Rasmussen, John - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Rasmussen, John


1933 - 2023

John Hagbardt Rasmussen, du 7 juin 1933 au 8 mars 2023 

John est né à Montréal le 7 juin 1933 d'Elinor et Hagbardt Rasmussen qui ont tous deux immigré du Danemark.

John était très sportif et aimait beaucoup de sports et d'activités. Il a joué au football et au rugby au lycée, était sauveteur, a joué au tennis, au squash et a fait du jogging dans ses dernières années afin qu'il puisse manger et boire (un amateur de vin) tout ce qu'il voulait. Il aimait skier, faire du bateau et être sur le lac. Il avait un grand sens de l'humour et appréciait la compagnie des gens. C'était un père de famille dévoué et un ami qui est resté en contact avec de nombreuses personnes à travers le monde.

John a quitté le lycée en 1951 et a occupé divers emplois jusqu'à ce qu'il rejoigne la Marine en 1952. Il a également épousé Mary Etta LeBaron cette année-là. Il était marin sur le HMS-Huron basé à Halifax et a servi pendant la guerre de Corée. Après avoir servi ses 5 ans dans la marine, papa a décidé qu'il voulait être pilote de ligne. John a terminé l'école de pilotage en 1957 et a obtenu sa licence de vol commercial, puis a postulé à TCA (maintenant Air Canada) et a été embauché. Il a pris sa retraite après 36 ans avec Air Canada en tant que commandant de bord et pilote vérificateur. À sa retraite, il a été trésorier de leur église anglicane locale et a siégé au conseil municipal de North Hatley pendant de nombreuses années. John laisse derrière lui sa femme bien-aimée Mary, sept enfants, Mary Ellen, Mark, Linda, Bardt, Craig, Grant et Andrew. Il laisse également dans le deuil sa sœur Inge Vibe, ses frères Flemming et David Rasmussen, 26 petits-enfants, 28 arrière-petits-enfants et de nombreux parents au Danemark. Il a été précédé par son arrière-petite-fille Amanda-Leigh Pelser en 2003.

Papa s'est allongé pour se reposer le matin du 8 mars et est décédé paisiblement dans leur maison de North Hatley, au Québec. Papa a eu une belle vie et a aidé tant de gens en cours de route.

Il y aura une visite le vendredi 24 mars 2023 à la Maison funéraire Cass, 3006 Collège, Sherbrooke (Lennoxville) de 18h à 21h. Les funérailles auront lieu le samedi 25 mars à l'église anglicane St Barnabas, 640 Ch. Sherbrooke, North Hatley à 11 h. L'inhumation aura lieu à une date ultérieure.

50 messages reçus

The Rasmussen family

My sincere condolence to the Rassmussen family! May his last flight west be smooth and gentle as he was !

Jules Bergeron , le 11 mars 2023

John Rasmussen

A true gentleman, who I enjoyed swapping stories with about our careers
in the airline industry and world travels.

To Mary and family, you have my deepest sympathy and prayers
on John’s passing. He will be remembered fondly.

William Letteney, le 11 mars 2023

Mary Rasmussen and family

John was not just a friend, he was a wonderful husband, a role model father, a dedicated pilot and a great gentleman.
Lynn and I remember fondly the times we spent together in Baja. We join you in your mourning hope that you and the family
recall all the wonderful times you shared to help soften your loss. Our prayers are with you all.

David & Lynn G Edward, le 11 mars 2023


The McFarlane family will miss our friend John. He was a wonderful man and a pillar of our community. Our deepest sympathies to the whole Rasmussen family.

Paul McFarlane, le 11 mars 2023


So sorry to hear. Remembering great conversations with John at Bishops Complex over the years.
He was a true gentleman .
My deepest sympathies to all the family.
RIP John

David Price, le 11 mars 2023

Mary and family

From the Kezar family, our deepest sympathies to the whole Rasmussen family. John will certainly be missed in our village.

Mavis Simons, le 11 mars 2023

Mary and family

A valued neighbor in Baltimore Bay and longtime owner of the Hermit’s property, John played a seminal role in the early and highly productive years of what is now Blue Massawippi. He and Mary are among the most respected members of our community. We will miss him

Tom Wilcox , le 11 mars 2023

To Mary Rasmussen

John Rasmussen has been a good friend to me, but especially to my husband Bill, who after being paralyzed in 2011, continued to attend St Barnabas where John was the one who helped him into the
chancel, the only way he could attend Mass. I loved having Mary and John over for drinks on the veranda and cannot believe that he will not be dropping by this summer.

Marita Gilliam, le 11 mars 2023

Mary and family

Dear Mary - You and John were such wonderful neighbours when we all lived 'up the lake' in Baltimore Bay and round the point! I have so many good memories of great chats and John's wonderful sense of humour - sending you and your family very many good wishes and condolences - Ann

Ann Macaulay, le 11 mars 2023

Dear Mary and entire Rasmussen family

We are sending our love and thoughts of sympathy to the entire family during this difficult time.

From the moment we met you and John years ago we could tell how kind and loving he was. Always so sweet to our children.

He will be remembered in our family as the man on the hill who was gracious, nice and had a love for flying and family.

Sending much love.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Sarah, Pete and the girls, le 11 mars 2023

Page Dame

John was a good friend of mine and my entire family for as long as I can remember. Another connection from the past is now gone, but not to be forgotten. He and Mary were stalwarts of the North Hatley community. +RIP+

Page Dame, le 11 mars 2023

Mary and the Rasmussen Family

Heart felt condolences
To you. To great neighbors and thanks for his community spirit and contributions. With sympathy

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Susan Keller, le 11 mars 2023

The Rasmussen Family

Sherry and I would like to send our deepest condolences to you on John’s passing. We met him soon after moving to North Hatley in 1999, and were friends ever since. He will be greatly missed and remembed.

Paul Caron, le 11 mars 2023


So sorry to read this obit. Your Dad checked me out on the DC-8 and it was so enjoyable. What a teacher.
I want to go the way he left, that is really him, not wanting to bother anybody, no fuss.
Tell your Mom my condolences.

Jean Parrot, le 11 mars 2023

The Rasmussen family

My deep condolences to Mary and to members of John's family. I wish that I had gotten to know John better. Those who knew him well have a gift basket of fond memories for sustenance.

John LeBaron , le 11 mars 2023

The Rasmussen family

Our deepest sympathies to the entire family during this time of sorrow. John will be greatly missed but his warmth, kindness, and gentle spirit will be remembered forever.
May he Rest In Peace.

Marcella, Alan and Caitlyn Gerrish, le 11 mars 2023

To Mary and the family

We were so sorry to hear this news. John was such a gentle, kind and positive person. We will miss our neighbourly chats with him and his friendly wave as he drove by. To Mary and the rest of the family, please accept our sincere and heart felt condolences for your loss.

Pauline Farrugia & Étienne de Médicis, le 12 mars 2023

The Rasmussen Family

A gentleman of the highest order. He was always engaging, friendly and kind , when we would meet in front of the Post Office.
A pillar of the community, indeed.
Here’s to a life welled lived.
I will miss him, as will so many.

Joey Marosi, le 12 mars 2023

Mary & the family

We were so saddened to hear of Johnny’s passing. Our deepest condolences to the family. He will surely be missed.

Lewis & Helen Downey, le 12 mars 2023

Mark, Catherine et famille.

Mes sympathies pour le décès de ton papa. Je pense à vous.

Denise lapointe, le 12 mars 2023

All the family

I am grateful to have known John for over 20 years. We met at various church meetings that were held in Quebec. We were the early- birds that would go out for an early breakfast and talk about the issues of the day.

John was a joy at meetings. He prepared himself well and was more than willing to share his opinion.

John and Mary invited me to stay with them many times when I travelled the Diocese. They were kind and considerate hosts.

I considered John a good friend and have kept in touch with him regularly. I last spoke with John around Christmas. His good humour and keen observations will be missed by many.

I send my sympathies to John’s family and to his many friends. And I rejoice with them in acknowledging John’s well lived life.

The Right Reverend Dennis P Drainville, le 12 mars 2023

Mary Ellen

My deepest condolences.

June Morrier, le 13 mars 2023

Linda & family

Very sorry for your loss.

Carole & Andrew , le 13 mars 2023

Mark & the Rasmussen family

Mark, my condolences to you, your mother and family. Your father was a fine fellow.

Tim Mulcair, le 13 mars 2023

Mary, Linda, Mary Ellen, Mark, Bart, Craig, Grant and Andrew

We are sorry to know that John died. He was a great friend through the years and a good cottage neighbour beginning in 1976. We will miss him! We are thankful that we have many wonderful memories of time spent together and enjoying dinners across the lake.
Our hearts are with you all and with your families at this difficult time. God be with you give you strength.

Richard and Cathy, le 13 mars 2023

Mary and Family

So sorry to hear about John's passing. Our sincerest condolences to you and your whole family. He will be missed and remembered. May you have peace and comfort at this most difficult time. I remember visiting Mary and John during the summers i came with my mom (Harriet Wile; maiden name - LeBaron) and other family members when i was young. He was always fun to be around.

CindyAnn Luker( H. & Lila LeBarons' grand-daughter), le 13 mars 2023

Mary Rasmussen

So sad to hear of John's passing. My deepest sympathy and prayers to you and all your family.
I often think of the time spent at the cottage when you rented Clark's next door, especially Andrew when he would rattle my screen door to get a cookie. Hard to believe it's over forty years.

Marjorie Stuart
Cambridge, On.

Marjorie Stuart, le 13 mars 2023

Mark and family

sincere condolences to the whole family. John and I retired on the same day. He was my senior by three days and we would exchange birthday greetings when we would meet at the Mon Village inn in Hudson.

jean-rené cadorel, le 14 mars 2023


Hello Mark, you were very fortunate to have your Dad's company for as long as you did. Too many memories to count, I hope.
These memories are golden, enjoy them.
Best wishes
Jeff Neely

Jeff Neely, le 14 mars 2023

Rasmussen family

Our deepest sympathy ,to the family. I will always remember John , as a gentleman, with a great sense of humour, and a skilled professional. He will be greatly missed

Nicole Richardson, le 14 mars 2023

Mary Rasmussen and family

Our sincere condolences with your recent loss. We got to know John
through the airline and enjoyed his company and efforts to instill a
high standard among the flying personnel. Fred and Mariette Deveaux

Fred Deveaux, le 14 mars 2023

Dear Mary and family.

Tuesday 14 March 2023

Dear Mary and family,

How very saddened we both were to find out that John had passed away, truly. We have such wonderful memories of John and it was always a great pleasure to see you and John, a real treat for us over the years.

Please accept our deepest and heartfelt condolences in the loss of your dear John, he will be tremendously missed.

Ian and Lise Peck

Ian and Lise Peck, le 14 mars 2023

The Rasmussen Family

Our most sincere condolences on the passing of a wonderful man. We both worked with John at different times over the years and he was always good company to be with. He will be greatly missed.

Gus Gillis & Denise Plante, le 14 mars 2023

Mrs Rasmussen

We have just heard the sad news of Mr. Rasmussen's passing. Sincere condolences to the whole family. Carole and Dominique Freminet (Ex Auberge le Coeur d'Or, North Hatley)

Carole et Dominique Freminet, le 14 mars 2023

Mark Rasmussen and family

Hi Mark,
I flew with your Dad in the beginning of my career, a gentleman and true leader that led by example. It
was a privilege to have known him. Please accept my deepest sympathy.

Jean Valade, le 14 mars 2023


my deepest sympathies to you and your family

Claude Fisette , le 14 mars 2023

Mark and the Rasmussen family

I'll always have fond memories of John as a gentle kind soul and excellent check Captain. Thank you, John, for your kindness.

Kenneth & Monique Jones, le 14 mars 2023

Mary and Family

Dear Mary,
I am so sorry for your loss Mary - and that of your and John's entire family.
John was a real contributor to our Village of North Hatley and a very kind neighbour, too.
He will be greatly missed by many.

How nice it was to have had a long and cheerful chin-wag (at least 15 minutes) while you and John sat in your car in "The Store's" parking lot just 2 days before John died.
With sympathy to you, Mary, and to your family.
Neighbour, cousin and friend,
Judy LeBaron

Judith LeBaron, le 14 mars 2023

To the Rasmussen family

Deepest sympathies to the great Rasmussen family. Mission accomplished for John, the airline pilot profession is alive and well in the family for generations to come. John in all his modesty was very proud of that.

Francois Jubert , le 14 mars 2023

John Rasmussen

Pleasure of John’s friendship, since our first meeting in Halifax, ‘55, while he was still in the Navy. I was with TCA. and I know this had some influence his getting a flying license. Good memories. Scott Price

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Scott Price, le 14 mars 2023

Mary, and their lucky kids, and grand kids --

Having known Captain John from early pilot training at Cartierville, on course at TCA together, and throughout our Air Canada and CALPA careers, and in retirement, I can attest to his love of flying and of life, and he will be greatly missed by those who soared with him.

Bob Pearson, le 14 mars 2023

Rasmussen Family.

Please accept our sincere condolences.I did not work with John,but saw him in flight planning and at layover points,and of course RAPCAN lunches.Always a pleasure to see him and talk about flying.A great guy,he will not be forgotten.Take care, Dennis&Nicole Copley.

Dennis Copley , le 15 mars 2023

Mark and Family

Mark and family, my sincere condolences on the passing of John. I have fond memories of working with him in the early days in YUL…..such a great guy. He will be missed.

Lindsay Paxton, le 15 mars 2023


Our sincere condolences Mark to you and family.

Yolande &Bernard Vaillancourt , le 16 mars 2023

The Rasmussen family

My heartfelt condolences to you all on Captain John's passing. I had the privilege of flying with him on the DC-8 and while he always demonstrated the highest standards of professionalism, aircraft handling and crew management, he always had a twinkle in his eye that put crew members at ease. In later years, we enjoyed his attendance and company at the Retired Air Canada Pilots monthly luncheons at Mon Village, Hudson.
Captain Dave Glazier (retired)

David Glazier, le 17 mars 2023


Deepest sympathies to you and your family.
Bon courage.

Luc Deslauriers , le 17 mars 2023

Famille Rasmussen

Captain Rasmussen was certainly a genuine gentleman with whom I had great pleasure flying, talk about life, and, joke of course....
My sincere condolences to all of you and Mark personnaly, being the only member of your great familly that I know.

Benoit Gauthier, le 18 mars 2023

Mary and Family

Dear Rasmussen Family,
Heather and I send our sincere condolences on your loss. John will be dearly missed but he left a Legacy that will last generations.
Be strong.
Heather and George Cockburn.

George Cockburn, le 20 mars 2023

Mark et famille Rasmussen

Mes très sincères condoléances à toi Mark, à Catherine, à tes enfants ainsi qu'à ta mère qui m'a accueillie un jour à son chalet et qui m'a fait visiter son "pent house" où elle pouvait loger de nombreux petits-enfants.

Hermance Pouliot, le 21 mars 2023

Mark, Catherine et famille

Mark, nous avons appris récemment le décès de ton père. Ton père a eu une vie bien remplie. Mais la perte d’un être cher est toujours un moment difficile pour ceux qui restent.
Nous t’offrons ainsi qu’à tes proches, nos sincères condoléances.

Francine Roy et Claude Séguin, le 24 mars 2023

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