Webb Stone, Evelyn Sylvia - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Webb Stone, Evelyn Sylvia

WEBB STONE, Evelyn Sylvia


Passed away peacefully at the Grace Village on February 20, 2021 in her 95th year. Evelyn was predeceased by her husband Francis Stone.

Evelyn leaves to mourn her son Richard (Leasha), daughter Sandra (Vaughn), grand children Dylan, Lacey, Corey and great grandchildren Charlotte, Tieren, Aryiss, Ivy, Hazel and Jasper.

The family would like to thank the staff at the Grace Village for the care and kindness shown to mom.

Burial will take place in the spring.

3 messages reçus

Richard and Sandra

My sincere sympathy. She was very nice to me when I went there to play.

Judy Langevin Dubeau, le 25 février 2021

Richard and Sandra

I send you my deepest sympathy

Georgia, le 25 février 2021

the Stone family

our sympathies to all of you on the loss of Evelyn, Del has great memories of her when she was in Ayer's Cliff.

Del and Chris Smith, le 27 février 2021

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