Fraser, Malcolm - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Fraser, Malcolm

FRASER, Malcolm

1941 - 2020

Dans sa 79ème année, au Village Grace à Sherbrooke, Québec, Malcolm “Mac” Fraser, un fermier de Cookshire très respecté et aimé de tous, maitre de poste et leader communautaire, s’est éteint paisiblement pour jouir du repos éternel le 16 mars 2020 à la suite d’une longue maladie.

Né le 25 aout 1941 à Cookshire, Malcolm Jared Fraser (au surnom affectueux de “Moose” pour ses frères et sœurs) était le 4ème des 12 enfants de Donald Alexander Fraser et d’Alice Elizabeth Margaret Hood.

Il laisse dans le deuil son épouse Doreen Tryon, son fils Tim (Maria Muñoz), ses frères et sœurs: feue Marina (Richard Tracy), June (feu Gordon Patterson), John (Merle Dunn), Winston (feue Rebecca Humphrey), Marilyn (Phil Reed), Stevens (Rebecca Ulrich), Warren (Rose Bird), Karen (George Jackson), Diane (Richard Keet), David (Nadia Chebki et feue Bertha Benitez), et James (Carol Alette); son ex-épouse Janice Curtis; sa belle-sœur Linda (Georges Robitaille) en plus de plusieurs autres membres de la famille et d’innombrables amis.

Suite aux mesures restrictives dues à la COVID-19, les funérailles auront lieu à une date ultérieure.

Les dons pour Le Fonds Dr. Klinck de la Fondation de Soins Village Grace seront grandement appréciés.

Son épouse Doreen et la famille Fraser désirent reconnaitre et remercier sincèrement le personnel du Village Grace qui a prodigué des soins empreints de compassion à notre cher Mac.

43 messages reçus

David Fraser

Mes plus sincères condoléances David
Ainsi qu'à toute ta famille
Je suis de tout coeur avec toi

Gisèle Poulin, le 19 mars 2020


I am very sad to hear of Mac's passing. He will be well remembered, such a wonderful generous man. Please accept our most sincere sympathies. Marc Bolduc &. Shelley Jacklin

Shelley Jacklin, le 19 mars 2020

Doreen and family

It was a great honour to care for MAC, we will miss him dearly. Please accept sympathies from my family to yours. rest easy Mr Mac.

Corinne , le 19 mars 2020

David Fraser

Mes plus sincères condoléances Dave à toi et à toute la famille. J'ai une bonne pensé pour vous tous et pour Malcolm.

Claude et Nicole Gendron, le 19 mars 2020

The family

My sympathy for a Great Man

Gilles denis, le 19 mars 2020


Sorry to hear about your lose. It was a great pleasure to take care of Mac. I will miss him dearly.

Robin, le 19 mars 2020

Fraser family

Knew Mac from the fair in Cookshire , he was a very nice man.

John and Judy Gosselin, le 19 mars 2020

The family

Quel gentil homme il etais, sympathie a tout la famille,
Denis Dionne et famille
( derby demolition cookshire)

Denis Dionne, le 19 mars 2020


We are so sorry for your loss; sending love your way.
Manon and Daniel

Manon Corbeil, le 19 mars 2020

The Fraser family

Sending sympathy. We knew Malcolm for many years as well as his siblings and parents. Used to come to Brookbury to visit at our home when I was growing up. Many memories! Malcolm would drive his tractor from Cookshire to Brookbury.

Brenda Eryou and Austin Bailey, le 19 mars 2020

Doreen and family

My sincerest sympathies. Mac will be greatly missed. Good memories.

Elizabeth Hardcastle, le 19 mars 2020

All the Fraser Family

Our condolences to all the family at this time . May Malcolm have peace after this lengthy and painful illness. Ken and Glenda( Patterson ) Huff

Ken and Glenda Huff, le 19 mars 2020

Tim Fraser and family

Tim has been a long time member of our Christmas tree operations.
He is and always be a close person to our son Shawn.
Please accept our condolences to all the members of his extended family.
We knew Janice more than Malcom.
Still Mr. Fraser was a true devoted citizen to all the people in the Cookshire and Lennoxville
area by belonging to community organizations.
Lewis and Helen Downey

Lewis and Helen Downey, le 19 mars 2020

The Family

Our deepest sympathy, Mac will deeply be missed.

Lise Houle & Rainer Lowry, le 19 mars 2020

family of Mac Fraser

Our deepest sympathy to you all on the death of Mac.We have very special memories of him,especially as Post Master.We would send a letter with money in a separate envelope for the stamp,and get the change back,no such service like that now days.May you feel God,s comfort in this time of grief. Malcolm and Diane Burns

Malcolm and Diane Burns, le 19 mars 2020

Mac’s Family

My deepest sympathy to Mac’s entire family. Mac gave so much to his family, friends, and community and asked for nothing in return. You will be sadly missed by so many.

Leona Hodge, le 19 mars 2020

The family

Our deepest sympathies to the family, he will be greatly missed
Brandon Ward and Julie Descoteaux

Julie, le 19 mars 2020

La famille Fraser

Mes sincères condoléances à toute la famille

Lucie Dusseault et Yvon Talbot , le 19 mars 2020

All the Fraser family

To all of you.

I remember meeting all of you in Cookshire in 1966. It was a good summer. I remember him very well in the post office and haying for his dad. Warren and Frasier was there too. I remember him at the fair.

Frasier came to do my income tax. We were talking about him. I asked how he is doing. He is with the Lord now. He is laughing, talking and leaping with the Lord. I have four daughters. One daughter always says this when somebody dies. I have fond memoires. I am in tears now. My condolences to all of you.
Betty xxxxooo

Betty (Taylor) Voskamp , le 19 mars 2020

The Fraser Family

Malcolm was much loved by many. Always welcoming. My sympathies to all his family and friends.

Marlene Lowry, le 19 mars 2020

Doreen and Frazer family

My sincere sympathies Doreen and family.
May Mac’s soul rest in eternal peace. He has fought a good fight.

Roselidah , le 20 mars 2020

Winston Fraser

Our deepest condolences

Doug & Eileen McGrory

Doug McGrory, le 20 mars 2020

June, John, Winston and Marilyn

Our deepest sympathy for the loss of your brother, Malcolm. May you be comforted by the good memories left over the years. I remember walking back from school with David Mackay and Malcolm on Wednesdays' to David's home back in 1954-1957.

Yoland et Sandra Little Fortin, le 20 mars 2020

Doreen,Tim et famille Fraser

Mes plus sincères condoléances.
La famille Routhier garde de bons souvenirs de Malcolm.

Pauline Gosselin Routhier, le 20 mars 2020

Diane,Karen,and the Fraser family

Extremely sorry for the loss of your brother, Diane and Karen, and the Fraser Family. Many fond memories from school in Cookshire. Another fine fellow gone from our lives but not forgotten.

Michael and Valerie Locke, le 20 mars 2020


Sincères condoléances à toi et toute ta famille
nous sommes de tout coeur avec vous tous

Hélène Cassidy

jean-claude cassidy, le 20 mars 2020

Toute la famille

Mes plus sincères condoléances

Mélanie , le 20 mars 2020

The Fraser Family

Deepth sympathy to all the families

Donna Forgrave, Calgary, le 20 mars 2020

The Family

Mac helped out when our kids were in 4H. They loved him and I’m sure he touched the hearts of many others. Our condolences to your family and his community, he will be greatly missed.

Tammy Sylvester , le 20 mars 2020

David, Diane, June and Family

I was truly saddened reading in today's Tribune, the passing of your dear brother Malcolm. I have fond memories of his smile, compassion and interest in others.
My most profound sympathies go out to you and all his loved ones.

Michael Meade, le 21 mars 2020

The fraser family

Mac was a highly respected man and if he could help you he would. I missed him very much when he retired from the post office, he was the greatest post office worker ever!!!! A very great man thank you for everything you did your laughter and smile brightened every ones day. My deepest condolences to the whole family

april walker-bisson, le 21 mars 2020

Diane Keet

My deepest sympathies to you , Diane. He was a pleasure to care for..

Jessica keeble

Jessica Keeble, le 21 mars 2020


Thinking of you at this time.. It was a pleasure to take care of Mac

Jessica Keeble, le 21 mars 2020


My deepest sympathies.. It was an honor to take care off Mac

Jessica Keeble, le 21 mars 2020

Doreen and all the Fraser clan

Our hearts go out to you. It was such an honour to work with Mac on the fairboard for so many years. His devotion to the fair and so many other community organisations will never be matched. Surely, your devotion to him over the past difficult years was a comfort to him. May the Lord comfort and strengthen you at this difficult time and in the days to come.

Neil & Marlene Burns, le 21 mars 2020

Doreen and the Fraser family

Please accept my sincere condolences at this time. Mac is at rest now, freed from his suffering and pain. For those loved ones left behind to mourn, remember that "God is our refuge and strength ".
He is the one who comforts us. I am Doreen's cousin , Tim's aunt and Janice's sister.

Sue Douglas Peters, le 22 mars 2020

All the Fraser family

Please accept my sincere condolences on the loss of your brother, Mac. I remember him so well from my days of living in Birchton. He was a friend to all and always had a smile on his face. He will be missed.

Heather Turchyn, le 23 mars 2020

Doreen and all the Fraser family

Sending our deepest sympathy at this time. Mac was such a good community minded man and good neighbour.

Keith and Myrna Lowry, le 24 mars 2020


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