Heath, David - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Heath, David

HEATH, David

1941 - 2024

*** Notice of burial***


At the age of 82, passed peacefully into his Lord’s presence on February 9th.  Mr. David Heath, of Huntingville, QC is predeceased by his loving wife, Lois Horsman. He is also predeceased by father, Arthur Heath and mother, Elsie Heath (Roffe).

He will be dearly missed by his children: Shane (Marion MacDonald) of Revelstoke, British Columbia and Joel (Jessica Fearon) of Calgary, Alberta,  and grandchildren: Micah, Naomi, Elijah, Nicole, Nathanael and Elodie.

David will also be missed by his sister Beverley Cairns (Albert) of Ives Hill, brother Arthur Heath (Lillian) of Tacoma, WA, and brother Warren Heath (Colleen) of Waterville, as well as many nieces, nephews and many other relatives and friends.

David was a devoted husband, father, brother, and friend. He valued spending time with all of them. We do not mourn for him as someone lost but know that he is with his Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. He was widely known for his singing, and this is how many people will remember him.

*A graveside commital service will take place on Saturday,  May 4th at 2 pm at the Huntingville Cemetery.

In lieu of flowers, please make donations to Frontier Lodge, St. Hermenegilde, Quebec. https://frontierlodge.org/support/

12 messages reçus

Heath family

Gail and I would like to express our condolences.We had the privilege of fellowshipping with David each Sunday in church and hearing him sing.The Lord's comfort and blessing to you all.

Daniel & Gail Bousquet, le 15 février 2024

The Family

So sorry to hear. My sincere condolences to all the family.
RIP David

David Price, le 15 février 2024

Warren and Family

so sorry to hear the loss of your brother
May you find courage and strenght remembering all the good times spent with David
My sincere condolences to you and your loved ones
Nancy Vintinner

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Nancy Lemieux, le 15 février 2024

The Family

Daphne and I offer our sincerest condolences to you.
David was an exceptional person. He was a great friend to my brother Roger Bailey and he did us the honour of singing at our wedding July 26, 1969.
He will always be remembered with love. We have the Marksman's album, Living Clear Waters and play it often.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Richard and Daphne Bailey, le 16 février 2024

Bev Cairns, Warren and Colleen, Shane and Joel and their dear families.

David has blessed my life so many times by his singing ministry. Also, he was part of our Hope Community Church family, and neighbour and friend and church family. What a joyous meeting we’ll all have when we all get to Heaven.

Love to you all.


Kathy Jones, le 16 février 2024

The family

My sincere condolences
While i had mostly lost touch with David.....he was an across the street neighbour when my parents lived in Lennoxville..(1956-1963) ,I retain good memories of him and his nice family
On the few occasions I did run into him he ALWAYS had a nice smile and kind words for me
May he rest in peace

Brian Kyle, le 16 février 2024

The Heath Family

Mr. Heath was my home room teacher: Green 208 at Alexander Galt Regional High School.
He was a very kind, patient, caring teacher.
He will be missed by all.
Rest In Peace Sir!

Cheryl Jones, le 16 février 2024

Warren and families

Our deepest condolances to all of you for your tremendous loss. He was a wonderful neighbour and we will miss our little visits. RIP David now that you are reunited with Lois

Karen, Brent and Familiy

Karen Sutton, le 18 février 2024

Joel and Shane

My deepest condolences. Your father was always so nice to me, he was was an amazing person.

Ann Emily , le 22 février 2024

Dear Shane, Joel, Warren, Colleen, and family,

We were shocked and saddened to hear that David had passed away, and so soon after his beloved wife.
I always felt that he was a friend. We often saw each other and talked together, whether at Alexander Galt or Huntingville Church. (He sang at our wedding also!).
It is comforting to know that we will see him again when we are together with Jesus, our Lord and Saviour.

Jim and Ursula Reynolds, le 25 février 2024

All Family Members and Friends

Our deepest sympathy to you all in the loss of David.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.
He made many wonderful memories in his wonderful singing for many.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Roy Sylvester & Linda Raymond Deacon, le 28 février 2024

To Arthur Heath and family and all the Heath family.

Sincere condolences to all in the loss of David. I knew Arthur and the family back when I lived in Lennoxville on Warren St. May the happy memories you all have help sustain you during this difficult time. God Bless each and everyone of you. RIP David.

Gary & Alice (nee Bassett( Johnston of Newmarket, Ontario.

Gary & Alice (Bassett) Johnston, le 25 avril 2024

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