Wentworth Mastine, Klea Marie - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Wentworth Mastine, Klea Marie


1926 - 2019

Passed away  August 30, 2019 at the CHUS Hôtel-Dieu at the age of 92. Beloved wife of the late Howard Mastine and the late Gordon Miller. Mourned by her loving family from western Canada of Robert and Sherry, Brian and Carol, Kent, Christy and Kevin, 8 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren. Predeceased by grandson Maclean and great granddaughter Trinity. Also lovingly remembered by her step children Linda and Robert, Wanda and Wilton, Brian and Lucy, Peter and Tina and all their families. Also remembered by nephews and nieces from the Leckie and Wentworth families and her sister-in-law Pricilla Wentworth and Blanche Mastine and many dear friends.

Cremation has taken place as per her wishes and a graveside service will be held October 5, 2019 at 2:00PM at the Danville Protestant cemetery. 

2 messages reçus

The family

Shocked to hear of the death of your mother. You have my sincere condolences.
I am sure you will have found many changes in Danville.

Marjorie Barlow , le 27 septembre 2019

The family of Klea Wentworth Mastine

So sorry to hear of Klea's passing August 30th. My thoughts and prayers were with you then and continue to be with you at this difficult time. No doubt, Klea brought much love, joy, and happiness into your lives and that you give thanks for the time shared with her. Surely, she has left a legacy of wonderful memories which, hopefully, comfort you now. God has Klea in his keeping and you have her in your hearts.

With sincere condolences,
Patricia Young (Myrna Hebert's sister)

Patricia Young, le 2 octobre 2019

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