16 messages reçus
Lynn and Family
Larry was an amazing friend. His kindness was over the top. I met Larry in Deep River where he lived for awhile. We might have shared a giggle over a drink or two. Our group of friends were always there for each other. Lynn was so caring towards Larry. He certainly was the love of her life and I could certainly see that. May you Rest In Peace Larry. Your smiles were contagious for sure. Be free my friend
Sharon Bertrand , le 21 décembre 2020
Lynn Sherman
We are so very sorry for your loss Lynn. He will be fondly remembered here in Pinawa and we miss our evening burn barrels. We hope the loving memories you have of Larry will help you get through these difficult times. Take care and stay safe!
Love Georg and Mary Greber
Mary Greber, le 21 décembre 2020
Lynn and Family
My thoughts are with you, Lynn, and with your family at this time.
I often play 'Uncle Fred' with my grandsons here in Quebec and my sister and brother in Ontario. No matter what, the game board Larry made for me travels with me. I will continue to say hi to Larry every time I play. It brings me luck!
Thank you Larry. I will always think of you fondly. Rest in peace.
-Sandra Smith, December 21, 2020
Sandra Smith, le 21 décembre 2020
The Rolleston Family
We were neighbours of Larry in Pinawa. We will always remember him as a gentle
man and a gentleman.
With deep Respect
Barbara and Carl Sabanski
Carl Sabanski, le 21 décembre 2020
Lynn Sherman
Such a heartbreak to lose the man you loved so dearly. You have been in my thoughts and my heart ever since hearing this. I know you will be OK but I bet it doesn’t feel like that right now. Sending you love at such a difficult time.
Karen Billipp, le 21 décembre 2020
Lynn and Families
We had the pleasure to know Larry during his time in Pinawa and to meet Lynn during their trip here. Though he will be missed, many fond memories remain. Our condolences to the families.
Dennis and Valerie Bilinsky
Dennis Bilinsky, le 21 décembre 2020
Lynn Sherman and Garry Rolleston.
Sorry for your loss. He was always in a good mood. We will miss hit.
Michel and Pierre Létourneau , le 22 décembre 2020
This tribute is very loving. I think the last two sentence are beautiful. Take care.
Jean Cushing Hutchinson, le 22 décembre 2020
I worked with Larry at the URL and we became friends and enjoyed quite a few fishing
and snowmobile trips together. I was very sad to hear of his passing and yet still so young.
To the family our thoughts and sympathy.
Take care
Harry Backer
Harry Backer, le 22 décembre 2020
Lynn and family
Our deepest condolences, we love you and are sending you hugs.
Ashley, Eric, Taytem and Lennox , le 22 décembre 2020
Lynn and family
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. It was a privilege to have known Larry. We send you a big hug and our condolences. Rest in peace Larry !!!
Diego Pucciarelli and family, le 25 décembre 2020
Lynn Rolleston
Lynn, we are so sorry to hear of your loss. Larry was a darling man and you two were true lovebirds.
Maggie (Blackwell) Carr, Trey Blackwell, and Angela (Blackwell) Hinds
Houston, Tx
Maggie Carr, le 25 décembre 2020
Lynn, so sorry to hear of the death of your dear Larry. Our deepest sympathies. Huguette and Doria
Huguette, le 4 janvier 2021
Garry & family
Sorry for your loss. We were neighbors in Rock Island next door to Garry. Celine Rousseau & Yvan Pépin.We think of you.
Yvan pépin Celine Rousseau, le 7 janvier 2021
Lynn, Garry
So sorry to hear of Larry,s passing, he was a good friend and we enjoyed many a good time together while in Toronto, my deepest condolences to you and family
Gerry, le 19 janvier 2021
I am so sorry for your loss. You had so little time together, but I am glad you had that time. Remember the good times!
CAROL G NYE, le 20 janvier 2021