Buckland, Dorothy - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Buckland, Dorothy


1933 - 2020

Dorothy Blake died Monday, January 27 at her home in Beebe, Que. surrounded by loved ones. She was 86.

She was born in Beebe on November 18, 1933 to George W. Buckland and Helen Roy.

She married Edson W. Blake Jr. on June 9, 1956. Together they raised three sons at their home on North Derby Road in Beebe.

Dorothy was able to be a stay-at-home mother while her sons were young, and when they were all in school she became a substitute teacher. Among other jobs, she worked at Petco Mini Mart in Newport, Vt. The job for which she is mostly recognized was behind the service counter at Ames Department Store in Derby, Vt., from which she retired.

After retirement she and her husband spent more than 20 winters in Florida, where they met many lifelong friends from several areas of the United States.

She was predeceased by an infant daughter in 1956; by her husband, Edson Blake Jr., in October 2015; and by her youngest son, Greg Blake, in May 2019.

She is survived by her sons Steve Blake of Stanstead, Que. and his companion, France Morin, and Mike Blake of Derby Line, Vt.; her stepsons Wilbur Blake and his wife Robin of Vermont; and Bill Blake and his wife Penny of Upstate New York. She is survived by her grandchildren, Brandon Blake of Ohio; Joe Blake of Derby Line, Vt.; Jessie Blake of Derby, Vt.; Chelsea Blake of Sherbrooke, Que.; and Shawn Blake of St. Hyacinthe, Que.; and five great-grandchildren.

She also leaves Greg’s companion, Darlene Tanner of Sheffield, Vt.; several grandchildren and great-grandchildren from her extended family; and many friends with whom she frequently spoke by phone.

The family would like to thank Dr. Josiane Menard of the CLSC clinic in Stanstead and the Magog hospital, her nurse Lise Perron, her social worker Sandra Tarkpea, and everyone at the CLSC for the excellent care they gave our mother.

Pre-arrangements were made through Cass Funeral Homes in Stanstead.

There will be a graveside service at Woodside Cemetery in the spring.

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