Lévesque (nee Carroll), Joan Elizabeth - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Lévesque (nee Carroll), Joan Elizabeth


1929 - 2020

April 29th, 1929 - September 4th 2020 

The family of Joan Elizabeth Carroll announces her passing on Friday September 4th 2020. She was 91 years old. Joan will be held in the hearts of her five children, Jean-Jacques (Marie), Jacqueline (Yves), Marc, Madeleine (Graham) and Marguerite (Raymond) as well as her five grand-children (Jérôme, Elisabeth, Julian, Vincent, Manuel) and her two great-grand-children (Naëma, Ellie). Her sister Joyce (William) will miss her dearly as well as their children (John, Robert, Anne). She was predeceased by her two sisters (Cecily and Mary-Frances) and her beloved husband Jules. She died peacefully and we know she is finally back in her husband’s embrace. We thank the palliative care unit of the Hotel-Dieu hospital in Sherbrooke for their care.  

According to her wishes, there will be no ceremony. In lieu of flowers, donations can be sent to the Grace Village Residence in Lennoxville, where she resided (1515 Rue Pleasant View, Sherbrooke

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