Rediker, Judy Ann - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Rediker, Judy Ann


1958 - 2020

C’est avec un immense regret que nous annonçons le décès de Mme Judy Ann Rediker, le 7 avril 2020 à l’Hôpital de Magog, à l’âge de 62 ans, autrefois de Stanstead. Elle était la fille de feu Lawrence Rediker et de feu Emily Mann.

Elle laisse dans le deuil ses enfants adorés : Crystal (Eric), Christopher (Amy) et Patrick (Cassie); ses très aimés petits-enfants: Halie, Shyann, Mylaine, Averi, Mavis, Ilyssa, Hannah, Tristan et Jordan; ses frères Gary (Nancy) et Lawrence Jr ( Beryl). Elle était la soeur de feu Barry (Beth) et Eric (feu Kathy). Elle laisse également de nombreux oncles, tantes, neveux, nièces, cousins, cousines, autres parents et amis.

La famille désire remercier le Dr Bodin ainsi que tout le personnel soignant du 6e étage de l’Hôpital de Magog, pour les bons soins prodigués à Mme Rediker.

4 messages reçus

Dr Bodin

Thank you so much for your effort to helping my grandmother I’m Hannah and ilyssa is my older sister and I miss my grandmother so much as with I also miss my grate grandmother so dearly much I miss them and I would do anything for them and I’m only 10 and thank you so much again and can u pls tell all the staff on the 6th floor I said thank you all so very much and thank you for trying to help her

Hannah Morgan Tetreault , le 18 février 2021


thank you so so much for all the effort you did to help her out, and I am so so thankful that you guys tried everything to keep her alive but it was probably time for her to go and it is really hard without her but I will always think of her and her holding me in her arms even if shes not fiscally here to do that. I loved her so much and I would do anything like I mean anything to bring her back but I can't but I just wanted to say thank you for all that you guys gave and that we do truly miss her.
thank you

Ilyssa woodard, le 21 mars 2021


Hey, it’s been a year now I think, miss you grandma. Hope your doing well up there

Shyann roy, le 12 décembre 2021


It’s been over a year now! And I miss you a lot it’s hard without you here wish u didn’t have to go but everything happens for a reason just wished this reason didn’t have to happen for you to go I miss you a lot and I love you and I hope ur doing good up their don’t let them tell u what to do lol it’s really hard without you here I miss your hugs even tho u won’t see this I just really miss you I love you….

Ilyssa Woodard , le 16 janvier 2022

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