Shepherd, Donald - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Shepherd, Donald


1937 - 2022

Mr. Donald Shepherd, 84, passed away surrounded by love, and with loved ones at his side, in Sherbrooke on January 7, 2022. Son of the late Bertram James Shepherd and late Christina Pettigrew Tulloch Donald.

Beloved husband of Sandra (née Dockum), cherished father of Donna-Lynn (Andrew Hopkins) and Nancy (Glenn Buck) and loving grandfather of Jared, Christopher, Sarah, Chad, Jonathan, Rachel  and Emma.

Brother of Isabel, Lester (late), Paul, Sue and John.

He is also remembered by his nieces, nephews, extended family and friends.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in his honour to the Ottawa Heart Institute or any charity of your choice; all donations are appreciated.

 Due to current restrictions, the ceremony can be attended virtually at the following web address

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6 messages reçus

Sandra and family

We are so sorry for your loss.
We enjoyed our time square dancing and our lunches with both of you. He will be missed. Big hugs.

Fran and Barry Hartin, le 12 janvier 2022

Sandra and Family

So sad to hear of Don’s passing, we could always count on Don for a smile and a laugh.

Brian & Amy Crawford , le 12 janvier 2022

Sandra and family

So sorry for your loss . We sure had a lot of fun over the yesrs square dancing and after parties ..We miss those times.

keith and joan hubbard, le 12 janvier 2022

Arnold and Dorothy Hodgins

Sandra and family
Our deepest sympathy. We sure enjoyed dancing with both of you.

Arnold and Dorothy Hodgins, le 12 janvier 2022

Nancy and family

Saddly another road has come to it's end ..... let your good , happy moments support you all thru your hardship.
Thingking of you.

Ann Buck & Marcel Jetté, le 13 janvier 2022

Nancy and family

Vers sorry for your lost . Our deepest sympathy .

Tom & Linda , le 13 janvier 2022

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