith and now has joined Mom and Dad in Heaven.

A special thank you to Trudy Sparkes for her loving care over many years and to Debby Morrison for her care at the end.

Daria will be buried in Outremont with her parents at a later date.

3 messages reçus

The Gilmour family

Our deepest sympathy to you on the homegoing of dear Daria. She was always at Hope (Huntingville) Community Church on Sundays and enjoyed the various activities - faithful is the word that we think of when we think of her. I know she is enjoying the wonder of heaven with your Mom and Dad. I always felt a special connection to her as I was at Cedar Lodge with your parents in 1958. Marjorie Eddy Nasmith was my Sunday School teacher at Temple Baptist Church. We are part of the family of God - for eternity.

Donna (Lousley) & John Haffenden, le 18 mars 2023

Andrea and family

Andrea and family, I am so sorry for your loss. Andrea, you always spoke so fondly of Daria and your love for her was always so evident.

Cathy Pearson , le 19 mars 2023

Andrea Malyon

Thinking of you and your family, love from your social work family at DDSB

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Jennifer Barnett, le 21 mars 2023

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