Mann Rediker, Emily Hattie - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Mann Rediker, Emily Hattie

MANN REDIKER, Emily Hattie

1930 - 2019

It is with sad hearts that we announce the passing of Mrs Emily Mann Rediker at the Magog Hospital on October 11th, 2019 at the age of 89.  Dear wife of the late Lawrence Rediker and daughter of the late William Henri Mann and the late Mercedes Bell Smith.

She leaves to mourn her children Gary (Nancy), Lawrence Jr. (Beryl) and Judy (late Lionel). She was preceded in death by her children Barry (Beth) and Eric (late Kathy).  She will be missed by 7 grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren, 4 great-great-grandchildren, many other family members and friends.

The family wishes to thank the staff from the 6th floor and the palliative care unit for the care provided to Mrs Rediker.

3 messages reçus

The Family

My deepest sympathies ... She was a great woman and I loved her dearly ...

Bonnie , le 16 octobre 2019

Judy Rediker and Crystal Tetreault

Our deepest sympathies to your family x0x

Sylvie Roy, le 16 octobre 2019

staff on the 6th floor

Thank you for taking good care of my grate grandmother Emily mann i dearly miss her so much every day and it has been 1 year and a half sence she passed away and i wish she was still here with us to this day but everybody has to passe away somday right and I know that the day that i pass i will get to see them again and my name is hannah and im 10 turning 11 in 5 months and i know that they are watching over me every day.

From:Hannah,Morgan,Tetreault daughter or Cristopher,steav,Tetreault ans Mairre,danyel,boverte

hannah morgan tetreault , le 19 février 2021

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