Bowker, Gordon - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Bowker, Gordon

BOWKER, Gordon

1925 - 2024

Gordon Bowker



It is with heavy hearts that the family of Gordon Bowker shares with his friends and his community his passing on Monday morning, Nov. 11. He leaves behind his beloved wife of 70 years Audrey (née Aldous), his children Doug (Sharon), Steven (Suzanne), Nancy (Bill) and Jeffrey (Carolyn). Grandpa to 12, great-grandpa to 19.  Predeceased by his daughter Joanne (1980) and his grandson Nicholas (2020). 


Visitation will be from 19:00 to 21:00 on Friday, Nov. 15, at Sawyerville Baptist Church


Interment at a private family graveside service on Saturday, Nov. 16.


Celebration of Life at Grace Village will be at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 16. All welcome, snacks provided. 


In lieu of flowers and in honour of Gordon’s lifelong love of gardening, the family suggests consideration of donations in his name to the Grace Village Care Foundation, specifying care and maintenance of the Grace Village greenhouse. 

17 messages reçus

Jeff and Caroline Bowker and the Bowker family

Our sincere sympathies to all the family,
Gordon will always be remembered , he had and always will have a special place in my heart. He will be greatly missed. May all those good memories that are cherished in your heart help you during this time of grief, and when reality seems ever so hard to face just take a stroll down memory lane. Your family is in our prayers, and God will give you all the necessary tools to ease the pain of Gordon's passing .

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Judy & Renald Bernier, le 13 novembre 2024

The Bowker family

Deepest sympathies in your loss

Barb Ward, le 13 novembre 2024

Doug & all the family

So sorry to hear. Sincere condoleances to all the family.
A huge loss for our community.
RIP Gordon.

David & Helga Price, le 13 novembre 2024

The Bowker Family

Our sincere sympathy.

Collin, Karen & Travis Laberee, le 13 novembre 2024

The family

Our sincerest condolences to you all. Cherish the memories you have of your loved one
Jeff and Donna Sylvester

Donna, le 14 novembre 2024


Cher Doug, mes plus sincères condoléances à toi, à ta famille immédiate, ainsi qu’à tous les membres de la grande famille Bowker.
(Séjournant présentement chez ma fille Sonia à Tadoussac, je ne pourrai malheureusement être présent physiquement aux obsèques, mais ma pensée et ma prière vous accompagneront assurément )

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Gilles Normandin, le 14 novembre 2024

Douglas Bowker

Dear Doug, my sincere sympathy to you and your family.
May your father rest in peace.

Robert Genest, le 14 novembre 2024

Nancy and Bill Parrington, Doug and Sharon Bowker

For sure it is impossible to forget a Dad or a Mom. You have multiple memories to cherish, I am sure. I offer you my sympathies at this time of separation with someone so important in your lives. What a joy to know he knew the Lord Jesus and is now with Him!

Marj Robbins, le 14 novembre 2024

the Family

Our sincere condolences to you all. Many memorable moments with Gordon at Cookshire High School will be fondly remembered.

Michael and Valerie Locke, le 15 novembre 2024

The Family

Our deepest sympathy.

Lise Houle & Rainer Lowry, le 15 novembre 2024

Doug, Sharon and family

Our deepest sympathies on the passing of Gordon. As difficult as it is for those who grieving the loss of a loved one, there is comfort in knowing that Gordon is basking in the presence of our Lord.

So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy. - John 16:22

Michael & Brigitte Drew, le 15 novembre 2024

Audrey and family

Sending prayers and hugs. We were saddened to hear of Gordon's passing. We treasure fond memories of our times spent with him and Audrey over the years the Aldous's, LPC Reunions and in our home. I'll miss our Christmas letters from Audrey and Gordon which we shared for many years. Hard to believe Nancy that its been 20 years since we attended Audrey and Gordon's 50th Anniversary at your home. Love Ruth and Alan (Brackley)

RUTH BRACKLEY, le 15 novembre 2024


Mes sympathies !!!

Nicole Théberge , le 15 novembre 2024

Mr.Doug Bowker

My deepest sympathies.
I am thinking of you during this difficult time.

Angie Nutbrown, le 16 novembre 2024

Bowker’s family

Our deepest sympathies.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Yvonne Boutin et Robert Redden , le 16 novembre 2024

Jeff and family

We are so sorry for your loss. We were not able to attend the service but our thoughts are with you all.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Anne Marie and Paul, le 20 novembre 2024

Steve and doug

Wow. 99 years is a good run for a male. Hope your families enjoy celebrating his life.
Glen Gill

Glen Gill , le 24 décembre 2024

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