Letourneau Burns, Diane - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Letourneau Burns, Diane


1945 - 2025

Diane Michelle Burns (nee Letourneau) went to be with her Lord and Saviour on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, in her 80th year. The daughter of Roland and Jeanne (nee Carrier) Letourneau.


Born October 12, 1945, she was raised in North Hatley, Quebec. She loved the water, and no summer was complete without an annual trip to North Hatley to walk along the boardwalk and visit the store she worked at as a young girl.


She met her soulmate and future husband, Malcolm Cameron Burns, at a church function. They were married on July 29, 1967, and raised their 3 children on the family farm. Her Christian faith was very important to her, and she strived to reflect her Saviour in her daily life.


She loved flowers and enjoyed the beauty of God’s creation around her while sitting on her deck. She enjoyed tole painting, playing darts and travel to several countries and Canadian provinces.


She was diagnosed with ALS in 2022. She was an encouragement to people with her gentle smile and the genuine grace and courage she showed as her disease progressed. She could make people laugh but still let you know when you were out of line with a look.


Her husband Malcolm Burns, children Janice Burns Connell (James Connell), Cindy Burns, Jonathan Burns (Marie-Josee Dodier), grandsons Noah Burns and Zack Burns are left to mourn her as well as many extended family and friends.


We will miss her desperately but are comforted in knowing that she is with her Saviour who she loved so much.


We are so thankful for the assistance and kindness shown from the medical staff at the CHUS and CLSC. We are also thankful for all those who have prayed for her and our family throughout this ALS journey.


Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to Cass Funeral Homes. A Celebration of Life will be held at the Sawyerville Baptist Church on Sunday, January 19, 2025, at 2pm. A luncheon and visitation with the family will follow the service. Burial of ashes to take place at the Island Brook Cemetery at a later date.

39 messages reçus

Lafamille Malcom Burns

Nos plus sincères condoléances à toutes votre famille nous avec vous dans nos pensées dans ces moments difficiles bon courage

Fra ncine et Robert Talbot., le 16 janvier 2025

All the family

Our deepest sympathy to all the family.

Judy Langevin Dubeau & Ernie Dubeau, le 16 janvier 2025

Malcolm and family.

We will dearly miss Diane. She was our beautiful shinning star. She was always smiling and she so loved to vist with everyone. She was an inspiration to many. Now her and Lois will be able to sit and talk for many hours.

Paul and Anne Marie, le 16 janvier 2025

Malcolm Burns and family

Our sincere sympathies.

Bonny and Jim, le 16 janvier 2025

Malcolm & family

Our Deepest Sympathy in the loss of your loved one. May she Rest In Peace.

Collin, Karen & Travis Laberee, le 16 janvier 2025

Mac and family

My condolences in your loss

Barb Ward, le 17 janvier 2025

Mac and family

Connie, Margie and myself want to send the family of this funny,witty lady our most sincere sympathies. Diane could talk with her eyes . She will be missed by all who had the good fortune to meet her.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Corey Bellam , le 17 janvier 2025

Mac and family

My sympathies on your loss. Diane was a wonderful Christian lady. She was a great example for me. Praying for you all.

Jackie Hardcastle MacGregor , le 17 janvier 2025

Mac & family

Our deepest sympathy to you & your family Mac. Diane was a wonderful person & she will be missed by all who knew her.

Ross Aulis & Wendy Mackay, le 17 janvier 2025

Mac, Cindy and family

We are so sorry for your loss. We know Diane is with the Lord and in a wonderful place, but her presence will be dearly missed. She was aways kind and had a wonderful smile....especially when one of you would make her laugh.

Our love and sympathies to you all.

Darren & Jen (Downing) Bardati

Jennifer Downing, le 17 janvier 2025

Aux familles Létourneau Burns

Une grande dame au regard doux et rempli de bonté a quitté pour rejoindre une autre vie qu'on souhaite calme et reposante. Nos plus sincères condoléances à vous tous qui l'avez aimée, qui l'aime et qui l'aimera pour toujours.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Pauline Corbeil et Guy Leclerc, le 17 janvier 2025

Malcolm Burns and family

We send you and your family our sincere sympathies, Diane will always be remembered for her warm and sincere personality, her faithfulness not only to the Lord, but also to her friends and family, she went through thick and thin times with her health issues, but always seemed to still be that ray of sunshine when she walked into a room. I consinsider myself so very lucky to have known her, she will never be forgotten, but I know that she has joined our Father in heaven , and now she has no more pain and is resting in peace and singing with the angels. We pray for you and your family, and may God give you the strength to get through this great loss. Sincere sympathies , Renald & Judy Bernier

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Judy Richert, le 17 janvier 2025

Malcom and his family

Our dear friend, Diane's suffering is over and she is in perfect peace. Bless all of you as you grieve your loss as well as celebrating the many wonderful memories that you have with her.
Raymond & Kay

Raymond et Kay Lesperance , le 17 janvier 2025

Mac and family

My deepest sympathies to you and your family

Crystal lloyd, le 17 janvier 2025

Mac and family

Our sympathies to all the family.

Janice and Randy Hartwell , le 17 janvier 2025

À la famille

Nos plus sincères condoléances, Que le Seigneur Jésus vous console dans cette dure épreuve.

Gisele Fortin, le 17 janvier 2025

Malcolm and family

Mes plus sincères sympathies à vous et votre famille.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Diane Mathieu, le 17 janvier 2025


My deepest sympathy to you all for your loss...I have the fondest memories of Diane and all of you..the fun times on the farm helping dad and Maclcom in the barn..summer camp..playing in the play house ..school events...she always had the most beautiful smile and kindest of hearts.she was always there for anyone who needed a friend.your all in my thoughts and prayers ️ a beautiful angel to watch over us all..she will be deeply missed

Christine côté, le 17 janvier 2025

John et Marie-Josée,Noa, Zach

Toute nos condoléances,.
C'est une grande perte une maman et une grand-maman.
Bon courage

Suzanne Brault et Richard, le 17 janvier 2025

Uncle Mac and family

Oh how I loved aunt Diane. I can honestly still hear her laughter. When our 3 kids were out in the barn doing chores with uncle Mac I was able to spend alone time with aunt Diane. She was such a proud mom and wife.
I remember taking Abbigail to a walk in clinic with an asthma exacerbation. Aunt Diane was my translator! I gave the wrong birth date for Abbigail and got a suspicious look from the receptionist. Aunt Diane assured them that I was indeed the child’s mother but that due to my anxiety over her asthmatic attack I misinformed them of her actual DOB!

Never forgotten and oh what a glorious party that is happening in Heaven.
Be assured of my prayers! Your grief is intense but there is that hope that I know you all are holding onto!
Xo Glenna

Glenna , le 17 janvier 2025

The Burns Family

Our deepest sympathy on the loss of Diane

Barry and Laura Deadman , le 17 janvier 2025

Malcolm and Family

Our deepest sympathy for your loss .

Lynn & Georgia Hodge, le 17 janvier 2025


My deepest sympathy to all your families and friends

Craig Lloyd and Patricia , le 17 janvier 2025


Toutes nos sincères condoléances, Nous sommes de tout coeur avec vous.

Pierre & Céline Lamarche

Pierre Lamarche, le 17 janvier 2025

Malcolm Burns and family

My sympathy in the passing of Diane.

kathleen mackey, le 17 janvier 2025

The Family

Our sincere sympathies to all the family

Mike and Marilyne Belanger , le 17 janvier 2025

Mac and Family Burns

My deepest sympathy to all your families and friends

Michel Gallant, le 17 janvier 2025

Malcom and family

Gail and I would like to offer our condolences to you and your family.Diane was a special lady and we always enjoyed the times we spent with you and her.Our love and prayers

Daniel & Gail Bousquet, le 17 janvier 2025

Malcom and family

Our deepest sympathies to the family. She was unique and I enjoy talking with her. Take care.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Yvonne Boutin & Robert Redden , le 17 janvier 2025

The Burns family

Sorry for your great loss

Stephanie Lowry and family, le 17 janvier 2025

Malcom Burns and family

So good to know that Diane is finally with her Lord and Saviour whom she loved and served alongside you,Malcom. My condolences to you and your family who presently suffer her loss.
With love and prayer
Ryder Johnston Clarke

Mrs. Ryder Johnston Clarke, le 18 janvier 2025

Malcolm Burns

My sympathies to you and all of your family, Mac. I am thinking of you. Diane had such a lovely smile.

Marlene lowry, le 18 janvier 2025

Malcom & ses enfants, famille.

Diane est auprès de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ , c`est la belle promesse de notre Sauveur!
Aujourd`hui nos pensées de réconfort sont pour Malcom et ses enfants; sachez qu`un jour nous reverrons Diane et son Grand Ami Jésus.
Ti-Claude & Nicole Legris < Club Maranatha MC
J`écris seulement si quelque chose me coule du coeur jusqu`aux mains.

ti-claude legris *Club Maranatha MC*, le 18 janvier 2025

Malcolm and family

I am so sorry to hear about Diane's passing. She was a lovely lady with such a kind heart. My sympathies to you and your family.

Sue Garneau , le 18 janvier 2025

The Burn’s Family

We are so sorry for your loss. Diane was such a great lady. We are thinking of all of you. Sincere sympathy

Ian and Edith Mcburney , le 18 janvier 2025

Malcolm and family

Please accept our deepest sympathy

Don and Linda Rothney ., le 19 janvier 2025

Burns Family

Our deepest sympathies to Malcolm and Jonathan and family, she was a great women, bright and funny, she will be missed.

Helene Boutin Vallee and Sylvain Vallee, le 19 janvier 2025

Mac and family

My deepest symoathies my heart goes out to all of you .Diane brightened and room that she walked into with her beautifull smile and wonderful laughter. She was a very special and couragous lady. Everytime she and my Mom would get together they would talk and laugh it was very nice to see.I loved hearing the stories of the good old days. She will be greatly missed. I am sorry that I could not make it today. GOD BLESS YOU ALL

April Walker, le 19 janvier 2025

Mac abd family

My deepest sympathies to all the family Diane brightened every room that she walked into with her smile and laughter. She was a very couragous and wonderfull lady. I loved to hear the stories of the good old days. My mom and she would sit and talk and laugh for hours. She will be greatly missed. Iam sorry I could not of been there today. My heart goes out to all of you GOD BLESS

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
April Walker, le 19 janvier 2025

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