Fuller Crook, Joan - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Fuller Crook, Joan


1932 - 2021

C'est avec une grande tristesse que nous vous annonçons le décès de notre mère, grand-mère, arrière-grand-mère, Joan Mary Crook (née Fuller) le 16 janvier 2021 à la résidence pour aînées Village Grace dans l’arrondissement de Lennoxville à Sherbrooke, Québec.

Née en août 1932 à Sherbrooke, Québec, fille de Hilda et James Fuller, elle était âgée de 88 ans.

Épouse de feu, William Crook, qu'elle a mariée le 27 décembre 1952, elle laisse dans le deuil ses cinq enfants : Debbie Hudon (Ron), Jim (Chantal Touzin), Bill (Linda), Mike (Holly), and Barry (Adam Belhachemi). Elle laisse également dans le deuil ses petits-enfants : Jenn Morrison (Matt), Corey Bowen (Sybille), Brian (Katelyn), Melissa (Maxime Rousseau), Rebecca (Mike Johns), Andrew (Steph Hume), Michelle (Jake Ritari), Curtis, Megan et Chelsea (Ryan Aronson); et ses arrière-petits-enfants: Emily et Sophia Morrison, Lukas et Niklas Bowen, Elliot et Eloise Rousseau et William Crook.

Après avoir grandi à Sherbrooke, Joan déménagea à Ayer’s Cliff avec son mari et leur fille en 1954 alors que Bill avait acheté le garage de M. Stevenson, qu’il renomma Crook’s Service Station. En plus de s’occuper de sa grande famille, Joan a travaillé à faire la comptabilité au garage de son mari, puis, suite à son décès, pour son fils Mike, qui prit la relève de l’entreprise familiale. Elle a toujours adoré prendre le temps de bavarder avec les clients du garage.

Notre mère était de nature joviale avec un sens de l’humour contagieux et plein d’autodérision. Elle était toujours prête à donner un compliment ou faire une blague. Elle adorait le plein air, mais surtout le temps passé au bord de l’eau à notre chalet à Bacon’s Bay ou lors de nos nombreux voyages à Old Orchard Beach. Elle a mené une vie très active et était toujours très enthousiaste à l’idée d’entreprendre de nouveaux passe-temps, tels que le curling, le golf, le jardinage, mais surtout, les balades en voiture. Une de ses plus grandes joies, alors qu’elle n’était plus en mesure d’être aussi active physiquement, était d’aller faire de longues promenades en voiture à la campagne.

Son plus grand amour était toutefois réservé à sa famille. Elle n’hésitait jamais à faire du bénévolat pour toutes les activités scolaires ou sportives de ses enfants. Elle tenait à être présente pour ses enfants et ses petits-enfants à chaque fois que l’occasion se présentait. Les souvenirs des moments passés avec maman, Nanny, Great Nanny, resteront pour toujours gravés dans nos mémoires.

Nous sommes très reconnaissants pour les années que notre mère a passé à la résidence Village Grace. Elle affectionnait particulièrement sa chambre avec vue sur l’entrée principale qui lui permettait de saluer les nombreux passants. Elle chérissait énormément le personnel, dont nous n'oublierons jamais la gentillesse et la compassion!

Notre famille tient à remercier toute l’équipe de la résidence Village Grace, ainsi que Dr Zoltan Ferenczi pour tous les soins prodigués à notre mère au cours des dernières années. Nous ne saurions trop vous remercier pour le réconfort que vous avez apporté à notre mère, en particulier dans ses derniers jours.

Due aux restrictions liées à la Covid-19, notre famille a décidé de ne pas tenir de service funéraire pour le moment. Une cérémonie pour les proches sera tenue à une date ultérieure.

Vos témoignages de sympathies peuvent se traduire par un don à la Fondation des Soins Village Grace / Grace Village Care Foundation au www.gracevillage.ca/donations.

14 messages reçus

To the Crook Family

I learned of the wonderful lady your beloved Joan was through Barry and Julie as they shared the many good memories of time spent with a special soul!! Christmas gift bags for all has left beautiful images in my own memory. In recent years through my own participation with Grace Village I had the privilege of being in Joan’s presence . I was witness to her magnificent Aura. As you grieve her temporary absence as is to be understood; you may rejoice in the knowledge that she is celebrating with those who crossed over to eternal paradise before her and she suffers no more. As usual Joan will continue to watch over all of you for evermore!

Greg Bishop

Gregory Lewis Bishop, le 20 janvier 2021

To the Crook Family

I learned of the wonderful lady your beloved Joan was through Barry and Julie as they shared the many good memories of time spent with a special soul!! Christmas gift bags for all has left beautiful images in my own memory. In recent years through my own participation with Grace Village I had the privilege of being in Joan’s presence . I was witness to her magnificent Aura. As you grieve her temporary absence as is to be understood; you may rejoice in the knowledge that she is celebrating with those who crossed over to eternal paradise before her and she suffers no more. As usual Joan will continue to watch over all of you for evermore!

Greg Bishop

Gregory Lewis Bishop, le 20 janvier 2021

Jim Crook

So sorry for your loss my friend!

She was such a lovely lady, great smile & an attitude to compliment.

Laurie D. Nadeau, le 20 janvier 2021

Crook Family

We met Mrs. Fuller Crook only a couple of times but we feel that a lot of the things in and around our house are still hers. Her flower garden on the front yard is going strong and it definitely has all the attributes of a typical "english garden" that we love so much. We made sure her boxwood were kept in good shape during the renovations so they can be plant back in front of her old house. We remember vividly how she seemed a bit sad to sell her house but also happy to know that young children will get to enjoy her pool and wonderful backyard. She certainly made a lasting impression on us.

We offer our sincere condolences to the Crook Family and want to thank Mrs. Fuller Crook for giving us the chance to live in her beautiful house.

Kyanne & Simon

Simon Roy, le 20 janvier 2021

Crook Family

What a wonderful tribute to a special lady. Our deepest sympathy to the family.

“When someone you love becomes a MEMORY that memory becomes a TREASURE”.

Heather and Eddie

Heather Wynne, le 20 janvier 2021

To the Crook Family

Lucie and I are so sorry to hear of Joan’s passing . I have great memories of your Mom from days waterskiing at the cottage, the garage, and in their home. She was always a great friend to my Mom even across the miles. Visiting Joan was always on her itinerary when my Mom was here so she and your Mom could reminisce the curling days. Again our deepest sympathies. Mike and Lucie Taylor

Mike Taylor, le 20 janvier 2021

The Crook Family

Hello dear family! I am so very sorry for your loss! Nanny was very dear to my heart! Hugs to you all!

Julie Bishop, le 21 janvier 2021

The Crook Family

Our condolences to you all at this time.

Michael and Valerie Locke, le 21 janvier 2021

Bill Crook

Dear Bill,
I am saddened to hear that your mother passed away.
Celebrate her life and carry on with the memories and teachings she left you with.
"Nobody is really gone as long as there is someone left to remember"

Mila Biblos, le 21 janvier 2021

the Crook family

we wish to express our sympathy to all of Joan's family. we have great memories of her, we will always remember that she was the first to offer rides to hockey games and to help anyway she could. she was a very generous lady, and always had time to stop and have a visit.

Delbert and Christina Smith, le 21 janvier 2021

The family

My sympathy to all of you for your loss. I have many fond memories of chatting with Joan and always a wave when she was out driving. It was always a pleasure to see her, she was so cheerful.

Muriel Martin, le 21 janvier 2021

The Crook family..

Jim, my sympathies to you and your family, my friendship goes back many years with Joan, we played hockey together and water ski together. I remember her as so full of life,And a wonderful laugh that would make you laugh. It seemed like she was always helping people, love to be around people. In later years I remember her Curling,Joan was always very good at anything to do with sports. We were all amazed at how she used to drive in the winter to North Hatley to curl, never even complain when she got a 9 o’clock draw. Cherish all the good times and I’m sure there are many, she worked hard and played hard. Always with a smile...

Margaret Moore, le 23 janvier 2021

Family of Joan Crook

Dear Crook Family,
It is with great sadness that I said goodbye to Joan, a resident I cared for regularly and a dear friend. No matter how she felt in being interrupted daily, she never failed to say thank you and do something to make me laugh! She said so many encouraging and sweet things which I really appreciated! She spoke highly of her family and told me many adventures of spending time on the lake, water skiing, raising her children, helping her Dad and Mom in the business, growing up, etc.
I am thankful I was able to spend some personal time with her the morning before she left us, holding her hand, singing a few songs and just being with her. I think of Joan as someone with a life full and well lived.
I extend my sympathy to all of you and pray that as the days pass, you will gain strength, comfort and courage as you lay Joan to rest. She's probably so busy now and active, we can hardly imagine...breathing Heavenly air and swimming and dancing. I look forward to seeing her again! Until Then Joan,

Judith CCG at Grace Village

Judith Yonan, le 31 janvier 2021

The Crook Family

My deepest condolences upon hearing of the passing of your Mother. I remember her fondly from the 1970s when I spent a lot of my summers at Bacon's Bay. Her obituary truly reflects her personality.. full of life! Cherish the memories of good family times. May she rest in peace. Mitch MacLeod, Edmonton, Alberta

Mitchell MacLeod , le 22 février 2021

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