Bliss Cooper, Lois - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Bliss Cooper, Lois


1930 - 2021

Nous sommes tristes d’annoncer le décès de Mme Lois Bliss Cooper, à Grace Village, le 28 février 2021, à l’âge de 90 ans, autrefois d’Ayer’s Cliff.

Elle était la chère épouse de feu Stanley Cooper et la fille de feu Wallace Bliss et de feu Hazel Sargent Bliss.

Mme Cooper laisse dans le deuil ses enfants : Gordon (Wendy), Elaine (feu Gerry Boisvert) (feu Bob Marsh) et Janet. Elle était la mère de feu Alan (à la naissance), feu Elizabeth (Luc) et feu James (Heather). Elle laisse également ses petits-enfants : Jacqueline (Warren), Michael (Cindy), Melissa (Ryan), Matthew, Glenn (Judith), Ryan (Shanna), Joanna (Barron), Bonnie (Alex), Laura (James), Lesley (Yannick), Lysanne (Simon), Philip (Anne), Ashley (Tom) et Jonathan (Rebecca) ainsi que ses 22 arrière-petits-enfants.

Elle laisse aussi ses sœurs et frères : Barbara (Norman), Linda (Richard), Elwyn (Joyce) et Leslie (feu Ethel). Elle fut prédécédée par son frère Douglas (feu Evelyn) et sa sœur Phyllis (Ernest). Elle était la belle-sœur de Dorothy (feu Newton), feu Muriel (feu Burton) et feu Marion (feu Lyman). Elle manquera également à de nombreuses nièces, neveux, cousins, parents et amis.

Un service funéraire aura lieu à une date ultérieure.

La famille tient à remercier tout le monde à Grace Village pour les merveilleux soins prodigués à notre mère.

En guise d'hommage commémoratif, des dons à la Beulah United Church et / ou à la Fondation Grace Village seraient appréciés par la famille.

19 messages reçus

Cooper-Bliss Family

Our deepest sympathy to you all. Your Mom is fondly remembered by our Family, a part of our life for many years..

Mary, Joyce and Dick Waite, le 4 mars 2021

Gord & Wendy Fleming & family

We were so sorry to hear of the passing of your mother. When we lose our parents at such an age; our grief and a great void is heightened because we have had them with us for so long!! Our hearts and prayers go out to you!

Phyllis & Alfredo Berdusco, le 4 mars 2021

Gord Cooper (Wendy)

Our deepest sympathies at the loss of your Mother. A mother's love is special and I know you will miss her. May all the wonderful memories you have of her help you through the days ahead.

Robin and Chuck McDermott , le 4 mars 2021

Elaine et Janet

Mes sympathies à vous deux et à toute votre famille.

Ghislaine Viens, le 4 mars 2021

Laura Boisvert-March and family

Laura, we were so sorry to hear of the passing of your grandmother. Sending you and your family our deepest sympathies.

Kierann, Jon & Freddie, le 4 mars 2021

The Cooper Family

Megan and I send our deepest sympathy for your loss. Such a wonderful lady.

Sandra Hodge & Megan Harrison, le 4 mars 2021

Gord, Elaine & Janet and all of your children and grandchildren.

My deepest and most sincere sympathies. May God give you all the strength and comfort during this difficult time to find peace in your hearts knowing that your beloved Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother loved and cherished you all every single day and that she is now at peace herself. May God bless you all.

Marlene Mosher , le 4 mars 2021


Toutes mes sympathie Janet et la famille.

Louise Charland

Louise, le 4 mars 2021

The all of you xo

My deepest sympathies to all of you at this time xo

Pauline Roger, le 4 mars 2021

The Families.

Symphathy to all the members of the families,especially Linda and Barb and Leslie and Ernie.. Bob and Kathy

Kathy Alger, le 4 mars 2021

All the family of Lois.

We extend our deepest sympathy to each and everyone of her family members. Our thoughts are with you all during this very difficult time. We cherish the memories we have of the many fun times we spent with the Cooper family at their home in Burroughs Falls.

Larry and Lorrayne (Roger) Markwell, le 4 mars 2021

Elaine and family

Donnie and I are very sorry to hear that your Mum passed away. Know your memories will be a blessing.

Don and Barb Marsh, le 5 mars 2021

Cooper Family

***It was sad to read of the passing of your dear mom Lois. She was a wonderful lady who I remember well from her visits to Calgary over the years along with her husband Stan. I still miss those days. Rest in Peace Lois. Love & hugs to all her family & friends.

Ernie & Sheila Lockyer, le 5 mars 2021

The Cooper Family

My deepest sympathies to Elaine and the family may she RIP

Elisabeth Houle, le 5 mars 2021

The Family

We are so sorry for you loss. What a wonderful lady, she will be missed by many. Our prayers, thoughts and warm hugs we send to you all.
Heidi, Kent and family

Heidi Whipple, le 6 mars 2021

The families

I sympathise with everyone. The «  Mrs «  was such a wounderfull person

Gérard Marion, le 7 mars 2021

Barbara Wintle

Sorry to hear this, Barb and Norm. It's been quite a year, and you will stay in my prayers.

Sam Borsman , le 8 mars 2021

the Cooper family

I met Lois through WI. I recall attending Stanstead .County WI meetings at her home on the 143. I admired her leadership in our organization, she was a devoted member and a valued friend. My sincere sympathy to her family.

Janet McLellan

Janet McLellan, le 12 mars 2021

Barbara Wintle

I know your pain and grief at the passing of your sister and you are correct God will bring you thru the pain. Stay well

Joan Labrecque, le 18 mars 2021

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