Cooper, Dorothy - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Cooper, Dorothy

COOPER, Dorothy

1925 - 2022

Passed away peacefully at the Magog Hospital on April 2nd ,2022 at the age of 96, Dorothy was the daughter of the late Harold Cooper and the late Rosa Winnifred Demick. Dear wife of the late Newton Blake, formerly from Ayer’s Cliff.

She will be missed by family and friends.

A special thank you to the staff at the Magog Hospital for the excellent care provided.

Dorothy was a wonderful person.

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MARY LOU GUSTIN, le 8 avril 2022

Our Dearly Beloved Aunt Dot

It is with overwhelming grief and great heartache that we digest the sad news of the passing of our dearly beloved Aunt Dorothy Cooper, on April 2/22, exactly 4 months prior to her 97th Birthday.
She lived most of her life on Main Street in Ayer's Cliff. When she wasn't working in her garden or flower beds, or sharing her love with her sweet kittys or the neighborhood animals; she was either doing someone's hair or helping her husband in the laundromat. She never hesitated to freely give her heart or her time to those in need.
Aunt Dot was the youngest of 5 children in the family: Marion(Lyman),Stanley(Lois),
Muriel(Burton), Gordon; all of whom have predeceased her. She had no children of her own but she loved all of her nephews & nieces as if they were hers.
She loved being home & spending time with her family, relatives and friends, watching the birds & squirrels, home cooked meals, fresh air, her plants & her teddy bears and going to the Ayer's Cliff Fair.
Aunt Dot loved life and believed in always doing your best & treating others how you would want them to treat you. She was an angel on this earth and an inspiration to those around her.
Aunt Dot had spent the last 2 1/2 yrs. at Stanstead Manor to which we extend a sincere 'Thank You' to the staff for their care of her, especially to Wendy, for the extra that she gave. And also a 'Thank You' to the staff at the Magog Hospital for their care.
Aunt Dot, you have left this world, but you will remain forever in our hearts. We love you to the moon and back and will always cherish our fond memories of our times we've shared.
Much love to you always,
Christina, Steve, Marlene, Shawn, Rodney & Sandy, Missy & Don, and Katelyn.

Marlene Mosher, le 27 avril 2022

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