23 messages reçus
my deepest sympathies to you so sad he was a good man taken way to soon I remember as kids playing together he will be sadly missed but never forgotten may god give u strength in theses difficult times prayers
Diane Vigneault, le 27 juillet 2021
Our deepest sympathies from Larry & Robin
Robin Converse, le 27 juillet 2021
Doreen & Tara & Jace & families
Our deepest Sympathies on Dwights passing. He had quite the battle with Cancer, and is at peace now. Thinking of you all at this difficult time.
He will be missed by so many.
Toby & Anne
Anne Knowles, le 27 juillet 2021
Doreen & family
So sorry to hear of Dwight's passing at such a young age.
It is not easy for a mother to lose her only child.
May it be a comfort to you to feel the shared sympathy of friends and family.
Memories are forever.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Pam & Pauline Goodenough, Sherbrooke, le 28 juillet 2021
Doreen Findlay
I am so very sorry to hear that Dwight has lost his battle with cancer. I hope you can find solace that he is at peace and reunited with Wanda. Yves joins me in sending you our sympathies. Daphne and Yves
Daphne Dykeman, le 28 juillet 2021
Doreen, Tara & Jace
My deepest sympathies to the family.
Vickie Blouin, le 28 juillet 2021
My deepest condolences to the family. My God grant you all the peace and strength that is needed at this time.
Sara R. Joseph, le 28 juillet 2021
Doreen and family
Our condolences to you. We have many great memories of Dwight over the years. Thinking of you in this difficult time.
Hugs Wanda and Larry Doyle
Wanda Doyle, le 28 juillet 2021
We are so sorry for the great loss of your son, Dwight.
Our deepest sympathies to you and your family.
Thoughts and prayers are going out to you at this very difficult time.
God Bless!!

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Linda Raymond Deacon & Roy Sylvester, le 28 juillet 2021
Mes sympathies à tout la famille!!
Annie Chapman, le 28 juillet 2021
Sorry to hear about your father’s death. Sincere condolences from Roberta and Bruce.
Roberta Bolton, le 28 juillet 2021
We were saddened to hear of the passing of Dwight.Its never easy losing someone you love.We have fond memories of him and Wanda. Whenever we met up whether it was in Richmond in Montreal or at the Brome Fair,it was always a pleasant time.It is reassuring to know that Wanda and him are together once again
Susan(Gregory)&Mario Cote, le 28 juillet 2021
Doreen and family,
Doreen, from the bottom of my heart, I am so sorry to hear the news of Dwight’s passing. He had connected with me this past year on Facebook and we were remembering our childhood. He fought so hard to keep cancer at bay. My deepest sympathies, and many virtual hugs to you. ❤️
Diane Ricketts(wentworth), le 28 juillet 2021
Sorry to hear that your son lost is battle. My thoughts are with you.
Terry Watson, le 28 juillet 2021
Doreen & Family
Sending our sympathies, very sad to hear of Dwight’s passing. May you find peace knowing he is no longer in pain. RIP
Kendra & Kim Somerville
Kendra , le 28 juillet 2021
So sorry Doreen for your loss. I just want to send my condolences to you.. Take care. David Wentworth.
David Wentworth, le 28 juillet 2021
Doreen and family
So sorry to hear of Dwight's passing....our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Barbara Gifford, le 29 juillet 2021
Doreen Findlay and family
Sincerest sympathy to you and all from Ernestine and Dorothy and of course all Rebekahs and Odd Fellows of Ayer's Cliff and Coaticook.
Remember all the good and fun times.love to you and all. Tina
efnestine and dorothy, le 29 juillet 2021
Our thoughts And prayers are with you and your family at this sad time from Hazel & Harry Pezzi
Harry Pezzi, le 29 juillet 2021
Doreen and family
Very sorry to hear of your loss....may all the wonderful memories shine brightly
Debra Mastine, le 30 juillet 2021
The Findley family
We wish to express my sympathies to the Findley family. Wilton & Wanda Moreland
Wilton Moreland , le 30 juillet 2021
Dwight Findly Family
I wish to send condolances to the family. Always kept in touch with Dwight no matter where he was. He will be pain free now.
Sylvia Keefe, le 1 août 2021
The Family of Dwight
I met Dwight back in 2000 where I was working at the gas station in Stanstead. We became good friends throughout the years. We would talk on the phone or messenger, not often but I valued the time we had. I fell in love with him as my best friend. We spoke on the phone about a month ago, my heart was breaking with the words he was saying
Pauline Roger , le 1 août 2021